Monday, August 24, 2020
Jesus Camp Free Essays
â€Å"Jesus Camp†A developing number of Evangelical Christians accept there is a recovery in progress in America that requires Christian youth to expect positions of authority in upholding the reasons for their strict development. â€Å"Jesus Camp†follows three self-taught Missouri kidsâ€12-year-old mullet-haired Levi, who was spared at 5; 10-year-old soldier’s little girl Tory, who adores moving to Christian substantial metal; and 9-year-old Rachael, who energetically moves toward aliens to discuss Christâ€to Pastor Becky Fischer’s â€Å"Kids on Fire†day camp in Devil’s Lake, North Dakota. At this camp, kids as youthful as six years of age are instructed to become devoted Christian fighters in â€Å"God’s armed force. We will compose a custom article test on Jesus Camp or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now †The film follows these youngsters at camp as they sharpen their â€Å"prophetic gifts†and are instructed how to â€Å"take back America for Christ. †Wielding everything from PowerPoint to rich toys to outline the wages of wrongdoing, the enthusiastic Fischer has an away from perspective on youngsters as flexible material, ready for the teaching. At the point when they are not talking in tongues, promising devotion to the Christian banner, or gift a cardboard pattern of George W. Shrub, the children come together for to hear Fischer and others importune them to â€Å"join the war,†â€Å"fix the wiped out world,†and battle premature birth. The film investigates an extreme preparing ground that enlisted people conceived again Christian youngsters to turn into a functioning piece of America’s political future. The fundamentalist restoration is an idea that can be related with â€Å"Jesus Camp. †While huge numbers of the huge, mainline places of worship have lost individuals, different chapels, (for example, the Evangelical Christian holy places) have picked up individuals. In spite of mainline Protestants, Evangelical Christians underscore a strict translation of the Bible. They additionally stress passionate illustration as opposed to tranquil, internal dedication at community gatherings (Thio, 2007, pp. 354). For example, the children who went to â€Å"Kids on Fire†day camp talked in tongues, promised devotion to the Christian banner, and favored a cardboard pattern of George W. Shrub rather than discreetly asking during chapel gatherings. Book reference Thio, Alex. 2007. Society Myths and Realities; An Introduction to Sociology. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. The most effective method to refer to Jesus Camp, Papers
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Immortals of Greek mythology Essay Example for Free
Immortals of Greek folklore Essay The Greeks made pictures of their divinities for some reasons. A sanctuary would house the sculpture of a divine being or goddess, or numerous gods, and may be brightened with alleviation scenes delineating legends. Divine pictures were normal on coins. Drinking cups and different vessels were painted with scenes from Greek legends. Divine beings Goddesses Aphrodite ( , Aphrodite) Goddess of affection, magnificence, want, and delight. Albeit wedded to Hephaestus she had numerous darlings, most eminently Ares, Adonis, and Anchises. She was portrayed as a wonderful lady and of the considerable number of goddesses destined to seem naked or seminude. Artists acclaim the brilliance of her grin and her chuckling. Her images incorporate roses and different blossoms, the scallop shell, and myrtle wreath. Her holy creatures are pigeons and sparrows. Her Roman partner was Venus. Apollo ( , Apollon) God of light, music, expressions, information, mending, plague and dimness, prescience, verse, virtue, athletism, masculine excellence, and illumination. He is the child of Zeus and Leto, and the twin sibling of Artemis. As sibling and sister, they were related to the sun and moon; both utilize a bow and bolt. In the soonest legends, Apollo battles with his relative Hermes. In design, Apollo was delineated as an attractive, clean shaven youngster with long hair and a perfect physical make-up. As the epitome of compulsiveness, he could be merciless and damaging, and his relationships were seldom upbeat. His qualities incorporate the tree wreath and lyre. He frequently shows up in the organization of the Muses. Creatures holy to Apollo incorporate roe deer, swans, cicadas, birds of prey, ravens, crows, foxes, mice, and snakes. Ares ( , Ares) God of war, carnage, and brutality. The child of Zeus and Hera, he was portrayed as a clean shaven youth, either naked with a head protector and lance or blade, or as a furnished warrior. Homer depicts him as touchy and inconsistent, and he by and large speaks to the mayhem of war as opposed to Athena, a goddess of military system and aptitude. Ares hallowed creatures are the vulture, venomous snakes, mutts, and pigs. His Roman partner Mars by differentiate was viewed as the noble predecessor of the Roman individuals. Artemis ( , Artemis) Virgin goddess of the chase, wild, creatures, little youngsters, labor and plague. In later occasions she became related with the moon. She is the little girl of Zeus and Leto, and twin sister of Apollo. In craftsmanship she was frequently portrayed as a young lady wearing a short knee-length chiton and outfitted with a chasing bow and a bunch of bolts. Her properties incorporate chasing lances, creature pelts, deer and other wild creatures. Her sacrosanct creatures are deer, bears, and wild pigs. Diana was her Roman partner. Athena ( , Athena) Goddess of knowledge and ability, fighting, fight methodology, painstaking work, and intelligence. As indicated by most conventions, she was conceived from Zeuss head full grown and defensively covered. She was portrayed delegated with a peaked rudder, furnished with shield and a lance, and wearing the aegis over a long dress. Artists portray her as dim peered toward or having particularly splendid, sharp eyes. She was an uncommon benefactor of legends, for example, Odysseus. Her image is the olive tree. She is usually indicated joined by her holy creature, the owl. The Romans distinguished her with Minerva. Demeter ( , Demeter) Goddess of grain, farming and the gather, development and sustenance. Demeter is a little girl of Cronus and Rhea and sister of Zeus, by whom she bore Persephone. She was one of the primary divinities of the Eleusinian Mysteries, in which her control over the existence pattern of plants represented the entry of the human spirit through its life course and into eternity. She was portrayed as a develop lady, regularly delegated and holding sheafs of wheat and a light. Her images are the cornucopia, wheat-ears, the winged snake, and the lotus staff. Her sacrosanct creatures are pigs and snakes. Ceres was her Roman partner. Dionysus ( , Dionysos) God of wine, gatherings and celebrations, franticness, mayhem, tipsiness, medications, and joy. He was portrayed in workmanship as either a more established unshaven god or a really feminine, long-haired youth. His traits incorporate the thyrsus (a pinecone-tipped staff), drinking cup, grape vine, and a crown of ivy. He is frequently in the organization of his thiasos, a group of orderlies including satyrs, maenads, and his old mentor Silenus. The partner of Dionysus was Ariadne. Creatures hallowed to him incorporate dolphins, snakes, tigers, and jackasses. A later expansion to the Olympians, in certain records he supplanted Hestia. Bacchus was another name for him in Greek, and came into regular utilization among the Romans. Hades ( , Hades) or Pluto ( , Plouton) King of the black market and the dead, and divine force of the earths concealed riches, both horticultural produce and valuable metals. His associate is Persephone. His properties are the drinking horn or cornucopia, key, staff, and the three-headed canine Cerberus. The shriek owl was hallowed to him. He was one of three children of Cronus and Rhea, and in this way sovereign more than one of the three domains of the universe, the black market. As a chthonic god, nonetheless, his place among the Olympians is uncertain. In the puzzle religions and Athenian writing, Pluto (Plouton, the Rich) was his favored name, with Hades increasingly regular for the black market as a spot. The Romans deciphered Plouton as Dis Pater (the Rich Father) or Pluto. Hephaestus ( , H? phaistos) Disabled lord of fire, metalworking, and artworks. The child of Hera by parthenogenesis, he is the smith of the divine beings and the spouse of the double-crossing Aphrodite. He was typically portrayed as a whiskery man with mallet, tongs and anvilâ€the instruments of a smithâ€and once in a while riding a jackass. His consecrated creatures are the jackass, the watchman hound and the crane. Among his manifestations was the defensive layer of Achilles. Hephaestus utilized the fire of the produce as an inventive power, however his Roman partner Volcanus (Vulcan) was dreaded for his dangerous potential and related with the volcanic intensity of the earth. Hera ( , H? ra) Sovereign of the sky and goddess of marriage, ladies, labor, beneficiaries, rulers, and realms. She is the spouse of Zeus and girl of Cronus and Rhea. She was generally delineated as a grand lady in an incredible prime, wearing a diadem and cover and holding a lotus-tipped staff. In spite of the fact that she was the goddess of marriage, Zeuss numerous betrayals drive her to envy and wrath. Her holy creatures are the calf, the peacock, and the cuckoo. At Rome she was known as Juno. Hermes ( , Hermes) God of limits, travel, correspondence, exchange, robbery, guile, language, composing, strategy, sports, and