Thursday, October 31, 2019
How capital markets led to the new economy bubble and the banking Essay
How capital markets led to the new economy bubble and the banking crisis - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the occurrence of the global crisis in 2008 started with developed countries particularly in the United States of America, and its impact spread rapidly to other parts of the world. The crisis was contributed by the negligence of the financial institutions that issued insecure loans to the investors hence making the repayment hard during and after the recession. The decline in the prices of residential houses made it difficult for mortgagees to repay their debt. Consequently, the investors withdrew their wealth from the capital market to repay their loans with other investors lost trust and confidence with financial institutions resulting to the withdrawal of invested wealth from the capital market. Capital market refers to the financial market in which the long-term debt or equity-backed securities are traded. The role of the capital market is to collect resources of the savers and distribute them to the long-term investment opportuni ties, especially in government and companies’ investment saving schemes. This document gives the detail of how the capital market was responsible for the global crisis and its impact on the world economy. The contribution of the capital market to global financial crisis gives and understanding of the financial markets operates and how different financial institutions are interlinked across the globe. During the period between 2000 and 2007 investors generated a lot of wealth and had enough to save in the banks.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Different Societal Institutions Such as the Family, Government and Religion Essay Example for Free
Different Societal Institutions Such as the Family, Government and Religion Essay Different societal institutions such as the family, government and religion, have been seen to have an impact on marriage. The government plays a role in marriage and mate selection when divorce raises issues. Not only does the government play a role in marriage and mate selection, religion also raises conflict for married couples, such as where and how a couple may get married, and if the religion supports the legal issue of divorce. Lastly, family plays a important role in marriage and mate selection through the way their children are raised since people tend to marry people who share similar beliefs and values. The societal institution such as the government, have been seen to have an impact on marriage such as divorce and cohabitation when legal rights come into force. When a divorce happens between couples, the legal issues will give you rights to things such as child support-if you have children, property division and spousal support. Both parents are forced into supporting their family financially in the legal rights called child support. If you and the other parent do not live together, you must split the costs of caring for your child. In most cases, child support is paid until the child can be dependent until the age of 18. However, if the child choses to get married or leave home under the age of 18, they are no longer considered dependent. Now you must be wondering how much child support will cost an individual. The costs may vary depending on the province you are currently living in. This is called the Child Support Guidelines. Many factors are involved in deciding how much child support is paid such as gross income, and how many dependent children the parent with physical custody is supporting. Furthermore, when you apply for child support, the court is entitled to know information about both spouses’ finances. This is known as financial disclosure. Did you know that in Ontario you must be at least 18 years old to get married? Since that in Canada it is a law that you cannot marry another person if you are already married, also known as polygamy, divorce becomes a legal issue. The Divorce Act and the process of getting a divorce remains the same all over Canada. First, you or your spouse must apply for a divorce in court. When you are applying for a divorce, you must be able to demonstrate that the marriage has broken-down. The most common situations that the court sees is that you and your spouse have been separated for at least a year by living in separate housing, if you or your partner committed infidelity, or if the marriage is abusive that it is no longer safe to live with each other. Functionalist might say that divorce is dysfunctional in society since it goes against the norm in marriage where it states that two people are united until â€Å"death do you part†. The societal institution such as religion, have been seen to have an impact on marriage such as same sex marriages and the ceremonies people have when they get married. There are many types of marriages that you can have as we witnessed in the film, Get Him to the Greek, where the family wanted a religious ceremony performed by a religious organization listed in the Marriage Act. In contrast, some couples prefer a civil ceremony that is performed by a judge, justice of the peace, city clerk or someone else who is licenced to perform marriages. Divorce also brings religious barriers to remarriage. Some religions do not believe in divorce and say that you cannot get remarried in a religious ceremony. Furthermore, religion can have a barrier on same-sex marriage. Some religions consider same-sex marriages to be abnormal, so it can be tough for the family to accept that their son or daughter is gay or lesbian. Family acceptance is important to the individual’s self, and if the individual’s family does not accept a part of who they are, they might feel disowned and a loss of self-worth, which leads to conflict in the relationship. Family plays a role in marriage and mate selection through the way they raise their children for the reason that people tend to marry people who share similar beliefs and values. Martin Whytes study of dating and marriage mentions that marital success can be determined. He mentions in his study that the dating experience was not a predictor of success, enduring married couples had several characteristics in common, which are having similar values, enjoying similar leisure time activities, pooling their incomes, sharing in power and decision making in their relationship, having friends in common and having an active social life together. Whyte, 2001) Family has an impact on people’s beliefs and values, how they spend their leisure time, and their social life. System theorists agree that families have an impact on marriage and mate selection of their children because the system theory can help explain issues seen in an individual such as social issues by looking at how they were raised. Different societal institutions present may challenges for married couples. Many factors from divorce amongst all the legal issues associated with it, to religion beliefs, of when and how a couple gets married and the family acceptance of same-sex marriages. Last of all, factors of exactly how an individual is raised by their family plays a significant role in marriage and mate selection and Martin Whyte explains. All three of the different societal institutions play a significant role in determining the success of the couple’s relationship.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Factors that hinder development of sustainable tourism
Factors that hinder development of sustainable tourism 3.2 Analyze factors that may prevent/hinder sustainable tourism development. Factors that hinder or boom tourism, as there are different destinations so there are as many different types of travelers and as well different individual experiences. Travelling should be affordable however, cost is the primary factor that can affect the industry both local and international travelers. Cost do not limited to the ticket alone but the general price travelers will meet in the country of choice. Crime and violence within the society are significant barriers to the achievement of sustainable development, as it affects not only social well being but also economic development. Jamaicas high incidence of crime has resulted in loss of investments, in addition to direct effects on sectors such as tourism from which the country obtains most of its foreign exchange earnings. Although the overall number of crimes reported decreased marginally in 2001 compared with previous years, there were increases in major crimes in the island. Of growing concern has been the fact that most recent incidents of violence have been interpersonal in nature and this makes it harder to control. Another factor is safety. This is a primary concern of travelers of all types. Safety becomes particularly important when traveling abroad and to under develop countries. Widespread political unrest can cause even the most adventurous tourist to avoid visiting unstable countries. Outbreak of communicable diseases can also hinder tourism industries, especially because returning to home countries can be difficult during outbreaks. For instance, swine flu and H1N1 stopped many people from traveling abroad. Domestically, the crime rate of tourist areas, specifically traffic safety and incidents of petty theft, negatively affect the tourism industry. For theme parks, the safety record can also be a negative factor. Though every traveler arrives at their destination with an expectation of different types of amenities, the lack of certain amenities could deter even the most adventurous traveler. For instance, easily attained transportation is a major concern for both the budget and the luxury traveler. If public transportation is difficult to understand, unreliable or dangerous, budget tourists traveling abroad may be deterred from visiting your country. The same thing goes with private transportation for luxury travelers. Other amenities that affect tourism include clean water, affordable food and housing, easy visa processes and access to reliable medical care. The changes in global climatic conditions will result in increased temperatures, rainfall and sea level rise and more frequent hurricanes, droughts, and so forth. Weather plays an important role in the tourism industry. As most travelers to West Africa seek warm or mild temperatures with little rain while on vacation, areas that are prone to wet or cold weather do not thrive in the tourism economy. Climate change will impact not only on biodiversity and natural resources but on social development. The impact of sea level rise on the tourism industry could be profound if it results in increased beach erosion. The island’s two major international al airports are at sea level. Weather plays an important role in the tourism industry. As most travelers seek warm or mild temperatures with little rain while on vacation, areas that are prone to wet or cold weather do not thrive in the tourism economy. Rainy and cold seasons see decreased amounts of visitors throughout the Caribbean an d Central and South America. Similarly, incidences of extreme weather and national disasters prevent many travelers from visiting certain areas, as safety becomes a primary concern during these times. Jamaica is vulnerable to several natural hazards e.g. hurricane, tropical storms, flooding and landslides due to its geographical location. Flooding and landslides are the most recurring hazards. Priority actions must be geared toward disaster mitigation and rehabilitation, and reconstruction in light of the October to November 2001 flood damage in the parishes of Portland and St. Mary. The magnitude of the damage in these two parishes has highlighted the need for proper land use planning and zoning regulations and enforcement. These entire factors can prevent sustainable tourism in Jamaica as well as other countries. 3.3 Analyze different stages in planning for sustainability Bringing sustainability into action not only requires a solid communication and coordination framework, but it also requires the ability to balance dynamic tensions between environmental, economic and social dimensions (Gunn, 2002). The challenge lies in developing approaches that integrate and address these issues throughout public policy and planning processes (Gunn, 2002).With a wide variety of stakeholders, it will be ever more imperative for planners and decision-makers to balance these diverse challenges and needs and translate these elements into effective policy decisions. Population growth, increased automobile dependency, energy usage and supply, air quality, education access, affordable housing, water scarcity are just a short list of the numerous issues that need to be addressed through leadership and stewardship (Gunn, 2002). By developing sustainably-conscious planning processes we can begin to mitigate the impact of current issues and challenges and place ourselves in a better position to be proactive towards new challenges in the future. To truly embody sustainability practices and ensure thoughtful implementation there needs to be an understanding of what needs to be done at each stage of the planning process (Gunn, 2002). Due to the complexity of sustainability, different processes and applications will have different effects on other areas or stages within the process. It is important to understand not only what needs to be done at each stage, but also understand how these processes and applications affect and relate to knowledge accumulation, vision, action and evaluation. Generally, the planning process is comprised of the following stages: Stages in the planning of tourism process: 1.Define the goals and objectivesbasically, objectives for tourism should be a sub-set of the overall objectives (either implicit or document) for the nation, its economy, people and the social structure within an area. There are, however, no hard or set rules as to what the objectives should be (Gunn, 2002). In general, however, tourism objectives should deal with growth leading to increased standard of living, employment levels, and opportunities for intellectual growth, enhancement of the investment potential in an area or country. Cumulatively, tourism objective should describe the set of conditions under which a favorable decision should be made (Gunn, 2002).If the data indicate that reasonable objectives for tourism development can be met, this will generally lead to a decision to proceed with a conceptual planning study. As a first step towards preparation of conceptual plan for tourism development, a market study begins with a determination of the type of tourism business wh ich exists and can be expected. 2.Identify the tourism systemand carry out a survey- this stages deals with which clients you expect to have, what you need to do(Gunn, 2002).. Carry out the survey on social and cultural patterns such as the carrying capacity and settlement patterns, on the cultural and heritage attraction within the area, wildlife, vegetation, coastal and marinas and also carry out an environmental impact assessment (EIA) on the location to find out the negative and positive impact of the area (Gunn, 2002). 3.Evaluate alternatives of the analysis– in this stage the information collected from the survey is analyze (Gunn, 2002). 4.Select and implement–this is the stage where the information collected from the survey is analyze and the put policies and plan in place to help develop the process (Gunn, 2002). 5. Provide recommendations- recommendation should be made to improve progress 6.Monitor and evaluate Monitoring the progress periodically is very crucial to get the best results. Preparation of a plan document is not an end in itself (Gunn, 2002). The task of the planner does not end when a plan for three years, five years of seven years has been prepared. A system of constant revision and monitoring of the plan progress should be a part of the exercise of the planning (Gunn, 2002). Successful tourism planning and development means, serving both tourists and local residents, tourism should serve the community first and the tourist second, tourism development must be compatible with other activities in the area and be supported by the local population, the tourism plan should be closely coordinated with other local and regional planning efforts, if not an integral part of them (Gunn, 2002).
