Thursday, May 21, 2020
Leadership Characteristics Of Nursing Leadership Essay
Nursing leadership plays an important role in the ability to improve the quality of care that is available to the patient, but in order to be able to reach this capacity of â€Å"change and innovation [it] requires a clinical leader mind-set that includes a strong personal awareness of one’s strengths and vulnerability, openness to other ideas, courage to challenge the status quo, and a highly developed comfort with rational risk taking†(Porter-O’Grady, 2013, p.71). The application of these leadership characteristics empowers the nurse to identify gaps in patient care, integrate evidence based research, and find alternate solutions to the problems identified in patient care (Committee, O. T. R. W. J., 2010). In addition, leadership itself can be described in various forms and through the highlight of different skill sets, but the one thing that all definitions have in common is that â€Å"leadership involves influencing the attitudes, beliefs, behaviours and feelings of other people†Spector’s work (as cited in Curtis, de Vries, Sheerin, 2011, p.306). When the skill set of a leader is compared to that of a manager, true differences are noted. Some of these key differences are apparent even in the approach utilized to reach the desired goals. While a manager directs, a leader transforms, a manager sustains and a leader improves, a manager controls, a leader motivates, a manager’s focus is on short-term goals and a leader’s is long-term based, managers ask how and when, whileShow MoreRelatedServant Leadership : Characteristics, Nursing Practice, And Personal Growth1090 Words  | 5 PagesServant Leadership: Characteristics, Application to Nursing Practice, a nd Personal Growth The servant is a novel that depicts the life of a man who has a successful life that is lacking a leadership role, directly correlated with his personal, social, and professional life (Hunter, 1998). In the story, his wife convinces him to attend a leadership retreat with the aim of discovering the meaning of servant leadership. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Gender Identity Disorder Essay - 1594 Words
Gender, Sex, Sexuality: Separate and NOT equal. First and foremost, a few key terms to keep in mind while reading this paper. Sex†: refers to the biological and physiological characteristics that define men and women.[1] â€Å"Gender†: refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women.[2] â€Å"Gender identityâ€Å": an individuals self-conception as being male or female, as distinguished from actual biological sex.[3] With so many different terms, it is hard to keep up with the language and understanding of the complex idea of Gender Identity Disorder. If â€Å"sex†is a biological term, and â€Å"gender†is a sociological term, and â€Å"gender identity†is†¦show more content†¦strong and persistent preferences for cross-sex roles in make-believe play or persistent fantasies of being the other sex 4. intense desire to participate in the stereotypical games and pastimes of the other sex 5. strong preference for playmates of the other sex Daphne reported many things about her childhood in her memoir The Last Time I Wore a Dress, but she never mentioned a repeated desire to be the opposite sex. She did prefer to wear clothing that would not be seen as â€Å"girly,†such as dresses. Daphne also had a strong preference for her playmates to be boys. She also describes to her readers, too, that she had more of a knack for softball than any desire to perfect the art of makeup. While I wouldn’t consider this a fantasy, Daphne does mention the desire to be as free as a boy is while riding her bike in the sun topless. Counting all of these things as four out of 5 criteria would indeed give Daphne a diagnosis of GID. How these behaviors come about is what researchers really want to know. Is it a chemical imbalance? Did we not make our children play with the right toys? Was she born this way? These are all questions that parents are asking about their children diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder. Daphne’s parents, however, were not concerned with how she got to be the way she is, but how can I fix it? It is easy to blame the parents when reading The Last Time I Wore a Dress. Daphnes mother isShow MoreRelatedGender And : Gender Identity Disorder1287 Words  | 6 PagesGender Dysphoria, formerly known as Gender Identity Disorder, is described by the DSM-IV as a persistent and strong cross-gender identification and a persistent unease with ones sex. However, gender identity is not diagnosed as such if it is comorbid with a physical intersex condition. Gender dysphoria is not to be confused with sexual orientation, as people with gender dysphoria could be attracted to men, women, or bot h. According to an article written by, Australasian Sciences there are fourRead MoreGender And Gender Identity Disorder2178 Words  | 9 Pageswe re born, our gender identity is no secret. We re either a boy or a girl. Gender organizes our world into pink or blue. As we grow up, most of us naturally fit into our gender roles. Girls wear dresses and play with dolls. For boys, it s pants and trucks.