creature cultivation. The child of Zeus and Maia, Hermes is the ambassador of the divine beings, and a psychopomp who drives the spirits of the dead into the great beyond. He was delineated either as an attractive and athletic clean shaven youth, or as a more seasoned hairy man. His properties incorporate the envoys wand or caduceus, winged shoes, and a voyagers top. His sacrosanct creatures are the tortoise, the smash, and the bird of prey. The Roman Mercury was all the more firmly related to exchange and business. Hestia ( , Hestia) Virgin goddess of the hearth, home and virtue. She is a little girl of Rhea and Cronus and sister of Zeus. Not frequently recognizable in Greek craftsmanship, she showed up as a humbly hidden lady. Her images are the hearth and pot. In certain records, she surrendered her seat as one of the Twelve Olympians for Dionysus, and she assumes little job in Greek fantasies. Her partner Vesta, be that as it may, was a significant divinity of the Roman state. Poseidon ( , Poseidon) God of the ocean, streams, floods, dry spells, tremors, and the maker of ponies; known as the Earth Shaker. He is a child of Cronus and Rhea and sibling to Zeus and Hades. He governs one of the three domains of the universe as ruler of the ocean and the waters. In old style work of art, he was delineated as a develop man of tough form with a frequently lush whiskers, and holding a trident. The pony and the dolphin are hallowed to him. His wedding with Amphitrite is frequently introduced as a triumphal parade. His Roman partner was Neptune. Zeus ( , Zeus) King of the divine beings, the leader of Mount Olympus and the lord of the sky, climate, thunder, lightning, law, request, and destiny. He is the most youthful child of Cronus and Rhea. He toppled Cronus and picked up the sway of paradise for himself. In craftsmanship, he was delineated as a superb, develop man with a tough figure and dull facial hair. His standard properties are the imperial staff and the lightning jolt, and his sacrosanct creatures are the hawk and the bull. His partner Jupiter, otherwise called Jove, was the incomparable divinity of the Romans. Early stage gods Ancient Greek name English name Description (Aith? r) Aether The divine force of the upper air and light. (Ananke) Ananke The goddess of certainty, impulse, and need. (Tumult) Chaos The nothingness from which all else sprang. (Chronos) Chronos The lord of time. Not to be mistaken for the Titan Cronus, the dad of Zeus. (Erebos) Erebos or Erebus. The divine force of dimness and shadow. (Eros) Eros The divine force of affection and fascination. (Gaia) Gaia or Gaea or Ge Personification of the Earth (Mother Earth); mother of the Titans. (Hemera) Hemera Goddess of light. (Hypnos) Hypnos God of Sleep. N (Ne? soi) The Nesoi The goddesses of the islands and ocean. (Nyx) Nyx or Night The goddess of night. (Ouranos) Uranus The lord of the sky (Father Sky); father of the Titans. (Ourea) The Ourea The divine forces of mountains. (Phanes) Phanes The divine force of reproduction in the Orphic custom. (Pontos) Pontus. The divine force of the ocean, father of the fish and other ocean animals. (Tartaros) Tartarus The lord of the most profound, darkest piece of the black market, the Tartarean pit (which is likewise alluded to as Tartarus itself). (Thalassa) Thalassa Spirit of the ocean and partner of Pontos. (Thanatos) Thanatos God of Death. Titans Greek name English name Description The Twelve Titans (Hyperion) Hyperion Titan of light. With Theia, he is the dad of Helios (the sun), Selen
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
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Thursday, May 21, 2020
Leadership Characteristics Of Nursing Leadership Essay
Nursing leadership plays an important role in the ability to improve the quality of care that is available to the patient, but in order to be able to reach this capacity of â€Å"change and innovation [it] requires a clinical leader mind-set that includes a strong personal awareness of one’s strengths and vulnerability, openness to other ideas, courage to challenge the status quo, and a highly developed comfort with rational risk taking†(Porter-O’Grady, 2013, p.71). The application of these leadership characteristics empowers the nurse to identify gaps in patient care, integrate evidence based research, and find alternate solutions to the problems identified in patient care (Committee, O. T. R. W. J., 2010). In addition, leadership itself can be described in various forms and through the highlight of different skill sets, but the one thing that all definitions have in common is that â€Å"leadership involves influencing the attitudes, beliefs, behaviours and feelings of other people†Spector’s work (as cited in Curtis, de Vries, Sheerin, 2011, p.306). When the skill set of a leader is compared to that of a manager, true differences are noted. Some of these key differences are apparent even in the approach utilized to reach the desired goals. While a manager directs, a leader transforms, a manager sustains and a leader improves, a manager controls, a leader motivates, a manager’s focus is on short-term goals and a leader’s is long-term based, managers ask how and when, whileShow MoreRelatedServant Leadership : Characteristics, Nursing Practice, And Personal Growth1090 Words  | 5 PagesServant Leadership: Characteristics, Application to Nursing Practice, a nd Personal Growth The servant is a novel that depicts the life of a man who has a successful life that is lacking a leadership role, directly correlated with his personal, social, and professional life (Hunter, 1998). In the story, his wife convinces him to attend a leadership retreat with the aim of discovering the meaning of servant leadership. Greenleaf (1977) defined servant leaders as those who place other people’s needsRead MoreEssay about Nursing Leadership1569 Words  | 7 PagesNursing Leadership Laura Edwards Submitted to Jeanne Morrison PhD, MSN in partial fulfillment of NR622 Advanced Leadership Concepts Regis University October 15, 2011 Nursing Leadership Nursing leaders are crucial to any nursing organization. They motivate, empower, influence, and communicate the organization’s vision to create change within the organization. Great nursing leadership depends on great nursing leaders. This paper will define nursing leadership and describe leadership characteristicsRead MoreThe Habits Of Authentic Leadership1534 Words  | 7 PagesHabits of Authentic Leadership Stephen R. Covey has authored numerous leadership and personal growth books. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Gender Identity Disorder Essay - 1594 Words
Gender, Sex, Sexuality: Separate and NOT equal. First and foremost, a few key terms to keep in mind while reading this paper. Sex†: refers to the biological and physiological characteristics that define men and women.[1] â€Å"Gender†: refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women.[2] â€Å"Gender identityâ€Å": an individuals self-conception as being male or female, as distinguished from actual biological sex.[3] With so many different terms, it is hard to keep up with the language and understanding of the complex idea of Gender Identity Disorder. If â€Å"sex†is a biological term, and â€Å"gender†is a sociological term, and â€Å"gender identity†is†¦show more content†¦strong and persistent preferences for cross-sex roles in make-believe play or persistent fantasies of being the other sex 4. intense desire to participate in the stereotypical games and pastimes of the other sex 5. strong preference for playmates of the other sex Daphne reported many things about her childhood in her memoir The Last Time I Wore a Dress, but she never mentioned a repeated desire to be the opposite sex. She did prefer to wear clothing that would not be seen as â€Å"girly,†such as dresses. Daphne also had a strong preference for her playmates to be boys. She also describes to her readers, too, that she had more of a knack for softball than any desire to perfect the art of makeup. While I wouldn’t consider this a fantasy, Daphne does mention the desire to be as free as a boy is while riding her bike in the sun topless. Counting all of these things as four out of 5 criteria would indeed give Daphne a diagnosis of GID. How these behaviors come about is what researchers really want to know. Is it a chemical imbalance? Did we not make our children play with the right toys? Was she born this way? These are all questions that parents are asking about their children diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder. Daphne’s parents, however, were not concerned with how she got to be the way she is, but how can I fix it? It is easy to blame the parents when reading The Last Time I Wore a Dress. Daphnes mother isShow MoreRelatedGender And : Gender Identity Disorder1287 Words  | 6 PagesGender Dysphoria, formerly known as Gender Identity Disorder, is described by the DSM-IV as a persistent and strong cross-gender identification and a persistent unease with ones sex. However, gender identity is not diagnosed as such if it is comorbid with a physical intersex condition. Gender dysphoria is not to be confused with sexual orientation, as people with gender dysphoria could be attracted to men, women, or bot h. According to an article written by, Australasian Sciences there are fourRead MoreGender And Gender Identity Disorder2178 Words  | 9 Pageswe re born, our gender identity is no secret. We re either a boy or a girl. Gender organizes our world into pink or blue. As we grow up, most of us naturally fit into our gender roles. Girls wear dresses and play with dolls. For boys, it s pants and trucks.