Monday, September 30, 2019
Name of Student
â€Å"The official UNAIDS Website†– This material will provide the following information: â€Å"1) AIDS Epidemic Update; 2) Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic; 3) Report on the Global AIDS; 4) HIV Data; 5) 2008 Report on the Global AIDS; 6) occurrences of AIDS in different countries; 7) etcetera†(UNAIDS, n.d., n.p.).The book entitled, â€Å"AIDS Epidemic Update†by the â€Å"Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS†will provide statistical information, as well as, reasons for its occurrence (Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, 1998, n.p.).The featured article which state that, â€Å"African AIDS: the facts that demolish the myths†will help either eliminate or add to the reasons why the epidemic is turning worse (Cook, 2009, p. 7).  The author, Cook, will also validate former research studies on whether it is an â€Å"essential element in fighting the AIDS epidemic†or not (Cook, 2009, p. 7).Brookmeyer’s Peer-Rev iewed material tells about what will most likely occur in the future and what is currently taking place with regards to the â€Å"AIDS epidemic†(Brookmeyer, 1991, pp. 37 – 42).Rosenberg’s Peer-Reviewed article will tell about the scope of the aforementioned epidemic in the United States (Rosenberg, 1995, pp. 1372 – 1375).Rosenberg et. al.’s Peer-reviewed material will cover the current occurrence in terms of young adults in the country suffering from HIV (Rosenberg et. al., 1998, pp. 1894 – 1899).Fauci’s special article discusses the following: â€Å"the origins of HIV, scope of the epidemic, prevention of HIV, development of vaccine, etcetera†(Fauci, 1999, pp. 1046 – 1050).The article on the â€Å"Health Transition Review†by Ntozi answers the question on why the â€Å"levels of widowhood have increased in countries in sub-Saharan Africa that are afflicted by the AIDS epidemic†(Ntozi, 1997, pp. 125 â₠¬â€œ 144).Hosegood et. al.’s research discusses the â€Å"levels and causes of adult mortality in rural South Africa†as well as the impact of AIDS (Hosegood et. al., 2004, pp. 663 – 671).Last but not least, Rambaut et. al.’s study will help establish what causes HIV and how it evolved (Rambaut, 2004, pp. 52 – 61).ReferencesBrookmeyer, R. (1991). Reconstruction and Future Trends of the AIDS epidemic in the United States. American Association for the Advancement of Science, 253(5015), 37 – 42.Cook, M. (2009). African AIDS: The Facts that Demolish the Myths. Retrieved March 28, 2009 from
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Affinity Orientation Discrimination Cases Study Essay
Imagine that you are a department manager and you find out that a man you work with has become a woman, or you find out a woman you work with enjoys the private company of woman, would these concepts cause you to discriminate against your employees in the workplace? Analysis of case studies, understanding applicable laws, and recommending clearly defined policies for the workplace will assist with understanding and preventing affinity orientation discrimination. It is important in today’s workplace to have an intricate understanding of the difference between affinity orientation and the word sex as it pertains to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII). The term sex referred to in Title VII represents the gender of an individual employee. Affinity orientation refers to the intimate relationship that an individual may have with another individual of the same gender, or an individual’s desire to become the opposite gender, either temporarily or permanently. There are various types of affinity orientation, none of which are protected by Title VII (Bennett-Alexander, 2001 p.243). One example affinity orientation would be a woman who is a lesbian or a man who is gay. It is becoming increasingly popular for men and women to have a surgical procedure performed to become the opposite gender; this too is a form of affinity orientation. Affinity orientation has become a subject of adversity in the workforce as a result of there being little protection against discrimination for employees participating in the various types of affinity orientation. Case study analysis is a method that management can utilize to better understand affinity orientation in the workplace and preventing discrimination. Case Study #1 Michael is employed at ABC Hospital as an operating nurse. Michael had taken a leave of absence from work to have a gender change operation. Upon Michael’s return to work at ABC Hospital Michael wanted to be addressed by the name Michelle. Since Michelle completed the gender change surgical procedures she felt that she had the right to utilize the women’s locker room and shower like all the other women employed at ABC Hospital. The male employees did not want Michelle to use the men’s locker room because of her gender change. The women refused to share the women’s locker room with Michelle, because the women knew of Michelle’s original gender. At ABC Hospital it is standard procedure for operating room nurses to wear unisex surgical scrubs. Therefore, I do not see the reason why she want use the men locker and shower room. Michelle is not wearing a uniform dress with a cap as a nurse while at work. I feel that she is still considered as a man. Michelle is hoping to file discrimination against her co-workers since having the sex change because no one is accepting her as a female. If she were hired as a male she should not feel discriminatory. I think that she should be accommodated with a locker room and shower that is for either a man or a woman. Case Study #2 Tracy is a lesbian who alleges that she has been denied an internal company promotion due to the fact that her department manager does not want to support her lesbian lifestyle. Mr. Green, Tracy’s department manager, is accused of discriminating against Tracy by not writing her a letter of recommendation for a promotion. Tracy feels that the excellent yearly performance reviews that Mr. Green wrote for her entitles her to obtain a letter of recommendation from Mr. Green. There are legitimate reasons for Tracy’s discrimination claim to be denied. Title VII offers protection against discrimination at the workplace; however, Title VII does not protect against affinity orientation in the workplace. There are no federal laws that prevent a person from being fired or refused a job on the basis of affinity orientation. There are however, the First, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America, that offer freedom of speech, the right to privacy, and equal protection under law (Bennett-Alexander, 2001, p.243). Tracy does not have a discrimination claim against her department manager Mr. Green as a result of affinity orientation. Tracy’s supervisor Mr. Green gave her excellent annual performance evaluations that are more than sufficient enough to apply and expect to be eligible any company promotions. Mr. Green is not obligated to give employees letters of recommendation for promotions, transfers, or applications for employment inside or outside of the company where he is employed as a department manager. The company followed all employee performance review procedures correctly. It is standard practice for companies to place the best-suited candidate in vacant positions. The use of employment evaluations ensures that all candidates are given equal opportunity for job advancements. Should Mr. Green have given Tracy poor performance evaluations on a consistent basis, Tracy may have been able to prove a discrimination claim. It is important to have set policies in place to keep employees informed of what criteria must be met for company advancement or promotions. Employment manuals are a suitable method of ensuring that employees are notified of company policies. In an effort to eliminate future claims of discrimination in the workplace relating to company advancement, Mr. Green should have established set policies regarding letters of recommendation. It is recommended that Mr. Green have the employee manual clearly state that department managers are not permitted to write referral letters for employees applying any positions within the company. The policy would be based on the fact that a letter of recommendation made by a department manager could indicate preference in the workplace and unfair advantage for certain employees. Another option Mr. Green could have implemented would be to permit employees to obtain letters of recommendation from sources outside of the company. Outside recommendations could strengthen an employee’s resume while not creating the opportunity for discrimination in the workplace. An implemented policy that addresses the importance of an employee’s ability to meet and satisfy the requirements of the position would lessen the likeliness of a discrimination claim. Regardless of which position the company takes with respect to letters of recommendation, employees would be advised of company policies well in advance of applying for any positions within the company. Taking precautions in the workplace through the use of implemented policies can eliminate potential discrimination claims. Analyzing case studies, reviewing applicable laws, and recommending policies for the workplace are an excellent method of preventing affinity orientation discrimination. References Bennett-Alexander, D. D., & Hartman, L. P. (2001). Employment Law for Business (III ed.) Boston, Massachusetts: Mc Graw-Hill Primis.