Saturday, January 25, 2020
Bartleby the Scrivener A Strange Relationship :: essays papers
Bartleby the Scrivener A Strange Relationship The Webster's New World Dictionary defines "folie a deux" as "A condition in which symptoms of a mental disorder, such as delusive beliefs or ideas, occur simultaneously in two individuals who share a close relationship or association." (231) In Melville's "Bartleby, the Scrivener" this concept of coinciding peculiarity, or obsession is demonstrated quite vividly throughout three different stages. The first, Bartleby's unwavering preoccupation with his employment, followed by his decision to do no work whatsoever, and finally Bartleby's determination to accomplish nothing at all, not even partaking of the basic functions required to sustain life. During each of these phases, Bartleby's actions are met with limited efforts on the part of the narrating lawyer, who endeavors to 'help' his odd employee. It is this interaction which poses the question of how much responsibility a human should have for his or her fellow man. Bartleby's focus passes through three main stages before his death, the first of which is his obsession with performing a single action to the exclusion of everything else. Initially, Bartleby works day and night, "as if famished for something to copy." (Melville paragraph 18) His goal, it seems, is to single-mindedly to accomplish as much copying as is humanly possible. The first few attempts on the part of the narrator to tell Bartleby to do something else, no matter how moderate the task, are met with the simple refusal, "I'd prefer not to." (Melville paragraph 21) The narrator reasonably chooses not to punish this insubordination because of both the quality, and the quantity of Bartleby's regular work. After a series of requests from the narrator that all end in noncompliance, Bartleby shifts his focus from the intensive copying of documents to simply doing nothing at all. This, of course, is a kind of obsession that is not acceptable in the modern work force, and can not feasibly be tolerated by the narrator. As the agent of punishment, the narrator is at this point stuck with making the decision to either sympathize with Bartleby, or lose his professional reputation. In a final attempt to clear his conscience, the lawyer proffers both alternate employment options, and temporary housing arrangements. Once again, all efforts on the part of the narrator to offer genuine help are rebuffed, and the narrator at last "proposes to remove his offices next week. Bartleby the Scrivener A Strange Relationship :: essays papers Bartleby the Scrivener A Strange Relationship The Webster's New World Dictionary defines "folie a deux" as "A condition in which symptoms of a mental disorder, such as delusive beliefs or ideas, occur simultaneously in two individuals who share a close relationship or association." (231) In Melville's "Bartleby, the Scrivener" this concept of coinciding peculiarity, or obsession is demonstrated quite vividly throughout three different stages. The first, Bartleby's unwavering preoccupation with his employment, followed by his decision to do no work whatsoever, and finally Bartleby's determination to accomplish nothing at all, not even partaking of the basic functions required to sustain life. During each of these phases, Bartleby's actions are met with limited efforts on the part of the narrating lawyer, who endeavors to 'help' his odd employee. It is this interaction which poses the question of how much responsibility a human should have for his or her fellow man. Bartleby's focus passes through three main stages before his death, the first of which is his obsession with performing a single action to the exclusion of everything else. Initially, Bartleby works day and night, "as if famished for something to copy." (Melville paragraph 18) His goal, it seems, is to single-mindedly to accomplish as much copying as is humanly possible. The first few attempts on the part of the narrator to tell Bartleby to do something else, no matter how moderate the task, are met with the simple refusal, "I'd prefer not to." (Melville paragraph 21) The narrator reasonably chooses not to punish this insubordination because of both the quality, and the quantity of Bartleby's regular work. After a series of requests from the narrator that all end in noncompliance, Bartleby shifts his focus from the intensive copying of documents to simply doing nothing at all. This, of course, is a kind of obsession that is not acceptable in the modern work force, and can not feasibly be tolerated by the narrator. As the agent of punishment, the narrator is at this point stuck with making the decision to either sympathize with Bartleby, or lose his professional reputation. In a final attempt to clear his conscience, the lawyer proffers both alternate employment options, and temporary housing arrangements. Once again, all efforts on the part of the narrator to offer genuine help are rebuffed, and the narrator at last "proposes to remove his offices next week.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Crime and Punishment Dreams