†(Goldburg, A.2007) However, for some, this is not the case. Imagine for a moment that you are a two year old boy drawn to the color pink, make up, and skirts. If this is the case than most likely, you are experiencing Gender Dysphoria, otherwiseRead MoreGender Identity Disorder Essays1031 Words  | 5 PagesLiving a life feeling out of place, with the wrong feelings, and in the wrong body, for a person with Gender Identity Disorder, this is how they feel day to day. According to the DSM-IV-TR, Gender Identity Disorder is characterized by a strong, persistent cross-gender identifi cation, persistent discomfort with his or her sex or sense of inappropriateness in their gender role of that sex. According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), children, adolescents and adults who exhibit a preoccupationRead MoreGender Identity Disorder954 Words  | 4 PagesGender Identity Disorder/Gender Dysphoria Gender identity disorder (GID) or transsexualism is defined by strong, persistent feelings of identification with the opposite gender and discomfort with one’s own assigned sex. (â€Å"Psychology Today†) Due to a recent change to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM, â€Å"Gender Identity Disorder†will be replaced with â€Å"Gender Dysphoria†. For the purpose of this paper those two terms will be interchangeable. This paper will exploreRead MoreGender Identity Disorder2712 Words  | 11 PagesGender Identity Disorder What is gender identity disorder? Gender identity disorder (GID) is the formal diagnosis used by psychologists and physicians to describe persons who experience significant gender dysphoria (discontent with the biological sex they were born with). It is a psychiatric classification and describes the attributes related to transsexuality. Gender identity disorder in children is usually reported as having always been there since childhood, and is considered clinicallyRead MoreGender Identity Disorder Is A Mental Disorder983 Words  | 4 Pagesdepartment of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Emory University School of Medicine, state that â€Å"gender identity disorder is a mental disorder in which gender identity is incongruent with anatomical sex†. Individuals experience different degrees of unhappiness with their sex at birth, which in turn causes them to pursue the life and body of the opposite sex (2010). Does this mean that Matt (ie) has a mental disorder? Would this explain why when Matt (ie) went to a Shaman and the Shaman gave Matt (ie) allRead MoreGender Identity Disorder ( Gid )1209 Words  | 5 Pagestheir biological sex and gender identity, which is known as gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria is formally known as gender identity disorder (GID), gender incongruence or transgenderism. According to Mohammaed Meomon, gender dysphoria is a product of highly complex genetic, neurodevelopmental, and psychological factors (Meomon, 2016). A person’s biological sex is given at birth depending on the appearance of the genitals. What a person identifies with is called gender identity. For example, a womanRead MoreGender Identity Disorder (Gid)1051 Words  | 5 Pages(e-mail me and let me know if you use this and how it does) Gender Identity Disorder (GID) As early as the age of four (Vitale, 1996), some children begin to realize that the gender their body tells them they are, and the gender their mind tells them they are dont correspond. The sense of gender and the anatomical sex of a person mature at different times and different regions of the body (Vitale, 1997b). Sometimes the gendermap, the template within the mind of a person that codes for masculinityRead MoreGender Identity Disorders ( Gids )1403 Words  | 6 Pagesindividual who was living as a woman while waiting to qualify for gender re-assignment surgery (GReS), shows the pain that those who struggle with gender identity disorders (GIDS) undergoi while â€Å"trapped†in the physical and social constraints of living as their original gender, as well as the relief that comes with living as a member of their â€Å"true†gender. Some may argue that use of surgery for purposes of treating gender identity disorders is morally unacceptable since trans sexuality does not belongRead MoreGender Identity Disorder ( Gid ) Essay2178 Words  | 9 PagesIntroduction Sex and gender have been highly controversial constructs amongst many researchers for a long time, due to differing interpretations and definitions for both. Sex is described as the biological indicators of an individual being male or female, based on their sex chromosomes and non-ambiguous internal and external genitalia. Gender, on the other hand, is a social construct that is shaped by the way someone develops their idea of male or female within society. The term gender was introduced when
Economic Issues Simulation Free Essays
Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) have an important role to their patients and their health care providers. Castor Collins Health Care Plan was found in the year of 1999, in Pantome. This particular HMO service provide health care insurance and health care services to a variety of physicians and hospitals. We will write a custom essay sample on Economic Issues Simulation or any similar topic only for you Order Now This company used the capitation idea for compensation to pay its health care providers. Castor Collins is currently serving 100,000 members, throughout Pantome, and is looking for ways to increase the their numbers. I am a representative of Castor Insurance Organization. I am as well the Vice President, Strategy and Financial Planning here at Castor Collins. My responsibilities include but not limited to, interacting with new potential clients and conveying health care plans that will be benefit them. My job here is to try and maximize profit and also minimize the risk for the company. I will do an analysis that will include the demographics of the employees, the health care risk factors or potential areas of high utilization, and the premiums the company is willing to pay. I will give at least two reasons why I would either choose the Constructit or the E-editor plans. I will state the plan I would be willing to sell to my company, and provide the reasons for my choice, and why the other plans would not be beneficial to my company. In January of 2006, Castor Collins was approached by two organizations looking for health insurance. The two groups Castor Collins have to choose from are Constructit and the E-editor. Construcit have total of a 1000 people, and the E-editor consist of 1600. Neither company provide insurance for their employees at the present time. The Constructit group are willing to pay at least $4000 per person, and the E-editor is willing to pay the least possible $4500 per person. The Castor standard plan do not pre-existing medical concerns, and the Castor enhanced insurance to cover pre-existing medical concerns. The plan to be considered first is the Castor Standard Plan. This plan will offer prescriptions, emergency facilities, hospitalization, and ways to help for preventive health services. This pan as we stated earlier do not cover pre-existing medical concerns. The fee for this plan is at least $3,428 which is $572 less than what they were willing to pay for each employee. The second option to consider for the insurance would be the Castor Enhanced Plan. This plan do cover pre-existing medical conditions it will provide coverage to all its employees. It will still provide services to the obese employees. The cost for pre-existing conditions can be estimated at a total of $4, 428, which is slightly higher than the company was willing to pay per employee. It would only work if the company agreed to pay the higher premium in order to benefit all employees especially those with pre-existing medical conditions. The last and final option is the Castor Enhanced Minor plan. This is also a good plan because it will cover pre-existing medical conditions as well. This plan is the only one that will allow certain services to be removed in order to make the premiums at a lower cost. By removing certain services, it will allow the total cost per employee to be under $4000. It will still cover the bare services like hearing and vision care. The Health care plan I feel would be more beneficial to the company and its employees is the last choice. The Castor Enhanced Minor plan. This plan will cover the employees with the pre-existing medical conditions, and will offer the amount they are willing to pay per employee. This plan can be accustomed to fit the needs of the company. If the company wanted to remove obesity medical services as an option they could. This will save the company money on problems that is related obesity such as hypertension and diabetes. Choosing this plan there will bea charge of $3,943, that is a slight less than $4000. Castor Hall will benefit from this. They will make 3. 