Friday, October 25, 2019
Essay --
Chinese Workers: Their Thoughts, Ideas, and Spirit Although many have doubts that Chinese workers work in conditions like prisons, they are still willing to work. Often these workers remain optimistic about their spirit; they never give up. Also, they never complain about their suffering in the factories. These depictions of the positive aspects of factories are never shown in the media. However, Leslie Chang discovers the true opinions of Chinese factory workers. In her speech, The Voices of China’s Workers, Leslie Chang describes the eagerness of the Chinese worker and their apathetic response towards their working conditions. Chang tells the real reason why the Chinese people leave their homes to work in the factories. Chang offers three reasons for leaving home and seeking a job far away. First, workers are eager to â€Å"learn new skills†(Chang). Most factory workers come from the poorest areas of China: these villages have no education, industry, or economy. They are just â€Å"farmers†(Chang), who cannot do any other jobs. As a result, nearly â€Å"153 million rural migrants†(Smith) work outside of their hometowns in China. Secondly, Chinese workers work in factories to â€Å"earn money†(Chang). Because many factory workers come from rural areas in China, they are faced with the challenges of reality. They have many concerns such as, â€Å"how much money I can save? How much will it take to buy an apartment or a car, to get married, or to put my child through school†(Chang). Compared to the urban areas, â€Å"salaries are far lower†(Perlin) in the rural regions. Therefore, they travel to big factory cities like Dongguan, China. Lastly, Chinese factory workers want â€Å"to see the world†(Chang). In the â€Å"impoverished provinces such as Henan, Hubei, and... ...earch. â€Å"When I first went to Dongguan, I worried that it would be depressing to spend so much time with workers. I also worried that nothing would ever happen to them, or that they would have nothing to say to me. Instead, I found young women who were smart and funny and brave and generous†(Chang). Chang creates and solves her own fallacy. Her speech proves that the Chinese workers value money and family more than the actual conditions or purpose of the job. The media shows the negative parts of Chinese factories, like the â€Å"suicide nets†(Perlin). However, the most important thing is to learn new skills and make new money, eventually returning to the village â€Å"for good†(â€Å"What Do China’s Workers Want?†). Chinese workers want the world to know they desire a successful life through their hard work; they are not afraid of the challenge and they will never give up.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Diffrenece Between Hypothesis and Theory Essay
Difference between scientific law, theory and hypothesis 551 words In the world were living in nowadays people, groups or even some nations each has a different way of thinking. That’s why opinions were created and people could have different prospectives and different ideas were developed all over the past centuries. That variation of ideas, prospective and ways of thinking had lead into the creation for methods for proving something as an idea an experiment a suggestion, and others. This essay would be discussing those ways and their differences. Firstly, the first thing that leads into an opinion or way of seeing something is setting up your hypothesis, hypothesis is an educated guess based upon observation for a certain matter. It is an explanation of a single event or something based on what is observed not deeply observed but just observed, and it also has not been proved yet. Most hypotheses can be supported or disproved by experiment or a deep observation. Some examples of hypothesis are, when an apple is put in the wind and sun it will rot, this is a simple example it’s based on what’s observed as when an apple is put in the sun it would rot but no further scientific explanation is given. After a hypothesis is set based on really weak and shallow observations it must be tested for that opinion or idea to be true it must be tested and observed scientifically and not only once it must be tried and observed a number of times, that what develops a theory and obeys scientific laws, a scientific law is a statement of fact that explains a certain matter or different action or habits. It is generally accepted to be true and universal and can be proved and tested widely and sometimes they could be written as mathematical equations. Scientific laws must be simple, true and universal. Going back to a theory it is noted as more like a scientific law than a hypothesis. It is an explanation and prove for your hypothesis and sets of related observations or events based upon proven hypotheses and verified multiple times. A theory could hold on a definition as it is the way people could know this certain idea or issue is true by repeated xperiments whom tern a hypothesis into a theory or it just keeps it a hypothesis untested. Some examples of scientific laws are some physics and maths rules as Newton’s laws of motion, law of gravity, the laws of thermodynamics and other physics laws whom are proved and tested that’s why they turn into a scientific law. Sometimes some laws can turn to theories as the law of gravity and gravitational forces, as it could go mor e general to be turned into a theory. The biggest difference between a law and a theory is that a theory is much more complex and dynamic. A law runs a single action, whereas a theory explains an entire group of related matters and phenomenas. That’s what differs an experimented hypothesis whether it turns into a theory or it is more specified so it turns to be a law, an example of a theory is automobiles Components of it can be changed or improved upon and more things invented in it, without changing the overall truth of the theory as a whole that it is an automobile.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Civil War: an Inevitable Conflict
The bloodiest time in history for America was during The American Civil War; a time when Americans fought against themselves for their own rights in which they believed they were entitled to. To many it would be considered shocking and absurd to say the Civil War was something that could have avoided – and they’re right. The Civil War was an unavoidable and ultimately inevitable conflict that was essential to the evolution of our nation. The differences between the North and the South, economically and politically, were majors players on why the two divided halves of the America could not prosper together at that time; that and the fact that they had previously tried to compromise also makes the Civil War the inevitable and undeniable conclusion of this melting-pot of problems brewing between the two sides. Excellent introduction There were many differences between the antebellum North and South regions of America, and many of these were economical. The most obvious of which is that the North was, for the most part, industrial; while the South on the other hand was economically dependent of the production of staple crops (primarily cotton). The production of cotton in the South with the advent of the cotton gin soared, causing an increase of labor required; this lead to a dependency on slave labor in the south. Slavery was something the North often looked down upon and also held little or no value to them. How could a nation survive with no conflict when there were two very distinct sides that held opposing economic ideals and beliefs? In terms of politics, there were polarizing differences between the North and the South with their ideals and philosophies. Political parties at the time right before the start of the Civil War often catered to either the North or the South specifically; for example there was the Republican Party which was first organized in 1854 in opposition to Stephen Douglas’s introduction of the Kansas-Nebraska Act into Congress. The Republican Party exclusively catered to the benefits of northerners. They favored internal improvement, building transportation routes between the north and the west while relying on the southerners to foot the bill (while receiving no benefit of their own). The election of the Republican candidate Abraham Lincoln was the last straw for the southerners politically. Why would they want to be part of a nation with a leader that would not fairly and accurately represent them? Excellent paragraph In spite of these differences, the North and the South tried to compromise with each other VIA a series of legislations. They tried to exhaust their other options before going to war, like diplomatically attempting to compromise; but it ultimately only succeeded in temporarily putting off the war, though not preventing it. For example they established the Kansas-Nebraska act which created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska in 1854. They included the idea of popular sovereignty into the proposal which established that settlers could vote on whether or not to allow slavery. They included this idea in hope that it would ease relations between the North and the South. Though in reality all it did was create conflict, opponents of the act denounced it as a concession to the slave power of the south. The heinous amount of American blood that was shed during the American Civil War was nothing but inevitable. The polarizing differences between the North and the South both politically and economically are what ultimately drove the two sections of the nation apart. The failure to compromise between these differences diplomatically is what led them to come to the undeniable conclusion that war was unavoidable.