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Human Trafficking Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Human Trafficking - Coursework Example People from third world countries are made to believe that there are a lot of employment opportunities in developed countries. They see it as a chance to live the dream. There are other pull factors that have led to human trafficking. They include; demand for workers and the possibility of living better lives. People have been made to believe that better opportunities can be found abroad and in large cities. The above factors explain why human trafficking has been on the rise since 1980 (Shelley, 2010) . Globalization, rise of illicit trade and the existence of a free market has also contributed to the rise of trafficking. Due to globalization, people and goods can be transported easily. The world has become a global village and even the most remote part of the world is now part of the global village. Developed countries have put in place tough measures that aim of phasing out the problem of illegal immigrants and human trafficking. Human traffickers use various methods to lure their victims. They target poor people from third world countries by posting advertisements and billboards that advertise various high paying jobs in developed countries with good pay. They are encouraged to apply for such positions. Once the unsuspecting people apply for the jobs, they are informed that the company would take them abroad only if they pay around $4000 to cover for plane tickets and other expenses that the company is likely to incur. However, most people from third world countries cannot be able to raise such a huge amount. The company offers to pay the amount for the people who are interested on condition that they would pay the amount from their earnings once they reach the foreign country. This deal is too sweet, and many people end up falling for the trap. Once the plane lands in a foreign country, the people are not taken to the jobs they were promised. Many are taken to brothels,
Friday, September 27, 2019
Health Insurance Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Health Insurance - Coursework Example HMOs first emerged in the 1940s with Kaiser Permanente in California and the Health Insurance Plan in New York. However, they were not adopted widely until the 1970s, when health care costs increased and the federal government passed the HMO Act of 1973, which required that companies that offered health insurance and employed more than 25 employees include an HMO option. The law also supplied start-up subsidies for these health plans (Barsukiewicz, Raffel, & Raffel, 2010). HMOs often operate on a prospective or prepaid payment system where providers are paid a capitated feeâ€â€one flat amount per beneficiaryâ€â€per month, quarter, or year, regardless of the frequency or quantity of services used (Barsukiewicz, Raffel, & Raffel, 2010). In staff model HMOs, such as Kaiser Permanente, providers are salaried, but this arrangement is the exception, not the norm. In-group policies, where health insurance is provided through the employer, the employer pays the insurance company a set amount agreed upon in advance. According to Austin and Wetle (2012), employers covered 83% of premium costs for single coverage and 73% for family coverage in 2009. The employee, or beneficiary, paid the difference. Then, the health insurance company pays the provider directly. HMOs have the strictest access structure, called a gatekeeper model, where patients must have a primary care physician (PCP) through who all care is routed. PCPs decide which diagnostic tests are needed and control access to specialists through referrals, deciding when it is necessary for a patient to seek more expensive specialty care (Barsukiewicz, Raffel, & Raffel, 2010). HMOs are usually the least expensive health plans, offer predictable costs for health care, the least administrative paperwork, and cover preventive care (Barsukiewicz, Raffel, & Raffel, 2010). However, HMOs also restrict direct access to specialists by requiring referrals by a PCP, requiring patients to see a provider in
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Employee Relationship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Employee Relationship - Essay Example Finally, the paper concludes stating that a sophisticated employee relation is necessary for efficient running of any firm. It is not feasible to discuss conceptual approaches to flexible working without reference to the work of Atkinson (1984), who developed the concept of "the flexible firm" in the recognition of changes which had taken place in the nature and composition of the workforce at that time. In the model of the "flexible firm" (see Figure overleaf), Atkinson propounded the concept of "core" versus "peripheral" workers. Core workers are a permanent component of a firm's workforce who deliver functional flexibility through their capacity to undertake a wide range of tasks. In contrast, peripheral workers provide a firm with numerical flexibility, with their numbers increasing or reducing with changing labour market conditions. The flexible firm approach involves a reorganisation of a firms' internal labour markets and their division into separate components, wherein workers' experiences and employer's expectations are increasingly differentiated (see Atkinson and Gregory 1986). Bryson (1999) argues that training/development and the involvement of employees are more likely to be directed at core workers, while 'peripheral' workers will be exposed more and more to 'raw' market forces. In times of recession, peripheral or non full-time workers are much more susceptible to lay-offs and redundancies. It is not insignificant that atypical workers, including those job-sharing, working part-time or on short-term contracts, are very clearly located on the periphery of the workforce under this approach. There is little doubt that the flexible firm model was influential in the development of employment policy in UK private and public sector organizations in recent years (see Lawton and Rose 1994). The extent to which this placement of atypical workers as peripheral workers truly reflects the reality of life in Irish organizations remains to be seen. There is certainly evidence to show that, in the Civil Service, opting for flexible, family friendly working arrangements, such as job-sharing, is perceived as unlikely to enhance longer-term career prospects (see Humphreys, Drew and Murphy 1999). However, what is clear is that, given the frequent gender differentiation between core and periphery workers, it is absolutely vital from both the equality and 'family-friendly' viewpoints that flexible working arrangements move in from the periphery to the core of organizational activity and thinking. - INDIVIDUALISM AND COLLECTIVISM Individualism and collectivism are conflicting views of the nature of humans, society and the relationship between them. Individualism holds that the individual is the primary unit of reality and the ultimate standard of value. This view does not deny that societies exist or that people benefit from living in them, but it sees society as a collection of individuals, not something over and above them. Collectivism holds that the group---the nation, the community, the proletariat, the race, etc.---is the primary unit of reality and the ultimate standard of value. This view does not deny the reality of the individual. But ultimately, collectivism holds