9million from Construcit. The company have a total of 450 women and a total of 550 men. The woman ages range from 26 to 42 years of age, and the men 26 to 45. The company Constructit work duties have 32% of duties that involve heavy physical activities and 25% that will involve light to moderate physical activities. A main factor to consider when choosing which type of insurance to choose from is the level of high risk for the employees. Obesity is the main problem that is affecting their company. Obesity can cause problems such as hypertension, and heart disease. This will include more doctor visits and prescriptions that will increase the cost of health care for this company. The health problems the company will have to deal with are nearly half of the employees are obese. With total of 198 men and 192 women. That is 39% of the personnel. Blood pressure is another cause of major medical concerns at Constructit. The percentage is 19%, 88 men and 105 women. There are employees that suffer with allergy. It affects 85 women and 92 men that is 17% . Migraine are 16%, this include 93 women and 75 men. Only 13% of the personnel surprisingly suffer with Respiratory Disease. That number include 57 women and 78 men. The last medical condition the company should be concerned with since it has lower percentage of employees suffering with is digestive orders is the least at 8% with total of 32 women and 52 men. Knowing the demographics of the medical conditions of all the employees, this help to choose a plan to benefit the employees and be affordable to Constritit also, and not go over the budget of $4000 per employee. As vice President, Strategy and Financial Planning at Castor Collins, I would not choose either plan. The standard plan will not cover obesity. With the rate of 39%, that would be important to make sure my employees are in a situation to receive the medical attention they need. The Castor Enhance plan do cover pre-existing conditions, but it don’t give the possibility to add or remove the medical services that’s more beneficial to the employees. The services offered in this plan would increase would extend the amount the employees are willing to pay, it would not be profitable to Castor Hall. How to cite Economic Issues Simulation, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Witch Hunts And Church Essay Example For Students
Witch Hunts And Church Essay I am a witch, now please kill me! Many innocent women happily welcomed death byconfessing to witchcraft in order to end their excruciating torture during thewitch hunt craze between 1450 and 1750. Since many records were lost, destroyedor never kept, the best estimation of the total deaths is several million (4). The main cause of the witch hunts was the Church inflicting fear upon the commonand educated man by lying to them about what witches do and who they are. TheChurch also directly and indirectly increased the pain that accused women wouldgo through during their torture. The Church made it clear, to all those whowould listen, that all women were evil and capable of witchcraft. TheBibles Apocrypha states, ?Of woman came the beginning of sin / And thanksto her, we all must die.'(Apocrypha, Ecclesiasticus 25:13-26.) (2). Viciouscomments like this caused even women themselves to fear what other women may do. We will write a custom essay on Witch Hunts And Church specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now This fear only lead to the distrust of woman. A book written by two German men,titled Malleus Maleficarum, The Hammer of Witches, only furthered peoplesfear of womens evil. It states that women are more likely to become witches:?Because the female sex is more concerned with things of the flesh thenmen; because being formed from a mans rib, they are only ?imperfectanimals and ?crooked where as man belongs to a privileged sex from whosemidst Christ emerged. (Malleus Maleficarum, 1486)(2). The men that wroteMalleus Maleficarum refer to the bible for reasons to why they consider womenevil, so if the Church had never incorporated such things into the bible suchthings may have never been thought. Many ancient myths portrayed goddesss asevil. Consequently those images of evil were kept and later attached to witcheswho kept goddess worship alive centuries later (4). Even devotion to the VirginMary (who is the biological mother of Jesus) was considered an indication ofevil (2). One women, nam ed Aldonca de Vargas, was even reported just for smilingat the mention of the Virgin Mary (Henry Kamen, Inquisition and Society inSpain) (2). Once a women was accused of witchcraft she would first have toconfess in order to be executed. The torturing of accused women was sounbelievably horrid and sadistic that you would think a man of low standingwould be the one to carry it out, but sadly it was the men of educated positionssuch as bishops, judges, professors and others. By doing the torture themselvesit set them in a position of fear throughout the community and it is even saidthat after the execution of a wealthy witch, officials themselves to a banquet at the expense of the victims estate. (BarbaraWalker)(2). All of the victims estate became the property of thegovernment as soon as they were accused. The torture was done in such abusinesslike fashion that the relatives were charged for the victims torture anddeath (4). They were charged for such things as the ropes that bound th em andthe wood that burned them. (Barbara Walker).(2). Some methods of torturingthe accused witches into confessing were thumbscrews, whips, red-hot tongs, andthe rack, this lead to there bones being crushed, limbs severed and fleshseared. After being locked up and tortured for days on end, most women wouldconfess in order to die and some would also accuse neighbors and friends hopingto end their own pain (4). Another method of determining the guilt of theaccused was to stab needles into her eyes and if an insensitive spot was foundthen she was considered guilty. A Spanish church even went as far as to conforma statue of the Virgin Mary into a device of torture. They did this by coveringthe front side of the statue with sharp knives and nails, then they used leversto make the arms of the statue crush the accused against the knives and nails(Jean Plaidy, The Spanish Inquisition) (2). Men would also brutally attack thebreasts and genitals of accused witches if they became sexually aro used aroundher, because it was thought that the ?witch caused them to be. Theyattacked the breasts and genitals with pincers, red-hot irons and pliers (2). .uf68de543ffb9324443d4f987375c2da1 , .uf68de543ffb9324443d4f987375c2da1 .postImageUrl , .uf68de543ffb9324443d4f987375c2da1 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf68de543ffb9324443d4f987375c2da1 , .uf68de543ffb9324443d4f987375c2da1:hover , .uf68de543ffb9324443d4f987375c2da1:visited , .uf68de543ffb9324443d4f987375c2da1:active { border:0!important; } .uf68de543ffb9324443d4f987375c2da1 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf68de543ffb9324443d4f987375c2da1 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf68de543ffb9324443d4f987375c2da1:active , .uf68de543ffb9324443d4f987375c2da1:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf68de543ffb9324443d4f987375c2da1 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf68de543ffb9324443d4f987375c2da1 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf68de543ffb9324443d4f987375c2da1 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf68de543ffb9324443d4f987375c2da1 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf68de543ffb9324443d4f987375c2da1:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf68de543ffb9324443d4f987375c2da1 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf68de543ffb9324443d4f987375c2da1 .uf68de543ffb9324443d4f987375c2da1-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf68de543ffb9324443d4f987375c2da1:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Child Abuse EssayThe Churches not only condoned all methods of witch torture but some churchmembers would even perform the torture themselves. A bishop of Wurtzburg wasproud to claim the lives of 1900 witchcraft accused people in five years (2). Churchmen portrayed the healing woman as the most evil of all witches. William Perkins declared, ?The most horrible and detestable monsteris thegood witch.' (2). The Church declared this because they believe that Godshould be the only one to heal and consequently anyone who was found with herbaloils or ointments could be charged with witchcraft. Midwifes were most oftenthought to be witches because of their knowledge of herbs to relieve laborpains. The Church thought it was a sin to help ease a womens labor painsbecause of Gods sentence upon Eve in which she and all women following hershall be plagued with labor pains (2). Even influential people such as MartinLuther stated his believe about childbirth when he wrote, If becometired or even did, that does not matter. Let them die in childbirth that is whythey are there. (2). When chloroform was introduced to help decrease laborpains the Church strongly opposed it. A New England minister even went as far asto call chloroform a decoy of Satan. (2) The Church made it incrediblyeasy to accuse people of witc hcraft. At first only ugly or deformed old womenwere suspected of witchcraft but soon anyone who looked or acted different was aprime suspect. One Scottish woman was even convicted of witchcraft after washingan unhealthy child because of its rarity (2). Eventually all women were a targetfor accusations. If someone felt guilty after turning away a person in need thenthey could accuse that person of witchcraft because of the belief that theycaused them to feel guilty (2). It was so easy to get a witch executed that in1586 every female except two were executed from two different villages (2). TheChurches mentally sick and demented ways of viewing witched and women didntstop with the end of the witch hunting craze in the 17 hundreds it continuesstill today. In 1976 Elizabeth Hahn, a poor spinster who lived in a small Germanvillage, was accused of witchcraft and was suspected to keep devils agents inthe form of dogs. Her neighbors threatened to beat her to death with rocks butinstead the y burnt down her house in which she was badly burnt and her animalswere killed. And in 1981 a Mexican mob stoned a women to death after suspectingher of the witchcraft, that they believed caused the attack upon Pope John PaulII. (2). I feel that it is because men ran churches that witch hunting got soout of hand. I love Helen Ellerbes following statement: It is hardlysurprising that women who not only possessed medicinal knowledge but who usedthat knowledge to comfort and care for other women would become prime suspectsof witchcraft. (Helen Ellerbe, The Dark Side of Christian History)(2). In onecomplete sentence Helen was able to sum up womens early medical knowledge andtheir ability to care for one another. What the Church did to women, witches ornot, sickens me as it should sicken every conscious living soul. They used theirpower and also their fear of losing that power to execute millions of innocentwomen. Not only did they execute them but they tortured them in unthinkableways. The Church and men alike should be forever sorry for their part in thewitch hunting craze.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Health Care Response to Domestic Violence Essays