The Second Shepherds Play essays
The Second Shepherds Play essays The Second Shepherds Play goes against many of the characteristics that Horace believes should be in a play. The play does not stay in the boundaries of genres by mixing comedy with seriousness. It is not consistent; it is not without surprises. Finally, the author did not completely believe in Dulce Et Utile or does he carefully weigh the judgment of his work. This play combines a little bit of comedy with extreme seriousness. The play begins with three shepherds guarding their sheep when a character named Mak joins them. Mak steals a sheep while the shepherds are sleeping and take it home to his wife. When the shepherds arrive at Mak's house to see if he has stolen the sheep they are fooled into believing that the sheep is a new born baby that Maks wife has just delivered. Even with a close up view of the sheep/baby, the shepherds believe it is just an ugly baby with a big snout. The punishment that the shepherds inflict on Mak when they finally realize the baby is a sheep is quite comical also. Stealing is a serious crime and it has been for quite some time. The shepherd simply place Mak inside a blanket and toss him up and down a few times. When the shepherds are finished inflicting their punishment on Mak they return to guard their sheep. At this point in the play the plot takes a complete turn from comedy to seriousness. Other than the three shepherds still being characters in the play, the whole plot changes. The three shepherds receive word that baby Jesus is born in Bethlehem. The play goes from one extreme to the other surprisingly fast; it is almost two separate plays. Dulce Et Utile is a Latin word that means to give pleasure and profit. When a writer has the gift of story telling they should share it by writing and publishing their stories or plays. Someone with a true gift of being able to write will give pleasure to those who read it. When a story or play is published and bought b ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
What is Human Rights Abuse essays
What is Human Rights Abuse essays Human Rights Abuses are occurrences where there are violations on an individual's right to act in a way to make moral decisions. Tis includes violations against an individual's political rights,worker rights, and freedom of religion,speech, press,peaceful assembly and association. It includes freedom from any cruel or inhumane treatment and not being discriminated against because of race,sex, disability,language or social status. Human rights abuse may occur in positions where there is a hostile government in power or in everyday life in a developed nation. But, it usually occurs in a poor or unstable country with a record of violence and inept leadership. At this time country's that have been known for human rights abuse in their countries are China, Cuba, Rwanda, and Bosnia-Herzegovina. They have violated their citizen's rights as individuals through senseless killngs, arbitrary detention, and detention. When human rights abuse occurs it may be unknown by the international community but, once alerted there is usually something done about the situation. There are two main groups that take care of human rights abuse. They are NATO and the United Nations(U.N), when these groups are notified that guman rights abuse is occurring they take action. Whether it is through sanctions, constructive engagement or humanitatian intervention. ...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Gender and Family Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Gender and Family - Research Paper Example Nevertheless, children from families with poor communication and structures have a high likelihood of turning deliquescent than their colleagues coming from well-structured families (Regoli, Hewitt & DeLisi, 2010). The attachment between parents and their children also plays a pivotal role in determining whether these children will tread the delinquent path or not. Children exposed to strenuous and hostile environments at a tender age are more likely to turn delinquent than those that are raised in favorable environments. It is the expectation of the society for parents and guardians to play their role of control to their children, failure to which, formal control measures can be instituted by state authorities such as the juvenile justice system. This research paper will try to dissect the issue of juvenile delinquency and discuss the impact of gender and family on street delinquency (Regoli, Hewitt & DeLisi, 2010). Gender differences between males and females not only affect the crime pattern but also the way the juvenile offenders are treated (Siegel & Welsh, 2010). Generally, harsh punishments are meted on male offenders than the female offenders of the same crime. This bias treatment by the juvenile justice system contributes to the gender gap in delinquency. Gender distinction between males and females also offers a partial explanation as to why males are more delinquent than females. The aggressive nature of boys and their capacity to forge associations and attachments are some of the factors contributing to the high rates of delinquency among the boys. In their associations, males are more susceptible to group pressures and peer influence, and this often leads them to engage in juvenile crimes (Siegel & Welsh, 2010). Gender differences in development and socialization may influence the delinquency pattern (Siegel & Welsh, 2010). Girls are socialized to control their emotions better than the boys. As the
Friday, October 18, 2019
Analysis of Consumers Behavior Is an Important Strategy in Marketing Research Paper
Analysis of Consumers Behavior Is an Important Strategy in Marketing - Research Paper Example Major marketing activities entail advertisement and supply of goods and delivering services to the people. Consumer behaviors such as thoughts, feelings, environment, attitude and self-concept were among the challenges encountered when purchased a laptop from the Samsung Company recently. I realized that factors such as attitude, reference group, self-concept and satisfaction play a crucial role in decision-making process. Employees working in the marketing department of a business unit are tasked with creating a good relationship with the customers and selling the brand of the company. For a firm or a company to function well in the competitive market then issues such as thoughts of consumers, consumer environmental influence and consumer motivation should be put into context (Chartrand, 2009). Companies have to invest in gathering knowledge about the behavior of the consumer. The behavior of the consumer is based on how they dispose of, use and purchase of the products. Consumer’s use of the product is of interest to the organization. Studies on consumers’ behavior are relevant to society. Purchase of high-fat food by most people will affect the health of the people in the area. Marketing does not necessarily deal with sales and advertisement as many people think. It involves all the activities in the company aimed and extending and creating long term relationship with the consumers who are the main point of focus (Dijksterhuis et al, 2012). Some of the small tasks such as responding to a client’s call, organizing forums that invite customers to witness the progress of the company and informing the consumer of the new products in the market are important in stabling along term relationship with the client.Â
Marketing Management Master Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Marketing Management Master - Assignment Example Secondly, the customers might not be as knowledgeable as the ones who were there for the larger boats. This means that the company has to educate the buyers on how to use their boats in addition to giving them appropriate maintenance and handling tips. All this would mean that the company has to handle the entire marketing setup in a different way compared what they were doing earlier. 1. Products that are made by the company are positioned as a niche product. This positioning has to be altered in order to ensure that the company does not lose out on their turnover. The company has to cultivate and build relationship with buyers of the smaller boats. 2. On analysing the pricing position of the product, it is clear that the company might have to sell larger numbers to reach the same turnover that they were doing earlier. This can be realised only if the company decides to sell these boats through a distributor network. 4. The company has to have a clear public communication program that would enable the company to reach the buyers and the targeted clients. This promotion is required in order to ensure that the product gains on the market. This overall strategy will be strengthened by the positive aspects that are already present with the company. These are typically, the brand of the company that would help it to realise the market much more easily. Secondly, there is also a technological supremacy that would help the company to market much better than the rest of the competition. However, it needs to look at the new set of customers differently and also approach them in a different method. In order to realise the overall objectives listed above the following three jobs need to be executed. 1. Appropriate stocking of the finished boats should be present for immediate selling. 2. Since the company has to sell larger numbers, they need to deal through a set of distributors. 3. Competition has to be studied well and continuously monitored to fix an appropriate pricing policy and customer satisfaction policies. These three objectives are discussed in detail below. Promotional Strategy The company has to ensure that the 'right' quantity of boats and yachts are maintained in stock. This will enable the company to dispatch or supply boats on demand and meet the customer requirements immediately. The stocks have to be planned in contrast to the original pull style production system that they had. They need to move over to the push style system that would expect the company to
Prestressed Concrete Beam Test Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Prestressed Concrete Beam Test - Lab Report Example All the beams were pretension concrete beams and they were cast through a precast beam that was manufactured on 6 September 2014. The tension stress was big enough but it seems to have reduced from the initial one and this could be due to elastic loss or friction. The flexural tensile strength was less than the tensile stress. Basing on the results the experimental loads were a bit lower than the theoretical loads, this could be due to experimental errors during the experiment that includes wrong measurement, inaccurate equipment etc. The stress is zero on the neutral axis and this is seen when t pass through the centroid. After adding compressive stress to the bending stress, the stress is decreased everywhere and the neutral axis tends to move away from the centroid, the movement will be towards the tensile edge. There is a possibility for the neutral axis to extend beyond the edge. The results will as well indicate the fatigue resistance in the given prestressed concrete beams as well as any advanced warnings related to the failure. Basically, it is recognized that warnings are indicated and provided by the increasing crack widening and deflection before the failure happens.Snapping of stressed tendons. One should never stand at the end of the beam. Protective screens and warnings signs need to be in position. The experiment objective was met despite a big difference in values between the practical and theoretical values. The properties of the concrete were obtained from the standard sample tests.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Video Observation and Reflection Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Video Observation and Reflection - Movie Review Example She explains that it is vital they work in that manner because the girls may not participate well when they partner with the boys. Completing the task required that the students partner so that they share and discuss how the connections worked. They also managed to walk around and ask the other students how they managed to work on their experiments successfully (Completing the Circuit: A Conversation About Teaching, 1999). Engagement Questionnaires were given to the students by Ms. Block to allow her know about the encounters of students with electricity. Posters about various uses of electricity and the applications were made by the students. Engagement can spring from two different conditions: experience and dialogue (Bilica, 2007). Experience has been used by Ms. Block through the classroom experiments she has administered. The students in the learning have been assigned the duty of carrying out experiments using the materials they have been given and making precise observations a bout the circuits. Through dialogue, the students purposefully discuss the unit content with their experiences in relation. They write down the class notes and the discussion details. The students thus become the creators and users of knowledge and not passively the recipients of it. Communication Ms. Block herself allowed the students to talk about their observations. This she does by first taking them through the step-by-step process of discussing with them the things she will look for during the learning session. She asks the students questions regarding what their thoughts about sharing and working in groups. It is a process of question asking and letting the students give out their thoughts on the topic (Bilica, 2007). Ms. Block explains that she will be interested in the way the students will be sharing the materials she will give out. Additionally, she will be interested in how the students themselves will share with others the observations and ideas as the experiments contin ues. While giving out the instructions on how the discussions and experiments should be carried out, Ms. Block was standing in front of the class. The students communicated with each other by: 1. Discussing with their individual partners about the connection details and the observations. 