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Film Pitch Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Film Pitch - Essay Example Australian Aborigines migrated from somewhere in Asia at least 30,000 years ago. Though they comprise 500–600 distinct groups, aboriginal people possess some unifying links. Among these are strong spiritual beliefs that tie them to the land such as a tribal culture of storytelling and art and like other indigenous populations, a difficult colonial history. ( ). Aboriginal people are the Indigenous people of Australia. â€Å"Aboriginal people, their traditional cultures and lands lie on the mainland and most of the islands, including Tasmania, Fraser Island, Palm Island, Mornington Island, Groote Eylandt, Bathrust and Melville Islands.†( ) The story will be set on the indigenous land with a tribe that is currently functioning with the old belief systems. The story will follow a family in this tribe and the different functions which they have to move through to stay on the land. The story will show how the family survives, what the traditions an d rituals are and how the indigenous family has preserved the culture through time. It will then switch to showing the modern world and how the tribes either fit into or are marginalized out of mainstream society. The film will provide insights into the indigenous tribes functioning in mainstream society, combined with interviews of the majority population and what is known about the Aborigines. The setting will begin in Queensland with the focus on the Guugu Yimithirr. The focus on this tribe shows the movement into colonization because they were taken over in 1770 by James Cook and were expected to integrate into society. The ending will show the state of this group now and how the indigenous peoples have remained in the outback and outside of society. Cast and Key Crew: Since this is a documentary, the cast and key crew will be determined while filming. An anonymous family will be chosen for the shooting, specifically to show the highlights of their lives and what occurs in terms of culture, ritual and daily living. An anonymous group of people in Queensland will also be found to show the ideals of the indigenous. A narrator will be used for the historical details of the indigenous before James Cook and to show the realistic ideal of what happened to this specific tribe in 1770. Rationale for Making: The culture of Australia is one which is rich and diverse in many who have migrated to Australia, as well as others who have been on the land for centuries. This has led to marginalized groups that are often overlooked with the melting pot of Australia. Little attention is given not only to the minority groups and the way in which they function within society. There is also little to no examination of the history of Australia and the roots where it has come from. This particular documentary will display the changes which have occurred in society and will allow every Australian to reexamine their heritage, culture and nationalistic identity. More important, ther e will be a distinguished understanding of what happened in colonialization and to the present time to change the indigenous tribes of the land from a majority population and into one that is known to stay in the outback and live as a minority and marginalized group (May, 1994). Not only is this particular aspect important to examine for Australians, but it will also tap into a voice that is now rising in Australia. This will help to support what many are thinking within society, specifically which is
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
London Congestion Pricing Program Statistics Project
London Congestion Pricing Program - Statistics Project Example Since 1977 there was a noticeable and constant decline in the average speed (exhibited in figure 1). In central London drivers were spending 50% of journey duration which was around five miles per hour. An authority of Greater London was created by the "Greater London Authority Act-1999" comprised of the London Assembly and the Mayor of London, where under authority was given to mayor for implementing workplace parking and road pricing individually or combined. LCC or London congestion charging had a main goal of dropping traffic congestion within and in the surrounding of CZ or charging zone. The congestion charge was just like a region permit from the start. From Monday to Friday during 7 a. m. - 6: 30 p. m., any automobile coming or going through, parking or driving in CZ, will have to pay 5 or $ 10 in the beginning. Road signs are put up to indicate confines of CZ. The original capital costs of this project were estimated to be 200 million according to the prices of 2002, approximately 220 million according to prices and values in 2005. The central government provided e major part of it. The extension was made with an estimation of 118 according to prices and values in 2005 and it was funded by the general fund of TfL. A detailed picture of cost and revenues is given in Table 1. The disposable returns from road pricing plans were require... There will be a 10-15% decrease in traffic within CZ, about 30 % lessen queues with an 10-15 % elevated average speed; Around 5-10 % decline in traffic on radial routes and 5% increase of traffic over orbital routes and, resulting an overall effect of 1-2 % decrease in traffic outside the zone. LCC Plan: Conditions and Fundamental Specifications The congestion charge was just like a region permit from the start. From Monday to Friday during 7 a. m. - 6: 30 p. m., any automobile coming or going through, parking or driving in CZ, will have to pay 5 or $ 10 in the beginning. Road signs are put up to indicate confines of CZ. Extension in the Original LCC Project Some extensions were made into the original CZ in the year 2007 and some free corridors were also provided and some other changes were also made. Reimbursement in terms of Costs and Revenues The original capital costs of this project were estimated to be 200 million according to the prices of 2002, approximately 220 million according to prices and values in 2005. The central government provided e major part of it. The extension was made with an estimation of 118 according to prices and values in 2005 and it was funded by the general fund of TfL. A detailed picture of cost and revenues is given in Table 1. Revenues Exploit The disposable returns from road pricing plans were required to be introduced by the Great London Authority Act 1999 through the initial decade of the law 1999-2009. The transport strategy of the mayor was also to be included in this ten yeas allocation. Actually the disposal of potential revenue had to be a mandatory part of any road pricing plan for London. Such net revenue distribution is presented in Table 2. Analysis of the Effectiveness
Monday, September 23, 2019
Psychological Testing and Assessment and the DSM Essay
Psychological Testing and Assessment and the DSM - Essay Example All the data and information from case history data is crucial in helping test administrators to gain good understanding of the test taker’s pattern of behavior. With case history data, therapists are able to develop and draw a relevant context on which to make reliable interpretation of current data about a client’s condition. As described by Cohen, Sturman and Swerdlik (2013), clinical psychology concerns with diagnosis, prevention and treatment of extremely abnormal behaviors. Clinical psychologists consider clinical interviews as part of instruments for collecting information about clients with reference to their behaviors that cause suspicion. Clinical interview then is an instrument or tool of assessment usually used by clinical psychologists to understand the actual condition of a test taker to determine their appropriateness to take tests. Cohen, Sturman and Swerdlik (2013) point that clinical interviews have helped clinicians to understand the possibility of a test taker harming self before, during and after a test and subjection to treatment. In most cases, clinical interviews have proved to be effective ways that clinicians and clients negotiate terms to establish competent contract to guide through treatment. This is to mean that clinicians use clinical interviews in consultation with clients t o establish goals, mutual obligations and expectations during and at the end of a therapy. Good clinical interviewers seek to set a positive ground and atmosphere for interview (Ployhart & MacKenzie, 2011). In most cases, seasoned interviewers begin interviews by open-ended questions and later as they gain trust and confidence of test takers, drive into closed questions. There are different forms of interviews that clinicians can administer to test takers. The type of an interview for a given psychological measurement depends on various factors such as appearance, current psychological