Health Care Response to Domestic Violence Essays Health Care Response to Domestic Violence Paper Health Care Response to Domestic Violence Paper Domestic violence is virtually impossible to measure with absolute precision due to numerous complications including the societal stigma that inhibits victims from disclosing their abuse and the varying definitions of abuse used from study to study. Estimates range from 960,000 incidents of violence against a current or former spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend per year1 to 3. 9 million women who are physically abused per year. 2 On July 22, 1997, UNICEF released The Progress of Nations, 1997, which found that a quarter to half of women around the world have suffered violence from an intimate partner. 3 Nearly one-third of American women (31 percent) report being physically or sexually abused by a husband or boyfriend at some point in their lives, according to a 1998 Commonwealth Fund survey. 4 Thirty percent of Americans say they know a woman who has been physically abused by her husband or boyfriend in the past year. 5 While women are less likely than men to be victims of violence crimes overall, women are five to eight times more likely than men to be victimized by an intimate partner. 6 Injuries and Other Health Consequences of Domestic Violence: The U. S. Department of Justice reported that 37% of all women who sought care in hospital emergency rooms for violence-related injuries were injured by a current or former spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend. 7 Domestic violence is repetitive in nature: about 1 in 5 women victimized by their spouse or ex-spouse reported that they had been a victim of a series of at least 3 assaults in the last 6 months. 8 The level of injury resulting from domestic violence is severe: of 218 women presenting at a metropolitan emergency department with injuries due to domestic violence, 28% required hospital admission, and 13% required major medical treatment. 40% had previously required medical care for abuse. 9 In 1996, approximately, 1,800 murders were attributed to intimates; nearly three out of four of these had a female victim. 10 Costs of Domestic Violence: From 1987 to 1990, crime costs Americans $450 billion a year. Adult victims of domestic violence incurred 15% of the total cost of crime on victims ($67 billion). 11 A study conducted at Rush Medical Center in Chicago found that the average charge for medical services provided to abused women, children and older people was $1,633 per person per year. This would amount to a national annual cost of $857. 3 million. 12 A study conducted at a large health plan in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota, in 1994, found that an annual difference of $1775. 00 more was spent on abused women who utilized hospital services than on a random sample of general enrollees. The study concluded that early identification and treatment of victims and potential victims will most likely benefit health care systems in the long run. 13 Identification of Domestic Violence: 92% of women who were physically abused by their partners did not discuss these incidents with their physicians; 57% did not discuss the incidents with anyone. 14 Bibliography ebsco host: ftscp. com
Monday, March 2, 2020
10 Pros and Cons of Being a School Principal
10 Pros and Cons of Being a School Principal There are many pros and cons that come with being a principal. It can be a rewarding job, and it can also be an extremely stressful job. Not everyone is cut out to be a principal. There are certain defining characteristics that a good principal will possess. If you are thinking of becoming a principal, it is crucial that you weigh all the pros and cons that come with the job. Take all factors of both sides into consideration before making your final decision. If you do not feel you can handle the cons, stay away from this profession. If you believe that the cons are only roadblocks, and the pros are well worth it, then go for it. Being a principal can be a terrific career option for the right person. Pros of Being a School Principal Salary. The median expected annual salary of a principal is over $100,000, while the median expected annual salary for a teacher is under $60,000. That is a significant increase in salary and can have a substantial impact on your family’s financial status, as well as on your retirement. That increase in salary is well-earned, as you will see when we look at the cons. There is no denying that a significant increase in salary makes it appealing to a lot of people to make that jump from teacher to principal. However, it is essential that you do not make that decision based on salary alone. Variety. Redundancy is never an issue when you are a school principal. No two days are ever alike. Each day brings new challenges, new problems, and new adventures. This can be exciting and keeps things fresh. You can go into a day with a solid plan of things to do and fail to accomplish a single thing that you expected. You never know what will await you on any particular day. Being a principal is never boring. As a teacher, you establish a routine and mostly teach the same concepts each year. As a principal, there is never an established routine. Each day has its own unique routine that dictates itself as time passes. Control. As the school leader, you will have more control over virtually every aspect of your building. You will often be the lead decision-maker. You will typically have at least some control over key decisions, such as hiring a new teacher, changing curriculum and programs, and scheduling. This control allows you to put your stamp on what your building does. It provides you with the opportunity to implement the vision that you have for your school. You will also have total control over daily decisions, including student discipline, teacher evaluations, professional development, and so on. Success. As the building principal, you will also get credit when credit is due. When an individual student, teacher, coach, or team succeeds, you also succeed. You get to celebrate in those successes because a decision you made somewhere along the line likely helped lead to that success. When someone associated with the school is recognized for outstanding achievement in some area, it typically means that the right decisions have been made. This can often be traced back to a principal’s leadership. It may be as straightforward as hiring the right teacher or coach, implementing and supporting a new program, or offering a particular student the right motivation. Impact. As a teacher, you often only have an impact on the students you teach. Make no mistake that this impact is significant and direct. As a principal, you can have a larger, indirect impact on students, teachers, and support personnel. The decisions you make can affect everyone. For example, working closely with a young teacher who needs some direction and guidance has a tremendous impact on both the teacher and every student they will ever teach. As a principal, your impact is not limited to a single classroom. A single decision can be transcendent throughout the entire school. School Principal Cons Time. Effective teachers spend a lot of extra time in their classrooms and at home. However, principals spend a much greater amount of time doing their jobs. Principals are often the first one to school and the last one to leave. In general, they are on a 12-month contract, getting only two to four weeks of vacation time during the summer. They also have several conferences and professional development duties they are required to attend. Principals are usually expected to attend almost every extra-curricular event. In many cases, this can mean attending events three to four nights a week during the school year. Principals spend a lot of time away from their homes and their families throughout the school year. Responsibility. Principals have a greater workload than teachers do. They are no longer responsible for only a few subjects with a handful of students. Instead, a principal is responsible for every student, every teacher/coach, every supporting member, and every program in their building. A principal’s responsibility footprint is enormous. You have your hand in everything, and this can be overwhelming. You have to be organized, self-aware, and confident to keep up with all of those responsibilities. Student discipline issues arise every day. Teachers require assistance on a daily basis. Parents request meetings to voice concerns regularly. You are the one responsible