2. Moving from their individual groups to other tables to check, ask and help others on their experiments. 3. Giving out their observations to the whole class as they answered the questions asked by the instructor later on when they had finished different phases of the experiment. Direct instruction Ms. Block directly instructed the students about what she looked for during the lesson. She explained-before she gave out the materials for the experiment-that the students will work in groups. The atmosphere in the classroom The groups had different encounters and views during the experiments. This helped to bring out seriousness and involvement in the learning environment (Barton & Haydn, 2006). Studen ts could reveal their excitements when their connections were a success. Others, however, could be seen to be a bit nervous considering that they had difficulties completing their circuits. Ms. Block did her best by also engaging in the experiment process by checking on the groups that were not working out their connections properly. The classroom atmosphere was fun, and the students mood was jovial. We could finally say that the classroom
How did the Constitution impact the development of American freedom Essay
How did the Constitution impact the development of American freedom - Essay Example The foremost reason for the proposal of the amendment of the articles was to ensure a harmonious operation of the states1 under an active central government. It was mainly to achieve union of the states given that it was not operational in most other states. The proposal for amendment, however, was not feasible. Many states were uncomfortable with the articles and cited possibilities of failure to materialize and function in such states. Since achieving a consensus among the thirteen states was a great challenge, the necessity for a new document led to the drafting of the constitution. Drafted in 1787 and ratified in 1788, the constitution became operational in 1789. The constitution would create a powerful central government as required by proponents of its drafting. The drafted constitution would turn out to form an efficient government that endured successful operation of the confederation. Some of the thirteen states greatly supported the necessity to change the articles that wer e the foundations of the initial government. According to the provisions of the articles, there were thirteen elected delegates. That formed the national congress. The basis of most decisions was on the conformity of majority delegates in the national congress since the state had single representative and vote. Advocates of reforms of the articles cited reasons as loose confederacy of the different states. The articles granted limited authority to the central government, over the states. States were too powerful under the articles. The
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Prestressed Concrete Beam Test Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Prestressed Concrete Beam Test - Lab Report Example All the beams were pretension concrete beams and they were cast through a precast beam that was manufactured on 6 September 2014. The tension stress was big enough but it seems to have reduced from the initial one and this could be due to elastic loss or friction. The flexural tensile strength was less than the tensile stress. Basing on the results the experimental loads were a bit lower than the theoretical loads, this could be due to experimental errors during the experiment that includes wrong measurement, inaccurate equipment etc. The stress is zero on the neutral axis and this is seen when t pass through the centroid. After adding compressive stress to the bending stress, the stress is decreased everywhere and the neutral axis tends to move away from the centroid, the movement will be towards the tensile edge. There is a possibility for the neutral axis to extend beyond the edge. The results will as well indicate the fatigue resistance in the given prestressed concrete beams as well as any advanced warnings related to the failure. Basically, it is recognized that warnings are indicated and provided by the increasing crack widening and deflection before the failure happens.Snapping of stressed tendons. One should never stand at the end of the beam. Protective screens and warnings signs need to be in position. The experiment objective was met despite a big difference in values between the practical and theoretical values. The properties of the concrete were obtained from the standard sample tests.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
How did the Constitution impact the development of American freedom Essay
How did the Constitution impact the development of American freedom - Essay Example The foremost reason for the proposal of the amendment of the articles was to ensure a harmonious operation of the states1 under an active central government. It was mainly to achieve union of the states given that it was not operational in most other states. The proposal for amendment, however, was not feasible. Many states were uncomfortable with the articles and cited possibilities of failure to materialize and function in such states. Since achieving a consensus among the thirteen states was a great challenge, the necessity for a new document led to the drafting of the constitution. Drafted in 1787 and ratified in 1788, the constitution became operational in 1789. The constitution would create a powerful central government as required by proponents of its drafting. The drafted constitution would turn out to form an efficient government that endured successful operation of the confederation. Some of the thirteen states greatly supported the necessity to change the articles that wer e the foundations of the initial government. According to the provisions of the articles, there were thirteen elected delegates. That formed the national congress. The basis of most decisions was on the conformity of majority delegates in the national congress since the state had single representative and vote. Advocates of reforms of the articles cited reasons as loose confederacy of the different states. The articles granted limited authority to the central government, over the states. States were too powerful under the articles. The
Nazis and Woodchucks Essay Example for Free
Nazis and Woodchucks Essay Nazi racial ideology has baffled the cultured mind since the atrocities were first made known to the world with the end of WWII. Though the inconceivable horror Jews and other nationalities endured under Nazi reign is common knowledge in our culture and is found in almost any modern history textbook, the mindset that made such atrocities acceptable to Nazis under Hitler’s regime remains a mystery to many. Maxine Kumin admirably conveys the thought process behind this oppressive outlook through the seemingly simplistic poem â€Å"Woodchucks†. The purpose of the poem is to align the readers with the narrator’s apparently reasonable yet somewhat sociopathic view of the woodchucks as an inferior life form while building an allegory to the Nazi’s justification for mass extermination that will shock the audience when made explicit by the poem’s end. In the first stanza, Maxine introduces the narrator’s problem with the woodchucks and how she justifies attempting to gas them. The narrator states how killing the woodchucks with gas â€Å"didn’t turn out right†(1). This phrase emphasizes how the narrator views killing the woodchucks as a mundane and emotionless task, the same way a batch of cookies or pot of coffee may not â€Å"turn out right†. Gassing has connotations of a slow agonizing death, but the poem continues: â€Å"the knockout bomb from the Feed and Grain Exchange / was featured as merciful, quick at the bone†(2-3). This contrast in connotation and given definition is meant to show how the narrator is striving to justify their deaths. The second stanza begins to make the narrator’s view of the woodchucks as lesser clearer to the audience. Maxine uses alliteration to draw attention to the words cyanide, cigarettes and state-store Scotch when the narrator states the woodchucks are â€Å"No worse / for the cyanide than we for our cigarettes†(7-8). In this comparison, the narrator gives the impression that she considers gassing the woodchucks a favor to them, like giving them scotch or cigarettes. While it is not explicit in the poem by the second stanza, this metaphor hints at the narrator’s unbalanced views of life regarding the woodchucks. Maxine also introduces war imagery in this stanza. The narrator describes how the woodchucks â€Å"took over†the vegetables by â€Å"nipping†and â€Å"beheading†(11-12). These verbs not only personify the vegetables as victims, but turn woodchucks into a force of evil in a war-like manner in the narrator’s mind. It is important to note that the narrator never addresses the woodchucks’ need to eat and survive and only views it as an unjustified invasion. This mindset closely aligns with the anti-Semitism that led to the Holocaust. The narrator treats the woodchucks with no right to the garden the same way that â€Å"Jews still carried the burden of proof that they simply had the right to be there†(Hartmann 636). By the third stanza, the Maxine solidifies the narrator’s hatred and blood thirst towards the woodchucks, using a Nazi related scapegoat excuse to rationalize killing them. â€Å"The food from our mouths†(13) starts the stanza; a sentence fragment most likely muttered bitterly by the narrator that fortifies the idea that woodchucks are not simply invading and eating food, but stealing food from the narrator. To the narrator, the woodchucks become the scapegoat for the garden’s ruin the same way the Jews were used to â€Å"blame for the economic collapse of Germany†(Foster 13). However, Maxine also undertones the narrator’s scapegoat claim as unsubstantial and exaggerated. In a vegetable patch containing numerous vegetable types, a small family of woodchucks is unlikely to be as deadly of a threat as the narrator makes it out to be. Similarly, â€Å"The Nazi claim that Germany was being ‘Judaized’ can hardly be substantiated†as Germany’s Jewish inhabitants in 1933 made up a mere â€Å".80 percent of the total population†(Foster 15). The third stanza also starts to unearth the poem’s greater implications towards Nazi ideology with the line â€Å"puffed with Darwinian pieties for killing†(16). The â€Å"Darwinian†aspect is an outstanding piece of the third stanza because it applies a fairly exclusive human social concept to the killing of woodchucks. This is directly related to the Nazi’s ideology which had â€Å"evolved over the previous 80 years from the related notions of eugenics and Social Darwinism†(Erdos 6), but Maxine has not made this relation entirely explicit yet. With the last two stanzas, the narrator degrades the death of the woodchucks. Rather than describe it in detail, the woodchucks â€Å"died down†(18). The evasive language hides any aspects of horror in the killing and gives the deaths a cartoonish aspect when the mother â€Å"dropped†and â€Å"flip-flopped†(19-20). The narrator even portrays their deaths in an eerie sing-song tone when â€Å"O one-two-three / the murderer inside me rose up hard†(22-23). This is linked to the way Holocaust victims were killed systematically (one-two-three) and their bodies were piled up for disposal. The language describing death in the poem and the way killing was carried out in Nazi concentration camps are connected in the way both were dehumanized. The fourth stanza also has a tone shift when the narrator explains â€Å"the murderer inside me rose up hard. / the hawkeye killer came on stage forthwith†(23-24). This part of the poem shifts the tone from the woodchucks as aggressors to the narrator becoming the aggressor. The indirect yet clear tone change indicates that the poem is now less related to the Nazi’s perspective, but the modern view of Nazis as the invaders. The last stanza in this poem brings an ultimate shock to the audience by directly referencing the Nazis in the ending line: â€Å"If only they’d all consented to die unseen / gassed underground the quiet Nazi way†(29-30). Any slight relations to Nazi ideology throughout the poem are now highlighted by this last line. At this point the readers have been carried through an unsteadily reasonable rant by the narrator of the woodchucks as a lesser life form, and then slammed into the allusion to the Nazi’s killings. The entire poem, even the spread-out rhyme scheme, threads into this central idea accented in the last line. Maxine, through the language and design of the poem â€Å"Woodchucks†, ultimately presented how frightening ideology similar to the Nazis is not as uncommon on a small scale as one may think. Works Cited Erdos, E. G. Regarding German Science and Racismroots of the Nazi Holocaust The FASEB Journal 22.6 (2008): 1623. Print. Foster, C. R. Historical Antecedents: Why the Holocaust? The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 450.1 (1980): 1-19. Print. Hartmann, Dieter D. Anti-Semitism and the Appeal of Nazism. Political Psychology 5.4 (1994): 635-42. Print.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Poetry Analysis Comparison