†(Goldburg, A.2007) However, for some, this is not the case. Imagine for a moment that you are a two year old boy drawn to the color pink, make up, and skirts. If this is the case than most likely, you are experiencing Gender Dysphoria, otherwiseRead MoreGender Identity Disorder Essays1031 Words  | 5 PagesLiving a life feeling out of place, with the wrong feelings, and in the wrong body, for a person with Gender Identity Disorder, this is how they feel day to day. According to the DSM-IV-TR, Gender Identity Disorder is characterized by a strong, persistent cross-gender identifi cation, persistent discomfort with his or her sex or sense of inappropriateness in their gender role of that sex. According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), children, adolescents and adults who exhibit a preoccupationRead MoreGender Identity Disorder954 Words  | 4 PagesGender Identity Disorder/Gender Dysphoria Gender identity disorder (GID) or transsexualism is defined by strong, persistent feelings of identification with the opposite gender and discomfort with one’s own assigned sex. (â€Å"Psychology Today†) Due to a recent change to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM, â€Å"Gender Identity Disorder†will be replaced with â€Å"Gender Dysphoria†. For the purpose of this paper those two terms will be interchangeable. This paper will exploreRead MoreGender Identity Disorder2712 Words  | 11 PagesGender Identity Disorder What is gender identity disorder? Gender identity disorder (GID) is the formal diagnosis used by psychologists and physicians to describe persons who experience significant gender dysphoria (discontent with the biological sex they were born with). It is a psychiatric classification and describes the attributes related to transsexuality. Gender identity disorder in children is usually reported as having always been there since childhood, and is considered clinicallyRead MoreGender Identity Disorder Is A Mental Disorder983 Words  | 4 Pagesdepartment of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Emory University School of Medicine, state that â€Å"gender identity disorder is a mental disorder in which gender identity is incongruent with anatomical sex†. Individuals experience different degrees of unhappiness with their sex at birth, which in turn causes them to pursue the life and body of the opposite sex (2010). Does this mean that Matt (ie) has a mental disorder? Would this explain why when Matt (ie) went to a Shaman and the Shaman gave Matt (ie) allRead MoreGender Identity Disorder ( Gid )1209 Words  | 5 Pagestheir biological sex and gender identity, which is known as gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria is formally known as gender identity disorder (GID), gender incongruence or transgenderism. According to Mohammaed Meomon, gender dysphoria is a product of highly complex genetic, neurodevelopmental, and psychological factors (Meomon, 2016). A person’s biological sex is given at birth depending on the appearance of the genitals. What a person identifies with is called gender identity. For example, a womanRead MoreGender Identity Disorder (Gid)1051 Words  | 5 Pages(e-mail me and let me know if you use this and how it does) Gender Identity Disorder (GID) As early as the age of four (Vitale, 1996), some children begin to realize that the gender their body tells them they are, and the gender their mind tells them they are dont correspond. The sense of gender and the anatomical sex of a person mature at different times and different regions of the body (Vitale, 1997b). Sometimes the gendermap, the template within the mind of a person that codes for masculinityRead MoreGender Identity Disorders ( Gids )1403 Words  | 6 Pagesindividual who was living as a woman while waiting to qualify for gender re-assignment surgery (GReS), shows the pain that those who struggle with gender identity disorders (GIDS) undergoi while â€Å"trapped†in the physical and social constraints of living as their original gender, as well as the relief that comes with living as a member of their â€Å"true†gender. Some may argue that use of surgery for purposes of treating gender identity disorders is morally unacceptable since trans sexuality does not belongRead MoreGender Identity Disorder ( Gid ) Essay2178 Words  | 9 PagesIntroduction Sex and gender have been highly controversial constructs amongst many researchers for a long time, due to differing interpretations and definitions for both. Sex is described as the biological indicators of an individual being male or female, based on their sex chromosomes and non-ambiguous internal and external genitalia. Gender, on the other hand, is a social construct that is shaped by the way someone develops their idea of male or female within society. The term gender was introduced when
Economic Issues Simulation Free Essays
Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) have an important role to their patients and their health care providers. Castor Collins Health Care Plan was found in the year of 1999, in Pantome. This particular HMO service provide health care insurance and health care services to a variety of physicians and hospitals. We will write a custom essay sample on Economic Issues Simulation or any similar topic only for you Order Now This company used the capitation idea for compensation to pay its health care providers. Castor Collins is currently serving 100,000 members, throughout Pantome, and is looking for ways to increase the their numbers. I am a representative of Castor Insurance Organization. I am as well the Vice President, Strategy and Financial Planning here at Castor Collins. My responsibilities include but not limited to, interacting with new potential clients and conveying health care plans that will be