for handling each of these, as well as a plethora of other issues that occur within your school every day. Negativity. As a principal, you deal with many more negatives than you will positives. The only time you typically deal with students face-to-face is because of a discipline issue. Each case is different, but they are all negative. You also get to handle teachers complaining about students, parents, and other teachers. When parents request a meeting, it is almost always because they want to complain about a teacher or another student. These constant dealings with all things negative can become overwhelming. There will be times you will need to shut your office door or go observe an extraordinary teacher’s classroom just to escape all the negativity for a few minutes. However, handling all of these negative complaints and issues is a substantial part of your job. You must effectively address each issue, or you will not be a principal for long. Failures. As discussed earlier, you will receive credit for successes. It is also crucial to note that you will also be responsible for failures. This is especially true if your building is a low-performing school based on standardized test performance. As the leader of the building, it is your responsibility to have programs in place to assist in maximizing student performance. When your school fails, someone has to be the scapegoat, and that could fall on your shoulders. There are many other ways to fail as a principal that could jeopardize your job. Some of those include making a series of damaging hires, failing to protect a student who has been bullied, and keeping a teacher who is known to be ineffective. Many of these failures are avoidable with hard work and dedication. However, some failures will occur no matter what you do, and you will be linked to them because of your position in the building. Politics. Unfortunately, there is a political component to being a principal. You have to be diplomatic in your approach with students, teachers, and parents. You cannot always say what you want to say. You have to remain professional at all times. There are also occasions where you may be pressured into making a decision that makes you uncomfortable. This pressure may come from a prominent community member, school board member, or your district superintendent. This political game could be as straightforward as two parents wanting their children to be in the same class. It may also become complicated in a situation where a school board member approaches you to request that a football player who is failing a class is allowed to play. There are times like this when you must make an ethical stand even if you know it may cost you. The political game can be hard to play. However, when you are in a position of leadership, you can bet that there will be some politics involved. Sources Public School Teacher Salary in the United States., 2019. School Principal Salary in the United States., 2019.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Religion Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Religion - Annotated Bibliography Example The site also provides the legal religious rights held by the American citizens. It also extends information on shopping sources for Witchcraft and Wicca and other related materials. The website also provides critical articles written by experts in the subject. The website of American atheists has the objective to conserve the civil rights of atheists. The website strongly promotes the separation between church and the state. It also provides important information to the public about atheism. The information pertaining to the legal, political and mythological aspects of atheism is being effectively conveyed through the website. It also serves as a media for the extension of the activities of American atheists. Withes League for Public Awareness (WLPA) which was found in atheists in Salem, Massachusetts, in May, 1986 extensively work towards creating proper awareness among the public regarding proper understanding on witchcrafts. The vision of the organization is a world free from religious persecution. The organization was founded by Rev. Laurie Cabot H.Ps. The American atheist works towards the rights of atheists. The organization was founded by Madalyn Murray O’Hair almost thirty years ago from now. It works for the active separation between the state and religion and arrange conventions and gatherings for this cause. The organization actively publishes books and disseminates information on the philosophy they preach. Its volunteers also work towards the preservation of the literatures and documents pertaining to the history of atheism. The website of WLPA critically comments on the prejudiced view of the society towards witchcraft. It also mentions the misconceptions of common public on witchcraft. The website also clearly points out the misappropriated ways by which the society approaches Witchcraft. The behavioral approach of the society to blame Wicca and Witchcraft for certain behaviors has been strongly criticized. The
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Analysis of UK Economy in Comparison with Qatar Economy Essay
Analysis of UK Economy in Comparison with Qatar Economy - Essay Example This essay presents a brief informative analysis of the economic statuses of the United Kingdom and Qatar. These countries demonstrated high levels of economic development in recent years. Economic trends usually differ from country to another. Economists have developed several economic measures to determine which country is ahead of the other in terms of economic progress. The availability of goods and services to the citizens of the country and the affordability of the commodities may be used to know how the citizens are in terms of accessibility to the national income. Other factors that are looked at in determining the wealth of the nation in comparison to another include; health facilities accessibility and affordability, food, housing and other social amenities. The U.K. wealth is one of the best in the globe. The lifestyle of the people of the kingdom is desirable, and the state is ranked among most developed economies of the world. The wealth of the kingdom is also one of the oldest, aging back to the pre-colonial period. The country was thus able to amass wealth from the colonies and developed itself on various social and industrial sectors. There are various components of the UK that can be put into comparison with Qatar. During the economic meltdown that was experienced globally, the country sought to protect her banking industry and therefore was not strictly harmed. The country’s GPD is mainly supported by the natural gas investment. More than 50% of the GDP is obtained from this industry.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Bartleby the Scrivener A Strange Relationship :: essays papers
Bartleby the Scrivener A Strange Relationship The Webster's New World Dictionary defines "folie a deux" as "A condition in which symptoms of a mental disorder, such as delusive beliefs or ideas, occur simultaneously in two individuals who share a close relationship or association." (231) In Melville's "Bartleby, the Scrivener" this concept of coinciding peculiarity, or obsession is demonstrated quite vividly throughout three different stages. The first, Bartleby's unwavering preoccupation with his employment, followed by his decision to do no work whatsoever, and finally Bartleby's determination to accomplish nothing at all, not even partaking of the basic functions required to sustain life. During each of these phases, Bartleby's actions are met with limited efforts on the part of the narrating lawyer, who endeavors to 'help' his odd employee. It is this interaction which poses the question of how much responsibility a human should have for his or her fellow man. Bartleby's focus passes through three main stages before his death, the first of which is his obsession with performing a single action to the exclusion of everything else. Initially, Bartleby works day and night, "as if famished for something to copy." (Melville paragraph 18) His goal, it seems, is to single-mindedly to accomplish as much copying as is humanly possible. The first few attempts on the part of the narrator to tell Bartleby to do something else, no matter how moderate the task, are met with the simple refusal, "I'd prefer not to." (Melville paragraph 21) The narrator reasonably chooses not to punish this insubordination because of both the quality, and the quantity of Bartleby's regular work. After a series of requests from the narrator that all end in noncompliance, Bartleby shifts his focus from the intensive copying of documents to simply doing nothing at all. This, of course, is a kind of obsession that is not acceptable in the modern work force, and can not feasibly be tolerated by the narrator. As the agent of punishment, the narrator is at this point stuck with making the decision to either sympathize with Bartleby, or lose his professional reputation. In a final attempt to clear his conscience, the lawyer proffers both alternate employment options, and temporary housing arrangements. Once again, all efforts on the part of the narrator to offer genuine help are rebuffed, and the narrator at last "proposes to remove his offices next week. Bartleby the Scrivener A Strange Relationship :: essays papers Bartleby the Scrivener A Strange Relationship The Webster's New World Dictionary defines "folie a deux" as "A condition in which symptoms of a mental disorder, such as delusive beliefs or ideas, occur simultaneously in two individuals who share a close relationship