Poetry Analysis Comparison Compare and contrast the portrayal of strong emotions in the poems War Photographer, A Mother in a Refugee Camp, Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night and with referenced to: Dulce et Decorum Est , Stealing and The Soldier. The poems War Photographer by Carol Ann Duffy, A Mother in a Refugee camp by Chinua Achebe and Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night by Dylan Thomas although they may first seem to have a little in common. However, these three poems are literally very different, in both their historical and social context, yet they are all linked by the same theme Strong Emotion. Strong emotion is a major feeling which can be in any form and can take place at any time. Furthermore this can be a bond in which people help each other to go through suffering and hardships. This essay will mainly concentrate on how each poem conveys the strong personal emotions of the poet through literary devices. In addition to the poems from the anthology, three poems have also been chosen for comparison. These are: Dulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen, Stealing by Carol Ann Duffy and The Soldier by Rupert Brooke. In War Photographer, Carol Ann Duffy discusses the death caused by wars. She writes with strong emotions to convince the reader how horrific a war can be and can lead to endless misery. And through the poem she has use a metaphor he a priest preparing to intone a mass to compare the character as a priest showing how sorrowful the photographer is. Moreover he takes photos during wars which allows him to past on messages to other people about the victims like preaching. Furthermore, the comparison of the photographer and the priest also shows the job the photographer is doing is seem to be very sacred and he takes a high responsibility for this mission. In addition to the metaphor she has used an alliteration spools of suffering to show how much suffering has happened over time and these events can be as long as a spool. And by comparing the time with a spool it also helps set out each event chronologically. In addition the s sound from the alliteration also shows how much picture ther e are and the amount of suffering going on around the world. Moreover, using the technique listing Belfast. Beirut. Phenom Penh. the pauses from this phrase make the reader think about the past events and the list of victims who have died in the past during the war in these places. And this helps to make the reader to consider about the roll of honor for the people. And with the literature devices use from the poem we can understand how the poet has shown her sorrow towards the victims in the wars. In Dulce et Decorum Est, Wilfred Owen has described a gas attack during World War One with his strong emotions. He is strongly denying the concept of serving your country is glorious. The language used in the section about the gas attack represents both the pain of the victims from the gas attack and the effect on those who have seen the scene. Watch the white eyes writhing in his face By using the alliteration and put emphasis to the w sound it is able to reflect the suffering of the gas victims. This imagery is very powerful because we can imagine the change in the victims face and it also suggests that war is cruel and is a waste of young peoples life. Likewise, both poets from War Photographer and Dulce et Decorum Est were disturb by the scenes from wars however Wilfred Owen only wrote about the gas attack which most disturbed him and Carol Ann Duffy wrote the whole poem based on wars in general. Similarly, in Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night the poet Dylan Thomas has mentioned about death with strong emotions. However in this poem the relationship is between a son and a father. Dylan Thomas is trying to encourage his father to continue his life instead of showing the weaknesses of human race in War Photographer. And by doing so, a large variety of literacy techniques were used. The iambic pentameter was used throughout the poem which can give a regular beat and rhythm to the readers; this can then help to persuade his father to fight death since the iambic pentameter can give out a continuous sense to the reader. It is like a heart beat which encourages his father to live. In addition to that, assonance was also used. age, rare, day gives out hard sounds when read out which can enhance the effect of iambic pentameter, these punchy sounds also help giving out a stronger rhythm for the poem to increase the sense of persuasion and help amplify the message given to the fath er. Along with the assonance there was also repetition within the poem do not go gentle into that good night. This metaphor was used many times, where good night is compared to death because at the night time people go to sleep which makes a good comparison for passing away. This then help to tell his father not to give up easily and to fight with all his might. Again this is used to give out a stronger sense of persuasion for his father. Furthermore, from the personification old age should burn Dylan Thomas is trying to suggest old people should still have the spirit to fight for their life and shouldnt die so easily and with such apathy. This is very different to War Photographer because Dylan Thomas is showing his angry rejection towards death where else Carol Ann Duffy is depress from the victims of war. And from the techniques used in this poem we can understand the poets strong emotions towards the horrible death and the old age people losing will to live. In Stealing, Carol Ann Duffy also based this poem with the theme of strong emotion by using symbolization. The snowman, stands as a symbol for the loneliness of the characters situation. Because the character destroys the snowman booted him. Again. Again. it is also a symbol to indicate how violent the speaker is. These symbols are powerful because readers are shown the speakers loneliness, where he/she needs to steal a snowman as a mate to escape loneliness. Similarly, in do not go gentle into that good night the poet is affected by the strong emotions because his father is dying and because of the grief it has cause Dylan Thomas to drink more than usual. In comparison to the others, A mother in a refugee camp discusses more about love during a war. When the mother is trying to take care of her son in a refugee camp, every step they take is very important to them because one would die at anytime. And from the structure of poem, we could see that there is only one whole continuous stanza and only two long sentences which connotes there is no end to suffering during that time and death is unavoidable. In addition this long, complex, multi-clause sentence suggests the long, drawn-out suffering of someone dying from starvation. The alliteration behind blown-empty bellies shows the scene of a baby in a refugee camp. The vowel sounds e, i, o and the alliteration b sound suggest the emptiness of the childrens stomachs. How the baby is suffering from long term starvation causing his abdominal to raise up, which can then suggest the baby itself would suffer from death at any moment. There is also an irony, these bellies look full but in realit y they are empty. Additionally , the juxtaposition The air was heavy help connotes how bad the situation is within the refugee camp, with the lack of hygiene it will increase the death numbers of people this can then suggest people should value every single moment of their life because many people are currently dying within the camp. This juxtaposition is very powerful because the unpleasant sensory appeal towards the smell is very strong. The comparatives from the poem In their former life this was perhaps a little daily act of no consequences this mother, despite the imminent death of her son, is still lavishing love on him, by combing his hair. This again shows how deadly the situation is, where a close family member might die in any minute, therefore they need to treasure every time they have together in the refugee camp. Here the poet is describing the famine caused by war (Biafran War) in his native Nigeria. His detailed description illustrates his outrage at the suffering cause by war. And this strong emotion from the poet is effectively passed on to the readers by these literary devices. Similarly, in Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night Dylan Thomas has demonstrated his rage towards the old people who accepts death which shows both of the poets has the same strong emotions and is effectively passed on towards the readers. In The Soldier, Rupert Brooke writes about a soldier who loves his own country. And if he should die in a far away battlefield people should still recognize him as a British. Showing how much faith the soldier has towards his country. Washed by the rivers, blest by suns of home. This strong image creates a sense of peacefulness and a unity with nature. This shows England to be more superior to other places. And force readers to see the place in the same light as the poet. In contrast, in A mother in a refugee camp, people were forced to die, however in The Soldier there was an option for the person to choose, making the situation not as difficult. In conclusion, from the research conducted for the three poems, we can see that these poets have used a variety of structural and literary devices to highlight the power of strong emotions behind each poem. From War Photographer, Carol Ann Duffy has covey the misery cause by war in a very emotional way. As well as in Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night the theme was also strong emotions however the idea of the poem was different. Likewise in A Mother in a Refugee Camp strong emotions was also the main theme of the poem. Therefore, strong emotions were the main theme of all three poems and it has provokes a deep emotional response from the readers.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Womens Rights Essay -- essays research papers
If you ask a young girl what she wants to be when she grows up, she may tell you she wants to be a doctor, lawyer, or even a teacher. That is what any child would percieve their future to become, just like their parents. But what that little girl is unaware of, is that if she had lived a little over 150 years ago, her future dreams would be quite different. Women living a life of religious freedom, having a voice in government, and attending schools is normal in our everyday lives as we reach the new millenium. However, women did not always have an equal say or chance in life. In our American History, women have demonstrated and worked for reform of women's rights. Through seven generations, it took many meetings, petition drives, lobbying, public speaking, and nonviolent resistance to make our world the way it is now. The Women's Rights Movement begins its task on July 13th, 1848, where a lady named Elizabeth Cady Stanton decided enough was enough, and she started the fight for her rights as well asall women's rights. Within the next week of her decision she held a convention in Seneca Falls called, "A convention to discuss the social, civil, and religious condition and rights of woman". Stanton created a list to present called "Declaration of Sentiments" which stated areas in life where women were treated unjustly. (*1) After the second day of the convention, every resolution on her declaration was passed except the one t...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Foreign Affairs :: essays research papers fc