benefit them. My job here is to try and maximize profit and also minimize the risk for the company. I will do an analysis that will include the demographics of the employees, the health care risk factors or potential areas of high utilization, and the premiums the company is willing to pay. I will give at least two reasons why I would either choose the Constructit or the E-editor plans. I will state the plan I would be willing to sell to my company, and provide the reasons for my choice, and why the other plans would not be beneficial to my company. In January of 2006, Castor Collins was approached by two organizations looking for health insurance. The two groups Castor Collins have to choose from are Constructit and the E-editor. Construcit have total of a 1000 people, and the E-editor consist of 1600. Neither company provide insurance for their employees at the present time. The Constructit group are willing to pay at least $4000 per person, and the E-editor is willing to pay the least possible $4500 per person. The Castor standard plan do not pre-existing medical concerns, and the Castor enhanced insurance to cover pre-existing medical concerns. The plan to be considered first is the Castor Standard Plan. This plan will offer prescriptions, emergency facilities, hospitalization, and ways to help for preventive health services. This pan as we stated earlier do not cover pre-existing medical concerns. The fee for this plan is at least $3,428 which is $572 less than what they were willing to pay for each employee. The second option to consider for the insurance would be the Castor Enhanced Plan. This plan do cover pre-existing medical conditions it will provide coverage to all its employees. It will still provide services to the obese employees. The cost for pre-existing conditions can be estimated at a total of $4, 428, which is slightly higher than the company was willing to pay per employee. It would only work if the company agreed to pay the higher premium in order to benefit all employees especially those with pre-existing medical conditions. The last and final option is the Castor Enhanced Minor plan. This is also a good plan because it will cover pre-existing medical conditions as well. This plan is the only one that will allow certain services to be removed in order to make the premiums at a lower cost. By removing certain services, it will allow the total cost per employee to be under $4000. It will still cover the bare services like hearing and vision care. The Health care plan I feel would be more beneficial to the company and its employees is the last choice. The Castor Enhanced Minor plan. This plan will cover the employees with the pre-existing medical conditions, and will offer the amount they are willing to pay per employee. This plan can be accustomed to fit the needs of the company. If the company wanted to remove obesity medical services as an option they could. This will save the company money on problems that is related obesity such as hypertension and diabetes. Choosing this plan there will bea charge of $3,943, that is a slight less than $4000. Castor Hall will benefit from this. They will make 3. 9million from Construcit. The company have a total of 450 women and a total of 550 men. The woman ages range from 26 to 42 years of age, and the men 26 to 45. The company Constructit work duties have 32% of duties that involve heavy physical activities and 25% that will involve light to moderate physical activities. A main factor to consider when choosing which type of insurance to choose from is the level of high risk for the employees. Obesity is the main problem that is affecting their company. Obesity can cause problems such as hypertension, and heart disease. This will include more doctor visits and prescriptions that will increase the cost of health care for this company. The health problems the company will have to deal with are nearly half of the employees are obese. With total of 198 men and 192 women. That is 39% of the personnel. Blood pressure is another cause of major medical concerns at Constructit. The percentage is 19%, 88 men and 105 women. There are employees that suffer with allergy. It affects 85 women and 92 men that is 17% . Migraine are 16%, this include 93 women and 75 men. Only 13% of the personnel surprisingly suffer with Respiratory Disease. That number include 57 women and 78 men. The last medical condition the company should be concerned with since it has lower percentage of employees suffering with is digestive orders is the least at 8% with total of 32 women and 52 men. Knowing the demographics of the medical conditions of all the employees, this help to choose a plan to benefit the employees and be affordable to Constritit also, and not go over the budget of $4000 per employee. As vice President, Strategy and Financial Planning at Castor Collins, I would not choose either plan. The standard plan will not cover obesity. With the rate of 39%, that would be important to make sure my employees are in a situation to receive the medical attention they need. The Castor Enhance plan do cover pre-existing conditions, but it don’t give the possibility to add or remove the medical services that’s more beneficial to the employees. The services offered in this plan would increase would extend the amount the employees are willing to pay, it would not be profitable to Castor Hall. How to cite Economic Issues Simulation, Papers
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