or association." (231) In Melville's "Bartleby, the Scrivener" this concept of coinciding peculiarity, or obsession is demonstrated quite vividly throughout three different stages. The first, Bartleby's unwavering preoccupation with his employment, followed by his decision to do no work whatsoever, and finally Bartleby's determination to accomplish nothing at all, not even partaking of the basic functions required to sustain life. During each of these phases, Bartleby's actions are met with limited efforts on the part of the narrating lawyer, who endeavors to 'help' his odd employee. It is this interaction which poses the question of how much responsibility a human should have for his or her fellow man. Bartleby's focus passes through three main stages before his death, the first of which is his obsession with performing a single action to the exclusion of everything else. Initially, Bartleby works day and night, "as if famished for something to copy." (Melville paragraph 18) His goal, it seems, is to single-mindedly to accomplish as much copying as is humanly possible. The first few attempts on the part of the narrator to tell Bartleby to do something else, no matter how moderate the task, are met with the simple refusal, "I'd prefer not to." (Melville paragraph 21) The narrator reasonably chooses not to punish this insubordination because of both the quality, and the quantity of Bartleby's regular work. After a series of requests from the narrator that all end in noncompliance, Bartleby shifts his focus from the intensive copying of documents to simply doing nothing at all. This, of course, is a kind of obsession that is not acceptable in the modern work force, and can not feasibly be tolerated by the narrator. As the agent of punishment, the narrator is at this point stuck with making the decision to either sympathize with Bartleby, or lose his professional reputation. In a final attempt to clear his conscience, the lawyer proffers both alternate employment options, and temporary housing arrangements. Once again, all efforts on the part of the narrator to offer genuine help are rebuffed, and the narrator at last "proposes to remove his offices next week.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Crime and Punishment Dreams
Sometimes a dream is much more than simply a dream. Sigmund Freud explains a dream’s ‘latent content’ is heavily derived from the ‘manifest’ dream-thoughts. The manifest being what is evident in the dream, and the latent being the underlying meaning of the dream. In Raskolnikov’s dream, the manifest is that he is a seven year old boy who is fond of horses. He sees a horse being tortured and beat, bringing amusement to the townspeople, as he walks with his father. As the horse dies, he goes to hug the beast and kisses it.When Raskolnikov awakens, he renounces that â€Å"accursed dream of [his]†and wonders if he can actually â€Å"take an axe [and] split her skull open,†referring to the pawnbroker, Alyona Ivanovna. The latent content to Raskolnikov’s dream highlights his dual personality. Similar to the instance of the drunken girl, Raskolnikov evinces his emotional and compassionate side by showing his love for horses as h e runs to it when it is killed. At the same time, his rational and abstract views are also described as he thinks about committing the crime and believes he has every right to do so.It is not evident who Raskolnikov clearly is in the dream. He is a representation of the horse, the boy himself, or even the gruesome murderer of the horse, Mikolka. He represents the horse because he thinks of himself as a victim in a terrible life, the boy because he can be loving and have emotions and Mikolka because of his thoughts and plans to kill Alyona. Even though his dream is very blatant in its story, the overall meaning of it signifies something much more than just a flashback.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Cultural Differences in International Business Communication - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2017 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Business Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? Executive summary Under the economic globalization, different levels intensifies, various types of cross-cultural negotiations, the trade has become increasingly frequent, different cultural factors become more important business communication. Cultural differences affect international business exchanges. This report aims to investigate the influence of cultural differences in international business communication. We do serval researches in South America, Asia and New Zealand interview with Arab traders. These problems include background, knowledge, sensory, emotional, and behavioral research and business perspectives exchanges. It can be from field interviews with three foreign businessmen result of cultural differences will affect the international business communication in can draw conclusions. Philosophy cultural differences, including time management idea, space, corporate values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹and ethics and ways of thinking. Time of cultural differences philosophy, space, corporate values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹and ethics and ways of thinking philosophy, will directly affect the outcome of the performance or communication. Because of the cultural differences, more or less in the national communications business are facing obstacles decisive impact on the business success of the communication. In order to better and effectively communicate with people, participating companies should think of ways to solve these problems. They should adopt a tolerant attitude, other cultures, learn to adapt to other cultures, and strengthen communication and exchanges with other aspects of verbal and non-verbal communication to enhance training, learning and cultural norms, social customs and taboos different countries. Contents Table 1.0 Introduction 3 2.0 Findings 4 3.0 Conclusion 7 4.0 Recommendations 8 5.0 References 16 Introduction With the intensification of economic globalization, the increasin g of international business communication. In New Zealand, there are also many transmarine dealers. They are faced with cross-cultural business communication. Cross-cultural business communication is the key factor in business success. Many factors can affect business communication. Cultural differences is one of the international business exchange (Silveira and Carlos, 2013) is the most important factor. The purpose of this report is to investigate the influence of cultural differences in international business communication. To achieve the purpose, the author conducted a field interview with three foreign businessmen. This report summarizes the results of the survey will be the first, followed by the conclusion of the results will be made. You can find foreign cultural barriers faced more or less business communication. To help them, the report will eventually make some suggestions to improve and strengthen cross-cultural business communication. To complete the report, the a uthors conducted interviews studies faces three businessmen in a business environment in New Zealand communication challenges. Respondents from South America, Asia and Arabia. The interview and dialogue is informal. The same open-ended questions are asked of all respondents. All respondents were asked the same questions. These problems include background, knowledge, sensory, emotional, and behavioral research and business perspectives exchanges. After the interview, I had to answer analyzed to investigate the influence of cultural differences in international business communication. 2 Finding Under the economic globalization, different levels intensifies, various types of cross-cultural negotiations, the trade has become increasingly frequent, different cultural factors become more important business communication. Cultural differences affect international business exchanges. This report aims to investigate the influence of cultural differences in international business commun ication. We do serval researches in South America, Asia and New Zealand interview with Arab traders. These problems include background, knowledge, sensory, emotional, and behavioral research and business perspectives exchanges. It can be from field interviews with three foreign businessmen result of cultural differences will affect the international business communication in can draw conclusions. Philosophy cultural differences, including time management idea, space, corporate values and ethics and ways of thinking. Time of cultural differences philosophy, space, corporate values and ethics and ways of thinking philosophy, will directly affect the outcome of the performance or communication. In the international business communication, may affected by the political system, customs, religion, educational background, participants behave differently caused by different countries. People from different cultural backgrounds have different, even opposite understanding to the same thing, w ord, or action. Time management philosophy: because of the different cultures, the processing time of expectation rules and time are different. In business negotiations, New Zealand stressed that special special time and speed, but the Arabs, South America and Asia may not be involved in the topic until the hour. Thus, two people have different time business usage patterns met together, they need to adjust their time-use patterns, so as to establish a harmonious relationship. Time management philosophy: because of the different cultures, the processing time of