     With the beginning of a seemingly endless war on terrorism, and a shaky United States economy, now hardly seems the time to examine our general policy towards all other nations, and developing nations in particular. The wreckage of the World Trade Center is still smoldering, and our troops are marching on Kabul as I write. Nationalism is at a height only previously experienced during the World Wars. Every other car you see on the highway has â€Å"Old Glory†proudly flying in their window or on their antenna, some right next to their Rebel Flag. On the surface it appears the United States has pulled together for one more righteous cause, and evil, or those that oppose the US as they are commonly called, will surely fall. We won’t stand for innocent attacks on civilians, and those damned Afghanis and Osama bin Laden had better hide. If you don’t believe this, not only are you un-American, but you must be a damn terrorist yourself. Quietly, howe ver, the argument is being made among scholars and free thinkers in the United States that perhaps we are not the innocent victims we portray ourselves to be in the September 11, 2001 destruction of the World Trade Center. Some forward thinking minds even predicted a tragedy somewhat like this, albeit not on such a large scale. Unenlightened people ask why something like this could or would occur. What would make such a poor and unstable country like Afghanistan decides to stand up to the almighty United States? The answer is not an easy one, and requires a large adjustment in what we expect in foreign relations, and how we see and treat the rest of the world as a whole. The United States is one of the last remaining super powers of the world, and we have the obligation to maintain and support good relations with the smaller and weaker nations throughout the world. We should take full advantage of this relationship in several different ways, all without exploiting the original peopl es or our own power. First the U.S. must focus on investing and trading with those nations who have yet to become economic powers. Second, we must implement a consistent foreign policy towards the Middle Eastern nations, and all third world nations in general. Third, the United States needs to respect the attempts and results of the democratization and religious revivals in the Middle East and Latin America, while taking a passive role in letting the a Western type of democracy take its course.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Ashitaba herb Essay
Ashltaba Is a large herb that grows primarily In the central region of Japan. Its root, leaf, and stem are used to make medicine. Ashitaba is used for â€Å"heartburn, stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, gout, constipation, and fever. It is also used for cancer, smallpox, fluid retention, blood clots, and food poisoning. Women use it to increase the now ot breast milk. The fresh leaves and dried powder are used as food. There is not enough information to know how ashitaba might work. Some chemicals in ashitaba seem to work as antioxidants. Other chemicals might block secretions of stomach acid. But most research has been done on animals or in test tubes, not people. *Disadvantages Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Not enough is known about the use of ashitaba during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use. The appropriate dose of ashitaba depends on several factors such as the user’s age, health, and several other conditions. At this time there is not enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range of doses for ashitaba. *Advantages One of the fundamental actions of Ashltaba Is that It is great at activating Blood. The application for this is apparent in the treatment in the menstrual problems. It removes stagnation in the uterus, which will help with many menstrual difficulties. It also increases blood flow. Ashitaba is a useful Lactagogue, that is, an agent which Induces the secretion of mother’s milk. There Is anecdotal evidence from Japan of a cow that was fed Ashitaba and had record milk production. By analogy, Ashitaba could be used with mastitis or low milk production after delivery.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Bullying In Schools Essay
A huge problem seems to be taking over our schools these days. Bullying has become a major issue in our schools and should be a problem taken very seriously. Parents need to take action in putting a stop to their children harming others. Teachers also should be aware of what is going on in their schools and take immediate action before something terrible occurs. Bullying is when someone intentionally brings harm to someone else. It comes in forms of physically harming another person or mentally harming them. Bullying is not based on one single incident but reoccurring incidents. It can be brought on by one single person or even a group of people targeting an individual . Bullying is usually an unfair fight where the person doing the bullying has an advantage over the one being bullied. Teaching our children empathy at an early age is a vital piece to their lives. â€Å"Without empathy; we would have no cohesive society, no trust and no reason not to murder, cheat, steal or lie. At best we would only act out of self-interest; at worst, we would be a collection of sociopaths†(Szalavitz). This advice is so true because the way we teach and treat our children will ultimately be the way they treat others as they get older. Spending quality time and giving lots of positive attention to our children will help them grow and develop positive social skills. It is very sad to sit and watch the news or read the paper and see that there are young people committing suicide over being bullied at school. These children should not see ending their life as a solution to any problem. Teachers and parents should be doing everything in their power to put a stop to bullying in schools. If a child is bringing that much harm to another child they should be expelled. Maybe then their parents will realize how serious the problem is and do something to help their child before it’s too late. School is a place to learn and develop as people in society. Children should not have to feel threatened but feel safe in school. Teachers, school staff, and parents definitely need to be aware of everything that goes on with these children in order to teach them the right ways to deal with problems. After all they are going to be harder to control the older they get.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Analysis of the asia pacific airline industry
Analysis of the asia pacific airline industry There are many industries that the world has come to heavily rely on as globalization has become more widespread. The idea of national and continental boundaries being a limitation has gradually been overtaken by the innovations of mankind over the past few decades. The inventor of the airplane; Orville Wright is quoted as saying in 1908; â€Å"No airship will ever fly from New York to Paris. That seems to me to be impossibleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the airship will always be a special messenger, never a load-carrier†(Smithsonian Education, 2010). What he could not have imagined was that a century later his invention would be at the centre of the globalisation movement taking place and that the airplanes would be the core of an industry which directly facilitates economic growth, world trade, international investment and tourism (Doganis, 2000). The International Air Transport Association (IATA) forecasts international air travel to grow by an average of 6.6% a year to the end of t he decade and over 5% a year from 2000 to 2010 (Stanford University; 2010). These rates correlate with the levels of profitability that have been noted over the past five years as illustrated in Figure-1, showing that the level of profitability in the industry has been steadily growing over the past 5 years. Figure-1: IATA, 2010 The Asia Pacific Airline Industry The most dynamic growth is centred on the Asia Pacific region, where fast-growing trade and investment are coupled with rising domestic prosperity. Home to more than 4 billion people and driven by two of the largest dynamic economies; India and China, the Asia-Pacific region carries more than 25% of global passenger traffic annually (IATA Annual Report, 2010). According to IATA CEO Giovanni Bisignani, as of April 2010 the Asia Pacific region was deemed to be the world’s largest aviation market (IATA Annual Report 2010). High rates of economic growth in the emerging markets within the Asia Pacific have led to the rapid expansion of aviation industries serving Asia and The Pacific (Sumner et al. 1995). The Asia Pacific airline industry witnessed a boom in the 1990’s that can only be termed as remarkable especially when compared to the performance of other airline markets such as the USA and Europe (Sumner et al. 1995). The dynamic nature of this region places it as an area of economic interest and analysis. This paper will give an economic analysis which will present arguments of how the airline industry functions and the plausible economic justifications for the massive growth that has been seen in the Asia Pacific airline industry. To present a concise analysis we will focus on three major commercial airlines in the region namely; Cathay Pacific, Singapore Airlines and All Nippon Airways as well as three market leaders in the Low Cost Carriers Sector (LCCs) namely; Cebu Pacific Air, Tiger Airways and Air Asia. 2. Asia Pacific Airline Industry: A Competitive Analysis Airline services categ orized as low cost carriers or LCC’s emerged in the airline industry in the South-East Asia region following deregulation in the early 2000’s and Air Asia pioneered low cost travelling (Arifin et al. 2010). Arifin et al. (2010) further highlight that as the number of LCC’s has grown; these airlines have begun to compete with one another in addition to the full service airlines. A competitive analysis of the Asia Pacific airline industry is therefore two-fold; firstly analysis on the basis of the competition between LCC’s themselves and secondly between LCC’s and full service airlines.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Health care issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Health care issues - Essay Example The Republicans, on one hand, advocate for tax incentives as a measure of expanding private insurance and preventing costs. They want every American family to be able to purchase insurance through such â€Å"marginal incentives†(Mooney). These differences have persisted since the administration of former Republican President George W. Bush. Federalism’s main role in the issue of health care is to provide unity amidst diversity. It is understandable that each federal government feels threatened by the health care reform law passed under Obama’s administration. The law’s provisions tend to intrude â€Å"deeply into the internal affairs of the states†and contradict the very essence of federalism (Moffit). In a federalist set-up, local government units (states) and the national government share governing powers. These states are also vested with constitutional sovereignty and can pass their own laws independent from each other and from Washington. Congress officers’ intrusion is no longer healthy to the federalism espoused by the US. They specify â€Å"how states are to arrange health insurance markets within their borders,†and determine the â€Å"products that will be sold to their citizens†(Moffit). The state of California responded to the health care law by not complyi ng with the federal legislation. As a result, the federal government is passing two bills, calling for its compliance (Haberkorn). The state has not joined 14 other states in blocking the health care law, but is merely enjoying its power to ignore legislation. Governor Schwarzenegger had other priorities in mind, like cutting the health care budget of California and expanding oil drilling in Sta. Barbara (Wood). The governor also said he opted out of compliance and support for the programs because congress was buying votes to pass the health care law (Falcone). The US Constitution prevents the President, acting through
Monday, October 7, 2019
U.S. Foreign Policy and Trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