Sometimes a dream is much more than simply a dream. Sigmund Freud explains a dream’s ‘latent content’ is heavily derived from the ‘manifest’ dream-thoughts. The manifest being what is evident in the dream, and the latent being the underlying meaning of the dream. In Raskolnikov’s dream, the manifest is that he is a seven year old boy who is fond of horses. He sees a horse being tortured and beat, bringing amusement to the townspeople, as he walks with his father. As the horse dies, he goes to hug the beast and kisses it.When Raskolnikov awakens, he renounces that â€Å"accursed dream of [his]†and wonders if he can actually â€Å"take an axe [and] split her skull open,†referring to the pawnbroker, Alyona Ivanovna. The latent content to Raskolnikov’s dream highlights his dual personality. Similar to the instance of the drunken girl, Raskolnikov evinces his emotional and compassionate side by showing his love for horses as h e runs to it when it is killed. At the same time, his rational and abstract views are also described as he thinks about committing the crime and believes he has every right to do so.It is not evident who Raskolnikov clearly is in the dream. He is a representation of the horse, the boy himself, or even the gruesome murderer of the horse, Mikolka. He represents the horse because he thinks of himself as a victim in a terrible life, the boy because he can be loving and have emotions and Mikolka because of his thoughts and plans to kill Alyona. Even though his dream is very blatant in its story, the overall meaning of it signifies something much more than just a flashback.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Cultural Differences in International Business Communication - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2017 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Business Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? Executive summary Under the economic globalization, different levels intensifies, various types of cross-cultural negotiations, the trade has become increasingly frequent, different cultural factors become more important business communication. Cultural differences affect international business exchanges. This report aims to investigate the influence of cultural differences in international business communication. We do serval researches in South America, Asia and New Zealand interview with Arab traders. These problems include background, knowledge, sensory, emotional, and behavioral research and business perspectives exchanges. It can be from field interviews with three foreign businessmen result of cultural differences will affect the international business communication in can draw conclusions. Philosophy cultural differences, including time management idea, space, corporate values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹and ethics and ways of thinking. Time of cultural differences philosophy, space, corporate values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹and ethics and ways of thinking philosophy, will directly affect the outcome of the performance or communication. Because of the cultural differences, more or less in the national communications business are facing obstacles decisive impact on the business success of the communication. In order to better and effectively communicate with people, participating companies should think of ways to solve these problems. They should adopt a tolerant attitude, other cultures, learn to adapt to other cultures, and strengthen communication and exchanges with other aspects of verbal and non-verbal communication to enhance training, learning and cultural norms, social customs and taboos different countries. Contents Table 1.0 Introduction 3 2.0 Findings 4 3.0 Conclusion 7 4.0 Recommendations 8 5.0 References 16 Introduction With the intensification of economic globalization, the increasin g of international business communication. In New Zealand, there are also many transmarine dealers. They are faced with cross-cultural business communication. Cross-cultural business communication is the key factor in business success. Many factors can affect business communication. Cultural differences is one of the international business exchange (Silveira and Carlos, 2013) is the most important factor. The purpose of this report is to investigate the influence of cultural differences in international business communication. To achieve the purpose, the author conducted a field interview with three foreign businessmen. This report summarizes the results of the survey will be the first, followed by the conclusion of the results will be made. You can find foreign cultural barriers faced more or less business communication. To help them, the report will eventually make some suggestions to improve and strengthen cross-cultural business communication. To complete the report, the a uthors conducted interviews studies faces three businessmen in a business environment in New Zealand communication challenges. Respondents from South America, Asia and Arabia. The interview and dialogue is informal. The same open-ended questions are asked of all respondents. All respondents were asked the same questions. These problems include background, knowledge, sensory, emotional, and behavioral research and business perspectives exchanges. After the interview, I had to answer analyzed to investigate the influence of cultural differences in international business communication. 