expectation rules and time are different. In business negotiations, New Zealand stressed that special time and speed, but the Arabs, South America and Asia may not be involved in the topic until the exactly hour. Thus, two people have different time business usage patterns met each other, they need to adjust their time-use patterns, so as to establish a harmonious relationship. Philosophy of space: different groups ha ve different open space. South-door express their wishes to communicate with the outside world, work, and Arab and Asian people prefer to close their door to enjoy a quiet space. People in different countries have different levels of space possessive. Arabs and Asians like the space occupied by the benefits for themselves, while South America is willing to pursue rational planning and spatial division of labor. They also have different needs space reserved. Asians like to keep their distance with other people, while the Arabs and South America often represent polite and intimate for their physical contact. Corporate values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹and ethics: Western moral system places emphasis on competition, encourage personal struggles, advocating people continue to forge ahead, while the Oriental culture encourages people to observe discipline, respect for subtle expression and humility. In the era of economic globalization, excessive modesty is not subject to int ernational mainstream cultural appreciation. In moral terms, the East emphasized the dedication and help, while Westerners focus on independent equality and self-awareness, encourage personal capacity. Therefore, in the international business communication, businessmen need to treat others in different ways to form different cultures. For example, in Asia will help others better than South America, unless he took the initiative to a hand. Interpersonal communication: verbal and non-verbal behavior plays an important role in interpersonal communication (Hearn and Tomalin, 2013). Language is a bridge of communication to connected the countries or regions. In international business activities, differences in language is the most direct influence, has a direct impact on international business communication. People from different countries have different languages à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹behavior. If you cannot find the differences that may exist, it is likely to cause communication misunderstanding. For example, in communication Asians courteous and less use of threats, commands and warnings remarks. In international business activities, the differenceses in language is the most direct influence, have a direct impact on international business exchanges. People from different countries have different languages and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹behavior. If you cannot find the differences that may exist, it is likely to cause communication misunderstanding. For example, in communication Asians courteous and less use of threats, commands, and warnings of speech, while the South American negotiating style is relatively straightforward, especially, they used threats and warnings of high frequency. If the parties are unable to understand the differences in behavior of these languages à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹R, communication barriers will produce. Impact on business communication and cultural differences not only in the language of communication process, but also in non-verbal communication process. The use of body language and movement language also affects the Business Communication (Bradley Campbell, 2014). In many cases, these are non-verbal behavior is unconscious, so it is more likely to cause misunderstanding, the impact of the business relationship between the parties. For example, in the vast majority of countries, nod is a manifestation of the Agreement, and in India and Nepal, and shook his head, said yes. If you participate in the exchange business, cannot correctly understand the behavior of the paper, will become barriers to communication. Business etiquette is not in the communication activities of the most important things, but its impact cannot be ignored. In regards to the way Asians like to ask the persons name, occupation and other personal circumstances. South American and Arab taboo stranger asked a personal question. Thus, in regards to links, traders should pay attention to how and what to say. In gratitude, praise often Asians and Arabs would retaliate, but America certainly respect their valuesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹. In exchange, the outspoken South America is always direct and simple expression, but Cautious, heavy ceremonial Asians and Arabs usually do not say no clearly or directly. Therefore, understanding the impact of different cultures on business communications, helping to correctly understand and deal with habits in different countries and regions Customs. Way of thinking: as a long-term culture, thinking affect peoples social life unconsciously (Lorenzo, are associated with monks, roe, 2013) approach. Differences in the way of thinking critically influence international business exchange (Siegman and Feldstein, 2014) success. In the eastern and western culture, oriental culture emphasizes holistic thinking, while Western culture is the emphasis on decentralization thought. Different ways of communication steps and ways of thinking in business communication in these differences of opinion may occur, leading to difficulties in communication. 3. Conclusion In the conclusion, very easy to see that from field interviews with three foreign businessmen result of cultural differences will affect the international business communication in draw conclusions. Philosophy cultural differences, including time management idea, space, corporate values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹and ethics and ways of thinking. Time of cultural differences philosophy, space, corporate values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹and ethics and ways of thinking philosophy, will directly affect the outcome of the performance or communication. Because of the cultural differences, more or less in the national communications business facing obstacles decisive impact on the business success of the communication. In order to better and effectively communicate with people, participating companies should think of ways to solve these probl ems. They should adopt a tolerant attitude, different cultures shocks, learn to adapt to other cultures, and strengthen communication and exchanges with other aspects of verbal and non-verbal communication to enhance training, learning and cultural norms, social customs and taboos different countries. 4.0 Recommendations Inclusive and adapt to each other from a cultural conflict No whether who is engaged in business activities must be aware of cultural differences. They should avoid interpretations and other peoples cultural standing of their own cultural critic only to reduce prejudice and discrimination. They should put themselves in the position of other cultures, and understand the needs, motivations negotiators from different cultural backgrounds and beliefs differences. Cultural differences will not become an obstacle to commercial activities, if overcome ethnocentrism, and the use of effective means of communication. Strengthen communication and exchanges Bilat eral cooperation is often contradiction is inevitable, but in this case, both sides need to understand each other, with regular communication and exchange. Especially for some of the different perspectives and behaviors, both sides would be better to make some difference in the perspective of cultural analysis and thinking. So, when different cultures collide in the negotiations scene, they must learn to respect each other, strengthen exchanges. Verbal and nonverbal communication training As a businessman, engaged in international business, in order to effectively communicate with different cultural backgrounds of employees, customers and colleagues, who need to be proficient in various languages à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹and knowledge, not always rely on translation. At the same time, traders need to understand language and cultural characteristics of different countries. For example, the right body language can help to effectively communicate. In-depth understan ding of cultural norms, social customs and taboos in different countries Before intercourse with foreign business people, people will better understand their customs and taboos, as far as possible in order to avoid misunderstandings, to avoid affecting the process, and even lead to business cooperation. Currently, in order to help business people learn about different cultures, many companies began to engage in cultural education. With the help of these companies, regularly attend training courses that can help understand the nuances between different cultures. Cross-cultural training to deal with cultural differences, avoid the most basic and most effective means of cultural conflict. Cross-cultural training, including knowledge and understanding of the national culture, cultural sensitivity, adaptability training, language training, cross-cultural communication and conflict management capacity main content. Training can make students more attentive and sensitive business commun ication in international business. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Cultural Differences in International Business Communication" essay for you Create order
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