U.S. Foreign Policy and Trade - Essay Example Overview A country’s trade policy unavoidably implements a country’s foreign policy. This is because, at minimum, international trade reflects state recognition. This fact alone circumscribes foreign trade policy under a country’s overall foreign policy. In international trade, goods and services are exchanged. Conventional economic theories on international trade say that international trade promotes development and development in turn promotes equity consistent with Kuznets’s inverted U hypothesis (Todaro and Smith, 212). The choice of trade partners always implies a choice what countries the U.S. wants to have accelerated development. At the same time, trade has its own dynamics. The World Trade Organization, for example, was established precisely to depoliticize trade and make trade subject to multilateral rules rather than beholden to the unilateral rules of powerful nations. Although U.S. foreign trade policy will always be an extension of her overal l foreign policy, international trade has its own dynamics and can influence or even subvert U.S. foreign policy. This means, for example that US influence can decrease as multilateral trade organizations assert their collective decisions even if the original intent of U.S. foreign policy is for the U.S. to increase its influence through the promotion of the policy. U.S. Foreign Policy and Trade with Latin America Latin America is the â€Å"largest supplier of foreign oil to the United States and a strong partner in the development of alternative fuels†(Barshefsky et al., xi). The country is also â€Å"the biggest supplier of illegal drugs†into the United States (Barshefsky et al., xi). Moreover, â€Å"Latin America is also the largest source of U.S. immigrants, both documented and not†(Barshefsky et al., xi). Thirty percent of U.S. oil imports come from Latin America compared to only 20 percent from the Middle East (Barshefsky et al., 6). Latinos constitute about 15% of the U.S. population (Barshefsky et al. 6). For the said reasons, Latin America is extremely important for the U.S. as well as a significant source of problems. It is important for America to influence Latin America but Barshefsky and colleagues emphasized that â€Å"the era of the United States as the dominant influence in Latin America is over†(xi). Latin American regard for U.S. â€Å"global and hemispheric leadership is at its lowest level†(Barshefsky et al., 7). This is shown by data: Latin Americans who favor U.S. political ideas were only 29 percent in 2007 compared to a high 45 percent several years ago in 2002 (Barshefsky et al., 7). The Monroe Doctrine provided the guiding principle for U.S. policy on Latin America for more than 150 years (Barshefsky et al., 5). The Monroe Doctrine asserts U.S. power in Latin America but U.S. policy for Latin America can no longer work under that assumption in view of changes in the political situation, particul arly with regard to U.S. dominance over the region (Barshefsky et al., 5). Barshefsky and colleagues pointed out that â€Å"if there was an era of U.S. hegemony in Latin America, it is over†(5). During the years in which the U.S. enjoyed hegemony in Latin America, particularly from 1996 to 2006, â€Å"total merchandise trade in Latin America grew by 139 percent, compared to 96 percent for Asia and 95 percent for the European Union (EU)†(Barshefsky et al., 6). During the 1980s, as the Cold War started to subside, U.S. policy in Latin America moved from â€Å"
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Theories of Teaching and Learning through Mentoring Essay
Theories of Teaching and Learning through Mentoring - Essay Example This can be within the context of education as a societal institution or more broadly as the process of human existential growth, i.e. how it is that our understanding of the world is continually transformed via physical, emotional, cognitive and transcendental experiences. Plato is the earliest important educational thinker. He saw education as the key to creating and sustaining his Republic. He advocated extreme methods: removing children from their mothers care and raising them as wards of the state, with great care being taken to differentiate children suitable to the various castes, the highest receiving the most education, so that they could act as guardians of the city and care for the less able. Education would be holistic, including facts, skills, physical discipline, and music and art, which he considered the highest form of endeavour. For Plato the individual was best served by being subordinated to a just society. Platos belief that talent was distributed non-genetically and thus must be found in children born to all classes moves us away from aristocracy, and Plato builds on this by insisting that those suitably gifted are to be trained by the state so that they may be qualified to assume the role of a ruling class. What this establishes i s essentially a system of selective public education premised on the assumption that an educated minority of the population are, by virtue of their education (and inborn educability), sufficient for healthy governance. Plato should be considered foundational for democratic philosophies of education both because later key thinkers treat him as such, and because, while Platos methods are autocratic and his motives meritocratic, he nonetheless prefigures much later democratic philosophy of education. This is different in degree rather than kind from most versions of, say, the American experiment with democratic education, which has usually assumed that only some students should be educated to the fullest, while
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Reflection on Therapeutic Interaction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Reflection on Therapeutic Interaction - Essay Example On this perspective, it is thus imperative for nurses to deliver the right practices to enable achievement of appropriate results. These positive outcomes benefit both the nurse and the patient (Kaptchuk 2008). Nursing therapeutic practice is a highly engaging exercise that demands exclusive attention from the nurse (Donaldson 2010). Nursing is also an emotional exercise that involves exchange of emotions and feeling to be able to draw sympathy and empathy since it is a comforting exercise. After the exercise, it is imperative that nurses develop a sense of reflection to enable theme develop improvements in consequent practices. In this regard, while reflecting on a recent therapeutic care I had on a sixty five year old patient, Marylyn Morrison, who had just undergone replacement surgery of the hipbone, I developed a reflective exercise made an evaluation of the steps involved in the care practice and their implications in nursing as a practice. The reflection would then enable futu re achievement of better outcomes (Smith 2011). Unconditional acceptance As a professional nurse, one is bound to give complete acceptance, not based on any condition such as race, sex or ideology, granted to the patient. In this reflection, it came to my realization that when such acceptance is given to the patient, the same is reciprocated from the patient and thus confidence develops in the patient (Lombard 2011). Such confidence leads to development of mutual trust and thus fosters a faster healing process. In this reflection, Marylyn was hesitant to open up at first but upon realization that the therapeutic care was unconditional, she developed faith and within the duration patient-oriented care was administered to this patient, effective psychological and physical healing processes were achieved at a fast pace; beyond expectations (Thompson 2010.). The learning experience attained from the therapeutic care delivered brought a wider scope of understanding of acceptance that nee ds to be given to a patient despite some conditions that might be considered slightly out of the ordinary. In her special case, the patient had very complicated social sense of acceptance and was resistant to nursing acceptance. However, relentless unconditional acceptance changed the situation at some point during the delivery exercise. Mitchell and Cormack (2008) argue that acceptance is not easily achieved even if given free of charge. Individual differences account for different reactions to situations. Introverts feel better off staying alone under normal conditions. Due to their solitude nature, they find it hard to accept new social circles in their lives. ON the same note, they also find it hard to open up during therapeutic delivery exercise (Maciocia 2010). While the patient continually showed signs of rejection towards the therapist during the early stages of care, persistent and convincing acceptance given to the patient helped change the situation. After three weeks of the nursing care exercise, the patient learned how to give appropriate response to the unconditional acceptance give during the care. She learned to voluntarily accept in return and thus eased the process of the care exercise. This was a great lesson since acceptance cannot be compelled on an individual. Therefore, unconditional acceptance may take time to be effective but with patience in situations such as the case above,
Friday, October 4, 2019
DiscussionAnalyzing Cost of Capital Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
DiscussionAnalyzing Cost of Capital - Essay Example In order to reduce this and attain an optimum capital structure the firm needs to determine the combinations of equity and debt that minimize the W.A.C.C. The effective use of that capital should also be considered, as there would be no need of accumulating large amounts of capital without necessary considerations of the projects that are supposed to be undertaken. The company should also consider the cost of raising the particular capital that it deems appropriate. This is measured by the marginal cost of capital. . To obtain finance a company will pay implicit costs which are commonly known as floatation costs (Rosemary, 2012). These include: Underwriting commission, Brokerage costs, cost of printing a prospectus, Commission costs, legal fees, audit costs, cost of printing share certificates, advertising costs etc. For debt there are legal fees, valuation costs (i.e. security, audit fees, Bankers commission etc.). The company needs to determine the combination of capital items that will minimize to a large extent the marginal cost of capital (M.C.C). The company also needs to consider leverage. This is the amount of debt used to finance a firm’s assets. A firm with significantly more debt than equity is considered to be more leveraged. A high degree of leverage increases the financial risk the company faces, as it may not be able to refinance such debt, leading to insolvency (Rosemary, 2012). An optimum capital structure needs has lower amounts of financial risk and sustainable levels of
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Lady Macbeth Analysis Essay Example for Free
Lady Macbeth Analysis Essay Lady Macbeth has a manipulative, vindictive nature. She is a very controlling character yet we see her troubled mind reveal itself as the play progresses although as a character, in my opinion, when her mind unravels and her actions of insanity later occurs in the play I do not feel an ounce of sympathy for the murderous malicious actions of Macbeths temptress that lead him to doom and destruction. Therefore Lady Macbeth is just like a serpent that poisons her prey. In the opening scenes of the play it is clear to see how acutely in love Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are. When Macbeth is told the prophecy by the witches he immediately writes a letter to Lady Macbeth telling her of this news. Macbeth addresses Lady Macbeth as my dearest partner of greatness act 1 scene 5; this shows the magnitude of his love for her. He thoroughly respects her and reports to her, deliver thee not failing to tell her any new information. The first time we meet Lady Macbeth it doesnt give the reader a great perspective. She immediately becomes captivated in Macbeths letter and the prophecy of him being King, and conjures up a plan to kill Duncan, it is later revealed they are mutual friends, as he addresses her as honored hostess act 1 scene 6. This cold hearted nature and deep desire for social status and thriving ambition makes her desert any feelings of guilt and remorse, (for the time being). She is confident and strong, she fears Macbeth is not evil enough to execute a friend to reach the final goal of high status we hear this in her soliloquy, too full o the milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way, act 1 scene 5 she prays for help metaphysical aid act 1 scene 5 to help Macbeth become ruthless. She fears he is without ambition act 1 scene 5 and so would not carry out the deed properly. Lady Macbeth even would do the murder herself as she prays to become manlier unsex me act 1 scenes 5-7, she prays that she will have no conscience and to be filled with poison. This shows the extent of her ambitious mind. It also reveals that although how evil she is, she still needs an extra push to give her confidence, this doesnt mean however that she is an innocent flower, she is still an evil serpent at the fact that she wishes to be even more evil and filled with malice. When she first meets Macbeth she begins to goad and persuade him to do the deed she administrates ideas of looking above suspicion. She tells him look like thinnocent flower, But be the serpent undert. act 1 scene 5, Shakespeare uses very expressive language here with contrasting imagery of a flower (which represents good) and a serpent (which represents evil). This could also be interpreted as a metaphor for Macbeths relationship with his wife in that when Lady Macbeth is plotting murderous schemes and manipulating her husband, Macbeth is presented in a good and vulnerable light. The same applies for when Macbeth decides to take the murders further later on in the book and the audience gains sympathy for his wife. Macbeth is left with little to say and is interrupted by his wife on several occasions in that scene, providing the audience with a clear insight into Shakespeares intentions for the hierarchy within the relationship. That hierarchy being where Macbeth is more or less controlled by what Lady Macbeth tells him to do, almost like a spell of her own. This provides strong evidence for those who believe that Lady Macbeth is like a serpent. Lady Macbeth shows more serpent techniques as she hides her malevolent plans while greeting her guest, the King, at her household. She is skilled with her welcome of politeness towards Duncan as she has already planned that Duncan will die, fatal battlements, act 1 scene 5 yet she can mask her wickedness and still seem courteous towards Duncan. Progressing through