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Two Gentlemen of Verona and Why Is Sylvia Essay Example for Free
Two Gentlemen of Verona and Why Is Sylvia Essay Both poems are written by William Shakespeare. They originate from two different sources. One is part of a play, Two Gentlemen of Verona. The other is a poem found in a bundle with various other poems written by Shakespeare. The poems have the same theme, as love and infatuation are the main topics. Their purpose is to portray a person in such a way that the reader can visualize the topic and enter into the writer’s experience. The song ‘Why is Sylvia’ is organized into three five-line stanzas. Each of the stanzas uses the rhyme scheme of ABABA within. While you might, at a glance, note the ‘-ings’ in all five lines of the third stanza. The A lines are a simple ‘-ing’, while the B lines are ‘-elling’ endings. ‘Sonnet 130’ is not divided into stanzas, but still uses the rhyme scheme of ABAB. Although, not entirely throughout the poem. The last two sentences rhyme and therefore do not follow the rhyme scheme. ‘Sonnet 130’ is written in the first person. This is quite logical, because the writer describes his own lover. In this way, you get to know his personal feelings from his own perspective. ‘Who is Sylvia’ is not written in the first person. It is written in the third person. The writer discusses the characteristics of Sylvia. He constantly uses the words ‘she’ or ‘Sylvia’. The tone set in the poem, which is admiring and weighing, is created to let the reader wonder about all the characteristics of Sylvia. Shakespeare has a positive view on Sylvia, but still he has a doubtful edge. ‘Sonnet 130’ starts with an unexpected tone. He emphasizes all her imperfections. Although, he ends his poem with a comment showing he loves her despite everything. ‘Who is Sylvia’ was written during the Renaissance. The writing during the Renaissance had typical influences of the author’s personal life. Therefore, we could conclude that ‘Who is Sylvia’ could be based on his own experiences. In most poems with a theme including love has references to the perfection of his or her loved one. In ‘Sonnet 130’, these references to such objects of perfection are indeed present, but they are there to illustrate that his lover is not as beautiful. In every line he makes a comparison, mostly by using metaphors, of his lover to something seen perfect in his eyes. â€Å"Coral is far more red than her lips red†, â€Å"If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head†and â€Å"And in some perfumes is there more delight than in the breath that from my mistress reeks†. He says that her lips are not red enough and that even coral is a brighter red than her lips. If hairs would be wires, hers would be black and not golden. Furthermore, he tells us that her breath is not as pleasant as he would have hoped for. These are all examples of his comparisons involving his mistress. In the first line, he uses a simile in his comparison, â€Å"My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun†. They are not very pleasing and so not following the classic Italian sonnet structure used by Petrach. Shakespeare ends his sonnet by proclaiming his love for his mistress despite all of her ‘defaults’. This is when he embraces the theme in Petrarch’s sonnets, which is total and consuming love. Shakespeare uses a new structure in ‘Sonnet 130’, through which the straightforward theme of his lover’s simplicity is portrayed in three quatrains and neatly concluded in the final couplet. Shakespeare is using many techniques available, including the strict rules of the sonnet structure itself. His sonnet consists out of fourteen lines printed as a whole. However, by using the rhyme scheme (ABABCDCDEFEFGG) his sonnet consists out of three quatrains and one distich. The last two lines give the conclusion of the sonnet.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Myers-Briggs Essay Example for Free
The Myers-Briggs Essay The Myers-Briggs type indicator is a widely used to help individuals gain insight into there personality type and communication patterns. This tool will help the career counselor as well as the client have a better understanding on how the client judges and perceives the world. The type indicator is a beneficial tool for gaining insight into future career endeavors. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator was developed by Isabel Myers and Katherine Briggs in order to have a better understanding of differences and similarities in human personalities. The instrument is based on the psychological theory of Carl Jung, who strongly suggested in the 1920s that personality traits are inherited or innate. Myers and Briggs used Jungs theory to develop a list of four ranges of personality traits. They refined their definitions over and over again during the 1940s and 1950s by administering thousands of assessments (Gordon Martin, 2004). The MBTI identifies preferences rather than competencies it is designed to help you understand your unique personality and the way you relate to others around you. Backed by thousands of research studies, the MBTI assessment is both reliable and valid in assessing personality traits. The eight characteristics that are defined in the MBTI are not traits that vary in quantity; they are dichotomous constructs that describe equally legitimate but opposite ways in which we use our minds (Briggs-Myers, McCauley, Quenk, Hammer, 2003). The MBTI describes a dynamic personality system such that the 16 types are greater than the sum of their parts. This instrument is the most widely used personal instrument in the world-2 million administrations are given each year (Martin, 1997). Today their personality assessment instrument is more widely used by educators in the US than any other. It is not like other psychological tests in that it does not uncover illness or psychosis (Briggs-Myers, McCauley, Quenk, Hammer, 2003). It was designed to help normal people understand normal human behavior. Therefore, it could be used as an assessment instrument to help individuals select careers that suite their type preferences. There are eight types arranged in four continuums or scales. Everyone uses each of the types but there is an innate preference for one. The different types explain how individuals communicate and see the world. The MBTI uses these four separate dichotomies; two of these S-N and T-F, describe functions and reflect basic preferences for use of perceptions and judgment, the other two E-I and J-P, reflect attitudes or orientations. Together these functions and orientations influence how a person perceives a situation and decides on a course of action. The scales are explained below: Extravert-Introvert: In the extraverted attitude the energy flow is outward, and the preferred focus is on people and things, whereas in the introverted attitude the energy flow is inward, and the preferred focus is on inner thoughts and ideas. Extraverts (E) are energized by interaction with others such as they love to talk, participate, organize, and party. Extroverts like action. Es are pulled into life’s social interaction and may find it difficult to due things such as; settle down, read, or concentrate on written work. It is suggested that extravert due not to enjoy listening and would prefer to talk to work out their