2 Finding Under the economic globalization, different levels intensifies, various types of cross-cultural negotiations, the trade has become increasingly frequent, different cultural factors become more important business communication. Cultural differences affect international business exchanges. This report aims to investigate the influence of cultural differences in international business commun ication. We do serval researches in South America, Asia and New Zealand interview with Arab traders. These problems include background, knowledge, sensory, emotional, and behavioral research and business perspectives exchanges. It can be from field interviews with three foreign businessmen result of cultural differences will affect the international business communication in can draw conclusions. Philosophy cultural differences, including time management idea, space, corporate values and ethics and ways of thinking. Time of cultural differences philosophy, space, corporate values and ethics and ways of thinking philosophy, will directly affect the outcome of the performance or communication. In the international business communication, may affected by the political system, customs, religion, educational background, participants behave differently caused by different countries. People from different cultural backgrounds have different, even opposite understanding to the same thing, w ord, or action. Time management philosophy: because of the different cultures, the processing time of expectation rules and time are different. In business negotiations, New Zealand stressed that special special time and speed, but the Arabs, South America and Asia may not be involved in the topic until the hour. Thus, two people have different time business usage patterns met together, they need to adjust their time-use patterns, so as to establish a harmonious relationship. Time management philosophy: because of the different cultures, the processing time of expectation rules and time are different. In business negotiations, New Zealand stressed that special time and speed, but the Arabs, South America and Asia may not be involved in the topic until the exactly hour. Thus, two people have different time business usage patterns met each other, they need to adjust their time-use patterns, so as to establish a harmonious relationship. Philosophy of space: different groups ha ve different open space. South-door express their wishes to communicate with the outside world, work, and Arab and Asian people prefer to close their door to enjoy a quiet space. People in different countries have different levels of space possessive. Arabs and Asians like the space occupied by the benefits for themselves, while South America is willing to pursue rational planning and spatial division of labor. They also have different needs space reserved. Asians like to keep their distance with other people, while the Arabs and South America often represent polite and intimate for their physical contact. Corporate values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹and ethics: Western moral system places emphasis on competition, encourage personal struggles, advocating people continue to forge ahead, while the Oriental culture encourages people to observe discipline, respect for subtle expression and humility. In the era of economic globalization, excessive modesty is not subject to int ernational mainstream cultural appreciation. In moral terms, the East emphasized the dedication and help, while Westerners focus on independent equality and self-awareness, encourage personal capacity. Therefore, in the international business communication, businessmen need to treat others in different ways to form different cultures. For example, in Asia will help others better than South America, unless he took the initiative to a hand. Interpersonal communication: verbal and non-verbal behavior plays an important role in interpersonal communication (Hearn and Tomalin, 2013). Language is a bridge of communication to connected the countries or regions. In international business activities, differences in language is the most direct influence, has a direct impact on international business communication. People from different countries have different languages à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹behavior. If you cannot find the differences that may exist, it is likely to cause communication misunderstanding. For example, in communication Asians courteous and less use of threats, commands and warnings remarks. In international business activities, the differenceses in language is the most direct influence, have a direct impact on international business exchanges. People from different countries have different languages and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹behavior. If you cannot find the differences that may exist, it is likely to cause communication misunderstanding. For example, in communication Asians courteous and less use of threats, commands, and warnings of speech, while the South American negotiating style is relatively straightforward, especially, they used threats and warnings of high frequency. If the parties are unable to understand the differences in behavior of these languages à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹R, communication barriers will produce. Impact on business communication and cultural differences not only in the language of communication process, but also in non-verbal communication process. The use of body language and movement language also affects the Business Communication (Bradley Campbell, 2014). In many cases, these are non-verbal behavior is unconscious, so it is more likely to cause misunderstanding, the impact of the business relationship between the parties. For example, in the vast majority of countries, nod is a manifestation of the Agreement, and in India and Nepal, and shook his head, said yes. If you participate in the exchange business, cannot correctly understand the behavior of the paper, will become barriers to communication. Business etiquette is not in the