the book from the start Lady Macbeth now symbolizes the character of wickedness to her full extent, like a snake that targets its prey and is not satisfied until the aim is achieved. In Act 1 scene 7 we see how Lady Macbeth belittles her husband in an attempt for him to agree whole heartedly to kill the king of Scotland. She tries to make him feel weak and cowardly. She uses foul phrases with appalling imagery such as telling Macbeth that while she was breast feeding her baby she would: while it was smiling in my face, have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums and dashed the brains out, had I so sworn you had done to this. She tries to come over as very menacing and heartless at this point in the play, making a point of the fact that if she had promised to kill her own child she would do so. The role of women at the time when Shakespeare wrote this play was that women were mothers and supported their husbands, there main objective would be to look after the home. A Shakespearian audience would be appalled that Lady Macbeth is neither and that she even threatens a life of a child. This shows how Lady Macbeth would have done almost anything to persuade Macbeth however, after the murder of Duncan, she contradicts herself rather strongly as she comments on not being able to kill her father. In Act 2 scene 2 Lady Macbeth shows strength. Macbeth returns from killing the king to discuss the event with his wife. Shakespeare uses this as an opportunity for the audience to feel sympathy as we see his grief and guilt. We also get to see a very new side to Lady Macbeth, she admits that if he had not looked like her own father she would have done the deed herself, showing that underneath her hard exterior, there are elements of compassion and guilt that though she expresses little, she still feels them just like any other human being. The audience then can see her snap out of her sensitive phase and channel her emotions into reassuring and controlling her husband. She tells him to dismiss his hallucinations about the dagger and to return them to frame the guards who were guarding Duncans room. These deeds must not be thought, after these ways; so, it will make us mad. The audience could consider this as foreshadowing of what occurs as the play progresses as both Lady Macbeth and her husband experience mental disturbances because of the horrific crimes they committed. Hands are used as a metaphor throughout this scene and as an extended metaphor throughout the play. Macbeth refers to his as hangmans hands and uses phrases such as ravelled sleeve of care, whereas Lady Macbeth is far more literal and tells him to wash this filthy witness from your hand. This could be interpreted as the hands representing guilt and so each character handles the guilt in different ways; Macbeth is very open about his guilt and remorse by using dramatic devices such as personification and metaphors, for example: Glamis hath murdered sleep, and therefore Cawdor shall sleep no more: Macbeth shall sleep no more. Lady Macbeth, however, deals with her culpability in a different way in that she pretends to feel nothing towards the situation but it obviously haunts her as we see in her final scene in Act 5 scene 1 where she sleep walks and hallucinates. Shakespeare illustrates this well when Lady Macbeth mocks Macbeth for being so gentle: My hands are of your colour, but I shame, to wear a heart so white. She also says rather flippantly, A little water clears us of this deed. How easy is it then! Your constancy hath left you unattended. Shakespeares intention for this scene, I think, was to show us that there is a sensitive, guilty side underneath her shell of ambition and malevolence. Conversely the depth of evil she has shown so far throughout the play cannot make her an innocent flower but an evil and manipulative serpent. When Macduff discovers Duncans murder with great astonishment, he alerts the whole castle including Banquo, Malcolm and Donaldbain of the kings death and so Lady Macbeth enters. She acts very much like thinnocent flower by pretending to be oblivious to what had happened in the previous scene, Whats the business that such a hideous trumpet calls to parley, the sleepers of the house? Then with immense dramatic irony, Macduff replies calling her gentle lady and commenting on the fact that the talk of murderous deeds is too tender for a womans ears. The audience would find this somewhat amusing as they know that Lady Macbeth is responsible for persuading Macbeth to commit the murder of Duncan and so would not in any way find the subject too sensitive or painful. Lady Macbeth is very much out of control in this scene, she is surprised to find out that Macbeth killed the two attendants which werent in her plan and she begins to falter. In the Macbeths relationship this is somewhat very different from the beginning, Macbeth did not consult Lady Macbeth of killing the attendants and this shows their relationship distancing. Lady Macbeth shows her fragility by fainting, although it is unknown to the audience if she genuinely fainted or if it is an act. Lady Macbeth experiences a loss of power and control in Act 3 scene 2, where Macbeth arranges his next murder without her involvement. Shakespeare has her character showing compassion to her husbands sorriest fancies when he complains of insecurity about his dangerous thoughts and deeds. She tries to make him forget what has happened by instructing him: Using those thoughts which should indeed have died, with them think on? Things without all remedy should be without regard; whats done is done. But Lady Macbeth has lost some of her control, her serpent like naturisms have become wilted but like a serpent, it always remains. Lady Macbeth presents herself as the gracious hostess once more as she invites the lords to dinner in Act 3 scene 4. At the beginning of the scene the audience is presented with the news of Banquos slaughter. Lady Macbeth suspects this but is not directly informed as her husband has somewhat distanced himself from her, implying that he does not need her influences for villainous thoughts any more, he can do it all by himself now. This scene manages to arouse some sympathy for Lady Macbeth as we see her power lessening downfall. This could be what ultimately leads to her suspected suicide. The audience gets to understand that Shakespeare did not want to present Lady Macbeth as a character who takes pleasure in the sight of bloodshed and gore, but one who craves power and enforces her ambitions upon those she can manipulate. We also see a role reversal here for the second time in the play. She already has upset the natural order of marital hierarchy from the beginning of the play where she presents herself in the dominant role which was extremely uncommon for that period. Then as the play progresses she becomes part of a downward spiral where she loses power and the status within the marriage as she becomes the more recessive figure next to her now dominant husband. Which in essence, could her suicide later on in the play be reflected upon the idea that Lady Macbeth needs to be the dominate figure? I think that she becomes so broken by her husbands horrific actions that even she wouldnt commit and she cant take anymore of the division between the once close couple this could be seen as an innocent flower but considering everything that has happened throughout the play, she can certainly not be called innocent. The ghost of Banquo makes an appearance at the dinner table in this scene but of course only Macbeth can see (another one of his deluded hallucinations like the dagger). He becomes extremely unsettled by this and begins to shout at the ghost with a fiery passion that stuns the rest of his guests. Thou canst not say I did it; never shake thy gory locks at me! Ross initiates the lords standing up and leaving their new king in peace to rest and collect himself but Lady Macbeth being thinnocent flower that she pretends to be assures the lords that he is fine and is just unwell. The audience feels some sort of consideration for her as we can see her husbands mental health deteriorates and her power disintegrate. She snaps at Macbeth Are you a man? as she quite obviously feels utterly embarrassed by his reactions to the ghost. She tries to use this as an opportunity to regain her status above Macbeth which is understandable as she feels defeated but is selfish considering her husbands stat e, she shows serpent qualities, the need to be in control of her prey. In the most dramatic scene in Lady Macbeths presence on stage, the audience is given the opportunity to see the real Lady Macbeth as her subconscious takes over her physical state. Having no further matters to occupy her mind as Macbeth no longer tells her his plans, she begins to dwell on the past, slipping further and further from reality until she eventually completely loses her hold on sanity and takes her own life. At the beginning of her last scene, Act 5 scene 1, the doctor and gentlewoman are analyzing her recent behavior, She has light by her continually, tis her command. As light is a common metaphor for purity this insinuates that she doesnt want to be considered evil and wants to redeem herself but cant because she is too involved to dig herself out now and so her subconscious speaks the words she cannot. Out damned spot! Out, I say! One, two. Why then tis time to dot. Hell is murky. Fie, my lord, fie, a soldier, and afeard? What need we fear? Who knows it, when none can call our power to account? Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him? A Shakespearian audience would have recognized the spot as the devils mark and would have reacted with horror as they saw this scene being played; this shows that once again she can be called a serpent. Shakespeare has used very disjointed language with punctuation separating every short phrase. This translates to her being very edgy and emotionally unstable. She then reels off a list of other people for which she feels responsible for their deaths as well as her husband. She refers back to the common theme of hands which has occurred throughout the play. What, will these hands neer be clean? All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. O, O, O. She still refers to her hands as being little and the need for them to be sweetened and so this indicates the want for her to be filled with good and that she is feeling genuine guilt and mental anguish. This anguish finally leads to her suicide by unspecified means. Shakespeare probably chose not to present the death of Lady Macbeth on stage to add to the impact of her exit and last scene and also to be slightly ambiguous. I think a dying scene would have been effective for Lady Macbeths last scene; she could perhaps have given a soliloquy explaining how she truly was feeling. To let her portray her malice side and let the audience be satisfied to call her an evil serpent. The significance of Lady Macbeth being an evil woman becoming tortured with guilt and grief is off great importance to a Shakespearian audience, in that time they believed in witchcraft and in my opinion Lady Macbeth could be portrayed as how people who are evil and malicious never get away with the deed. I think a Shakespearian audience would think witchcraft would have been involved in Lady Macbeths downfall and this would be very real and true for them. She was certainly a bold character for going against the Chain of Being in which God was considered to be ultimately at the top with monarchs under that and other members of society such as lords and townsfolk following after, but at the bottom were women and so she was courageous to consider herself to be above even monarchy! Though wrong, especially considering what was said if the chain of being was to be disrupted, that chaos would arise, disrupting the natural order of life on earth and in the heavens which is seen as inexcusable a definite serpent quality. To conclude, it is evident that Shakespeare had Lady Macbeths emotional state disintegrate as the play proceeded to in effect show the downfall of a control freak. In the first two acts we have little sympathy for Lady Macbeth as Shakespeare only provides the audience with her vindictive exterior, at this time we cannot see what she is truly thinking and feeling. It is only as the play progresses that we understand why she turns out to be the way that she is, that she has a very ambitious character and so enforces that upon her husband. She feels that Macbeth becoming king will benefit them both and sees killing the existing king as the fastest way to get to the throne. She then becomes gradually defeated as Macbeths ambition and obsession with becoming king begins to soar and spiral. She is then over-ridden with guilt and eventually feels that she cannot bear the guilt that torments her troubled mind and so decides to end it all. Had her ambition not overridden her sense of morality, she could have been a respectable, intelligent woman who complemented her husbands abilities to form a perfect partnership. However, she ended up becoming a tortured, immoral, dejected soul, and disliked by many people becoming a serpent.
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