ideas. They would find tasks such as reading, research, or writing challenging because they are solitary endeavors (Briggs-Myers, McCauley, Quenk, Hammer, 2003).. Introverts (I) are energized by the inner world of reflection though thought and contemplation. They need space and time alone. Introverts like activities such as; reading, lectures, written, or oral work. They usually have a longer attention span and prefer to think things through before acting (Briggs-Myers, McCauley, Quenk, Hammer, 2003). . Sensing-Intuitive (S-N) Sensing and Intuition are the perceiving functions. They indicate how a person prefers to receive data from the environment around him. These are the non-rational functions, as a person does not necessarily have control over receiving data, but only how to process it once they have it. Sensing prefers to receive data primarily from the five senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch), and intuition prefers to receive data from the unconscious, or seeing relationships via insights. Often it is called sixth sense or gut feel†. This scale suggests how you take in information and reported to have the biggest impact on how we learn (Briggs-Myers, McCauley, Quenk, Hammer, 2003). Sensing (S) people depend heavily on their five senses to ingest information. They base knowledge on concrete facts, organization, and structure. They tend to be good at memorization, usually realistic, and relatively conventional. Ss are focused and oriented on the present, the concrete, and the here and now. Sensing people have a tendency to like outlines, clear guidelines, and specifics. They have difficulty relying on theories. Intuitive (N) individuals see the world through intuition. They learn by hunches, look at the big picture verse small details. They want to know the theory before deciding that facts are important. They have a tendency to be creative, innovative, and work with bursts of energy. Intuitive people ask why before anything else (Briggs-Myers, McCauley, Quenk, Hammer, 2003). Thinking-Feeling: Thinking and Feeling are the rational functions. They are used to make rational decisions concerning the data they received from their perceiving functions. Thinking is characterized as preferring to be logical and analytical and thinking in terms of true or false. Thinking decisions tend to be based on more objective criteria and facts. Feeling, which refers to subjective criteria and values, strives for harmonious relationships and considers the implications for people. Feeling decisions tend to be based on what seems more good or less bad according to values. This range tells how people make decisions (Briggs-Myers, McCauley, Quenk, Hammer, 2003). . Thinking (T) people make decisions based of logic, analysis, and reason. They follow their head rather than heart, they tend to value truth. At times thinkers can appear blunt and uncaring about the feelings of others. Ts usually have strongly held principles, value fairness over everything, and need purpose in their life. People who must make decisions that negatively effect many individual lives (surgeons and corporation presidents) are often thinking types. Feeling (F) individuals follow their heart rather than their head. They decide on the basis of their feelings, personal likes and dislikes. They tend to want others to like them therefore they find it difficult to say no or disagree with others. Fs need and value kindness. Feeling type’s value harmony and are distressed by interpersonal friction. Feeling types are often found in social work, elementary school teaching, and other helping professions. They will feel rewarded when they can help others (Briggs-Myers, McCauley, Quenk, Hammer, 2003). Judging-Perceiving: This range suggests the type of life style and work habits we prefer. It shows how people relate to the world around them. The J person tends to prefer to create and live in an ordered environment. Words like structured and controlled come to mind. Js tend to plan their work and work their plan. They often come across as decisive. The P individual tends to prefer a flexible, wait-and-see environment. Words like spontaneous and adaptable and open-minded best describe him or her. Judging (J) types try to order and control their world. They are decisive, may be closed-minded, and are usually well organized. The meet deadlines, like planning, and prefer to work on only one thing at a time (Briggs-Myers, McCauley, Quenk, Hammer, 2003). Perceiving (P) types are spontaneous and do not enjoy to be boxed in by deadlines or plans. They want to gather more information before making a decision. They tend to multitask or have a variety of activities in their lives. Ps are flexible and often good in emergencies when plans are disrupted. Their biggest problem tends to be procrastination. They may make a calendar of things to do, but will probably lose it (Briggs-Myers, McCauley, Quenk, Hammer, 2003). Jung originally developed his theory of types as part of his counseling with his clients. Distinguishing type can shed light on issues of self-esteem, relationship difficulties, life development and transitions, as well as decision making. As Jung suggests human behavior is actually quite orderly and consistent, due to the basic differences in the way individuals prefer to use their judgment and perception. Perception involves all the ways of becoming aware of things, people, happenings, and ideas (Briggs-Myers, McCauley, Quenk, Hammer, 2003). Judgments involve all the ways of coming to conclusions about what has been perceived. Every individual could be described as unique. Each of us is a product of heredity and environment and, as a result, is different from everyone else. The idea behind uniqueness, however, gives no practical help in understanding the people whom we must educate, counsel, work with, or interact with in our personal lives. The assumption of similarity, therefore can promote misinterpretations and misunderstandings of humans because peoples minds operate differently. People’s perceptions and judgments are all choices, in accordance with principles of human development (Gordon Martin, 2004). According to Jung’s theory the instrument can be beneficial in organizational development as well as career development. Through the instrument individuals can gain self understanding which leads to self awareness (Briggs-Myers, McCauley, Quenk, Hammer, 2003). When individuals have self awareness they gain knowledge on personal preferences and dislikes. MBTI suggests that when people understand how they communicate with others there can be a wealth of positive outcomes such as; increased appreciation for colleges, improvement in communication, a better understanding of how to deal with conflict, enhancement in problem solving, and better decision making (Gordon Martin, 2004). Dr. Charles Martin suggests that research clearly has shown that people are attracted to careers choices that will allow them to make use of their natural type preferences. He also suggests that through all the four letters of the final personality types can affect the kind of career that interests you (Martin, 1997). A person’s combination of the two middle letters has particular importance on the career choice you pick. That is the combination of perception (sensing or intuition) and judgment (thinking and feeling) seems to have the most influence on which kinds of careers will attract you (Martin, 1997). The individual’s type can provide the career counselor with useful information as well as the client on a variety of issues related to career choice. Based on I verse E, this will determine a persons need for social interaction, J verse P can interpret how organized an individual needs to be verse how flexible they can be (Gordon Martin, 2004). Obviously there is more to an individual them there type so it is also necessary for the individual to make decisions for a career choice. Under the assumption a career counselor would have knowledge and be educated on the Myers Briggs assessment this specific tool could be beneficial for job placement of career choice. If people gain insight in to what motivates them, possibly they could choose a career that would satisfy that need.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Gender differences in intelligence?