communication activities of the most important things, but its impact cannot be ignored. In regards to the way Asians like to ask the persons name, occupation and other personal circumstances. South American and Arab taboo stranger asked a personal question. Thus, in regards to links, traders should pay attention to how and what to say. In gratitude, praise often Asians and Arabs would retaliate, but America certainly respect their valuesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹. In exchange, the outspoken South America is always direct and simple expression, but Cautious, heavy ceremonial Asians and Arabs usually do not say no clearly or directly. Therefore, understanding the impact of different cultures on business communications, helping to correctly understand and deal with habits in different countries and regions Customs. Way of thinking: as a long-term culture, thinking affect peoples social life unconsciously (Lorenzo, are associated with monks, roe, 2013) approach. Differences in the way of thinking critically influence international business exchange (Siegman and Feldstein, 2014) success. In the eastern and western culture, oriental culture emphasizes holistic thinking, while Western culture is the emphasis on decentralization thought. Different ways of communication steps and ways of thinking in business communication in these differences of opinion may occur, leading to difficulties in communication. 3. Conclusion In the conclusion, very easy to see that from field interviews with three foreign businessmen result of cultural differences will affect the international business communication in draw conclusions. Philosophy cultural differences, including time management idea, space, corporate values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹and ethics and ways of thinking. Time of cultural differences philosophy, space, corporate values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹and ethics and ways of thinking philosophy, will directly affect the outcome of the performance or communication. Because of the cultural differences, more or less in the national communications business facing obstacles decisive impact on the business success of the communication. In order to better and effectively communicate with people, participating companies should think of ways to solve these probl ems. They should adopt a tolerant attitude, different cultures shocks, learn to adapt to other cultures, and strengthen communication and exchanges with other aspects of verbal and non-verbal communication to enhance training, learning and cultural norms, social customs and taboos different countries. 4.0 Recommendations Inclusive and adapt to each other from a cultural conflict No whether who is engaged in business activities must be aware of cultural differences. They should avoid interpretations and other peoples cultural standing of their own cultural critic only to reduce prejudice and discrimination. They should put themselves in the position of other cultures, and understand the needs, motivations negotiators from different cultural backgrounds and beliefs differences. Cultural differences will not become an obstacle to commercial activities, if overcome ethnocentrism, and the use of effective means of communication. Strengthen communication and exchanges Bilat eral cooperation is often contradiction is inevitable, but in this case, both sides need to understand each other, with regular communication and exchange. Especially for some of the different perspectives and behaviors, both sides would be better to make some difference in the perspective of cultural analysis and thinking. So, when different cultures collide in the negotiations scene, they must learn to respect each other, strengthen exchanges. Verbal and nonverbal communication training As a businessman, engaged in international business, in order to effectively communicate with different cultural backgrounds of employees, customers and colleagues, who need to be proficient in various languages à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹and knowledge, not always rely on translation. At the same time, traders need to understand language and cultural characteristics of different countries. For example, the right body language can help to effectively communicate. In-depth understan ding of cultural norms, social customs and taboos in different countries Before intercourse with foreign business people, people will better understand their customs and taboos, as far as possible in order to avoid misunderstandings, to avoid affecting the process, and even lead to business cooperation. Currently, in order to help business people learn about different cultures, many companies began to engage in cultural education. With the help of these companies, regularly attend training courses that can help understand the nuances between different cultures. Cross-cultural training to deal with cultural differences, avoid the most basic and most effective means of cultural conflict. Cross-cultural training, including knowledge and understanding of the national culture, cultural sensitivity, adaptability training, language training, cross-cultural communication and conflict management capacity main content. Training can make students more attentive and sensitive business commun ication in international business. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Cultural Differences in International Business Communication" essay for you Create order
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