Gender differences in intelligence? Sex differences in intelligence have been a popular argument for generations. Francis Galton had little doubt that men were more intelligent than women (Mackintosh, 2000, p. 182), whereas Cyril Burt and Louis Terman agree that this should be as straightforward as any concept, and can be answered through empirical evidence. In general intelligence, the findings of various studies have arrived at similar conclusions of either no difference, or men having a slightly higher IQ than women. In specific intelligence, men excel at spatial ability whereas women perform better at verbal tasks. (Lynn, 2005) The major inconsistencies of findings throughout studies have led to the critical analysis of intelligence tests. Implications of these findings will centre on employment and education opportunities, as well as criticisms of methods used leading to suggestions of how intelligence should be measured in the future. According to Maltby, Day and Macaskill (2007, p. 258), Sir Francis Galton is the forefather of intelligence tests. He made the first attempt to study sex differences in intelligence directly. He hypothesised that sex differences do exist between males and females. Alfred Binet created the first intelligence test for children called the Binet-Simon scale, which could determine the childs mental age. Charles Spearman aimed to test an individuals general intelligence. He was interested in relationships between subtests and found that if an individual scored highly in one subtest, they were likely to score highly in others. He found that these subtests correlated positively with each other. Through these findings Spearman developed his two factor theory. Specific intelligence refers to each type of intelligence that is used for a specific kind of task, such as verbal or spatial intelligence. General intelligence refers to the intelligence that is required to perform on all types of intelligence tests. In 1938, John Carlyle Raven published his Ravens Progressive Matrices, which were free from cultural influences and did not depend of language capabilities In 1939, David Weschler developed the first intelligence test based on Spearmans two factor theory called the Wechsler-Bellevue test. This test concentrated on specific abilities and how they correlated with each other to form an overall measure of general intelligence. In 1955 Weschler introduced the Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS). These scales included a set of subtests to analyse specific intelligence. Lewis Terman (1916) studied almost 100 school children between the ages of four and sixteen using the Stanford-Binet test and found that the girls had slightly higher IQs. Charles Spearman (1927) found no sex difference in intelligence, as did Raymond Cattell. Raymond Cattell theorised the differences between fluid and crystallised intelligence, finding no difference on the two dimensions. Fluid intelligence is free of culture and is innate whereas crystallised intelligence is based on cultural experiences and acquired through learning. J.H Court (1983) conducted a meta-analysis of 120 studies on information provided on the Raven Progressive Matrices. He found mixed results with half of the studies finding no difference and the other half finding a slightly higher IQ in males. However, Court concluded that there were no differences. Jensen (1998) and Mackintosh (1998) found similar results with the only differences being very small with males having a slight advantage of one to two IQ points. Anderson (2004) reviewed literature on the Ravens Progressive Matrices and the Weschler intelligence test and concluded that they show no difference. Richard Lynn and Paul Irwing (2005) did a meta-analysis of 57 studies from 30 countries, covering 80,000 people who gave information on the Ravens Progressive Matrices. They found no sex differences among children up to the age of fifteen, which does not parallel with Termans findings. After the age of fifteen, males gradually scored higher IQ points than women, totalling up to five points when they reached adulthood. However, when looking at the effect sizes of Lynn and Irwings findings, the difference in IQ scores are not very significant. The effect size allow[s] us to determine the importance of the findings. (Maltby, 2007, p. 352) An effect size of .2 or below is considered as insignificant whereas an effect size of .8 represents a larger difference. Lynn and Irwings finding of males having a slightly higher IQ than females in between the ages of fifteen to nineteen had an effect size of .16, whereas males scoring five IQ points higher than women had an effect size of .2-.3, the refore this finding is not significant. Lynn and Irwings meta-analysis also showed that males scores had a larger variance than women. Irwing and Lynn report that there are twice as many men with IQ scores of 125 and 155, there were 5.5 men for every woman. (Maltby, 2007, p. 353) However, Terman (1916) and Herrnstein and Murray (1994) both disagree with these findings. They claimed that they found no difference in the variations of IQ scores. Although other studies that used the Weschler test agreed with Lynn and Irwing, showing that men had a variance of five percent larger than females. Even though it has been concluded that there is no significant difference between men and women in general intelligence, specific intelligence is another matter. The agreed hypothesis is that men and women differ on specific aspects of intelligence. Eleanor Maccoby and Carol Nagy Jacklin (1974) concluded that men perform better on tests of spatial ability and women, tests on verbal ability. M. C. Linn and A. C. Petersen (1985) found an effect size of .44 of males performing better on spatial perception. J. S. Hyde and M. C. Linn (1988) also found an effect size for -.33 of women performing better on speech production, which supports Maccoby and Jacklins conclusion. However, due to the small effect size of verbal abilities, Hyde and Linn believe that this is not significant enough to claim that the difference exists. When considering the validity and reliability of types of measurements, intelligence tests have been criticised. Maltby et al. (2007, p. 298) claims that intelligence is probably much more than what can be measured by intelligence tests; rather, [it is] the result of the individual engaging in a variety of skills and information within their cultural context. It would be a challenge to measure a concept such as this which is so dependent upon if the individual is truly willing to take part. Another difficulty is the dilemma of knowing the most reliable measurements. Measures of intelligence produce inconsistencies. Nybourg (2005) states that in half of various studies, there have been no difference found, whereas in the other half, males have a slightly higher IQ, averaging at 3.8. Jensen (1998) found that when certain subtests were eliminated from a study that favoured either sexes, the findings were very different, therefore the findings depend very much on which subtests are used. In conclusion to knowing the extent of sex differences in intelligence, due to Lynn and Irwings meta analysis; there is an insignificant amount of difference in general intelligence between males and females. However, when considering specific intelligence, many studies have shown that men clearly have a better spatial ability, whereas women perform better on verbal tasks. When including each of the specific abilities, they cancel each other out to reach a sum of no difference. Another fact to acknowledge is that male IQ has a much wider spread than females. Females have more of an average grouping of IQs whereas males reach wider ends of the spectrum, either reaching a score of 120 and being labelled as a genius, or scoring lower than 50 and being labelled as mentally challenged. The fact that males have such a large variance in their IQ scores has implications on how IQ should be measured. In the future, IQ should be measured by specific intelligence rather than general due to this large variance belonging to males. When looking at the implications for males and females in everyday life, these findings will have a big impact on education and employment opportunities. Leatta Hough (1992) found that intelligence effects various aspects in the work place such as competence and creativity. These aspects will affect future employment for the individual because of how their previous employers will reference them for their prospective employers. The implication of the previous findings regarding males have a slightly higher IQ score than women will directly influence the employers decision about who to hire. Employers are more likely to hire men because of their higher intelligence scores. These findings may also have an impact on what type of job males and females can work in. Due to the findings of specific intelligence, males are more likely to work in jobs that require spatial performance such as construction work, whereas females are more likely to work as a presenter or interviewer which requires high-quality verbal performance. However, this finding would not have an impact on school children due to Lynn and Irwings findings of there being no difference between children up to the age of fifteen. This finding does not however generalise to further education such as applying for universities. Educators and professors of a specific university will want the most intelligent students to study at their university; therefore they are more likely to choose males over females after considering their A Level grades as well as taking into consideration the above findings. However, certain universities, such as Oxford and Cambridge, who interview every candidate maybe more in favour of females due to them being statistically better at verbal tasks. The interviewers knowing this statistic maybe biased before the candidate enters the room which could affect their chances of entry. In general, the above findings will have an impact on general stereotypes in society. Women are commonly seen as below men in many areas of life, such as the work place. The findings of men having slightly higher IQs than women will add to this typecast of women being secondary. Although Lynn and Irwing claim that these findings are insignificant, in todays society, the fact that men do have, on average a higher IQ score in general intelligence will outweigh the psychologists findings. The inconsistency of the above findings shows that researching specific intelligence is more accurate than studying general intelligence. General intelligence is a very wide and open research topic, and the precision of studying this form of intelligence is not as clear cut as studying specific aspects of intelligence. Institutions should therefore use specific IQ scores to make decisions, because the specific scores would show the employer or educator where lies the individuals strengths and weaknesses, rather than ordering them in order of intelligence. In conclusion, when considering general intelligence, males have a slightly higher IQ score than females. However, the effect size for this finding is .2 meaning that the difference in too small to be significant. Specific intelligence tests show that males perform better at spatial tasks whereas women perform better at verbal tasks, therefore cancelling each other out. Due to males and females performing better at different things, their scores average out to be very similar for general intelligence. This difference does not occur until the individual reaches the age of fifteen. In early adolescents Lynn and Irwing discovered there are no sex differences at all. Although males score higher on IQ tests, they have a much larger variance in their scores. When looking along the spectrum of intelligence, males tend to score on either end of the scale, whereas females score closer to the average IQ of 100. The implications of these findings will have a great impact on further education for students, depending on how the university or college base their decisions on. For adults, the findings will impact on what type of job they are more likely to work in. Due to criticisms of past studies, implications for further studies are that more tests should be conducted for researching specific intelligence rather than general, due to the wide scope of what general intelligence tests can include. Education: The Backbone of a Nation | Essay Education: The Backbone of a Nation | Essay Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. The wealth of knowledge acquired by an individual after studying particular subject matters or experiencing life lessons that provide an understanding of something. Education requires instruction of some sort from an individual or composed literature. The most common forms of education result from years of schooling that incorporates studies of a variety of subjects. The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character that is the goal of true education. The goal of education is not to increase the amount of knowledge but to create the possibilities for a child to invent and discover, to create men who are capable of doing new things. It is the most powerful weapon which we can use to change the world. Education is good but can be really bad and unproductive when it becomes indoctrination. When one talks about education and being educated in this part of the world, people are quick to think about going to the university. They see those that have access to the university education who are regarded as being educated and those without the privilege as illiterate. Having seen and experienced this, I realize that when schooling becomes indoctrination, only the truly educated ones become successful. Now, what does it mean to be truly educated? What does it mean to be indoctrinated? What connection do these two have with schooling? To answer these three significant questions, we will need to define the nouns or verbs from which each of them is derived and analyze them. Longman Dictionary defines education, a noun from which educated is derived from: the process by which your mind develops at school, college or university. Indoctrinate, a verb from which indoctrination is derived, according to Longman dictionary means: to train someone to accept a particular set of political or religious beliefs and not consider any others. The English dictionary defines indoctrinate as to teach with a biased, one-sided or uncritical ideology. School, a noun from which schooling is derived, is defined in the English dictionary as: (U.S.) an institution dedicated to teaching and learning; an educational institution. (British) an educational institution providing primary and secondary education, prior to tertiary education (college or university). It must be noted that school is not limited to a certain institution, it is simply any institution for learning and education can be derived from any of these institutions. It is only indoctrination that makes people glorify one ahead of the other. Almost all of us belong to the school of thought that without university education a person is not educated. A polytechnic graduate is always rated lower than a university graduate regardless of intelligence of the former; thus certification has taken the place of real intellectualism and technicality. This indoctrination is a great tragedy to youth development. We have been made to believe that without a university education, we are no better than illiterates are. When we talk about intelligence, people are fast to measure it by the good grades acquired through formal education. We also have not been studious enough to see the difference: being a university graduate does not guarantee a successful life. The pieces of evidence are here but we couldnt see. Thats indoctrination. It is a gross waste of time to sit down and wait for admission when what we want to study in school is unrelated to what we really want to become, perhaps in what we are skilled. It is a lack of vision to accept a change of course just to be a university student, but our society has provided us with no other choice than to join them if we cant beat them. Everyone just wants to answer the name university graduate just for the sake of it. Therefore, we forgo our visions, dump our dreams for the title that comes with certificates which we might dump in our wardrobes and not make use of for the rest of our lives. It is true no knowledge is lost but such indoctrination comes with lesser or no profit. For the records, not being a university student does not make a person less or an illiterate. Let us overcome this wrong mentality in which we have been so much enslaved. University education with a good certificate is an achievement on its own, but it is not the most accurate determinant of efficiency nor does it necessarily enhance productivity or efficiency in the labor market. Year in year out, young boys and girls register for universities entrance exams and when they fail to make the required grades, they are considered failures. The ones that are tired of trying settle for colleges of educations, technical schools or polytechnics while the so-called determined ones, most of whom have no idea what they want to do with their lives, continue in the struggle of rewriting university entrance examinations. They keep making money for the universities when it is certainly most of them have no business being university students. Now, what does it mean to be truly educated? Going by the definition of education in Longman dictionary, it is the process by which your mind develops at school, college or university. The dictionary only mentions school, college or university in order to foster understanding in a layman, but the true meaning of education is the process by which mind and the whole being is developed through learning. This learning can be acquired in any designated institution. However, there can be no true education where there is indoctrination. Education is all about learning how to achieve ones passion and goals while indoctrination, going by its definition, is believing what one is told or what seems agreeable, convenient and best in order to avoid the stress of learning and engaging in its practicality. If one who doesnt ever attend university is considered educated, then who is uneducated? An uneducated person is a person who doesnt know anything about his lifes visions and goals and how to pursue them; one who does not have what it takes to succeed in his chosen lifestyle. For instance, if we want to be in life is a footballer and we go to school to study mechanical engineering when we should register ourselves into a football academy and develop our skills, we are simply uneducated. It doesnt matter if we have a Ph.D. in it. Ph.D. in mechanical engineering will never make us a better footballer. Imagine if Messi and Ronaldo have left football academy to go to university, will they have become the famous and successful footballers that we know today? However, being an illiterate who is unable to read and write; having less than an expected standard of familiarity with language and literature, or having a little formal education; not conforming to prescribed standards of speech or writing, will always limit anyones level of education. Of course, there are natural talents that do not require being taught in order to have them. If one is unable to read and write, he or she will definitely have limited education. Education can be acquired via other sources but literacy or the ability to read and write is vital. However, being a university student is not the proof that one is educated. For one to be able to sit for university entrance examination he or she must be educated, that is, he or she must be a literate and have at least ordinary level of formal education. That means one can be educated even without a university education. Tertiary education is not for everybody and those who are there are not superior to those who are not. It is only a required type of education for those whose goals and dreams in life could be shaped thereby, but if not it is a gross waste of time and wrong indoctrination. We should understand and discover our dreams and passions and should give them the most priority. We should take our destinies into our own hands, follow our dreams and not unnecessarily crave for university education and become a nuisance after graduating even with good grades. When schooling becomes indoctrination, only the truly educated ones become successful. To be successful in life requires more than just university education and most significant success stories in life are not as a result of it. The truly educated people are those who are original, resourceful and creative, who dream dreams and think out of the box to attain their dreams and fulfill their passions. They are those that acquire the only type of education that liberate their passions and help them to reach their set goals, not university graduates. True education is concerned not only with practical goals but also with values. Our aims assure us of our material life, our values make possible our spiritual life. In true education, anything that comes to our hand is as good as a book: the prank of a page- boy, the blunder of a servant, a few table talks they are all part of the curriculum. True education flowers at the point when delight falls in love with responsibility. No group and no government can properly prescribe precisely what should constitute the body of knowledge with which true education is concerned. No one has yet realized the wealth of sympathy, the kindness, and generosity hidden in the soul of a child. The effort of every true education should be to unlock that treasure.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Gender Roles in Edward Albee’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Essay
Though usually viewed as a violent play about turbulent marriages, Edward Albee’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? should be regarded as an early feminist text. Bonnie Finkelstein writes that the 1962 play portrays and analyzes the damaging effects of traditional, stereotypical gender roles, particularly for women; the play serves to point out how unrealistic, useless and extraordinarily damning they ultimately are. Finkelstein notes that the 1963 publication of Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique unofficially began a re-evaluation of gender roles in the United States (Finkelstein 55). Friedan explores the idea that women need more fulfillment in their lives than can be provided by the drudgery of childrearing and housekeeping. The book also carefully lays out what society has determined to be the ideal gender role requirements for women: â€Å"They could desire no greater destiny than to glory in their own femininity. Experts told them how to catch a man and keep him, how to breastfeed children and handle their toilet training†¦how to dress, look, and act more feminine and make marriage more exciting†¦They learned that truly feminine women do not want careers, higher education, political rights†¦All they had to do was devote their lives from earliest girlhood to finding a husband and bearing children.†(Friedan 15-16) And, more specifically: The suburban housewife†¦she was healthy, beautiful, educated, concerned only about her husband, her children, her home. She had found true feminine fulfillment.†(Friedan 18) Albee echoes this, noting by contrast what the ideal men and women in 1962 should be. In other words, his characters have failed at living up to gender roles and the play shows us how this quest has destroyed th... ...s flawed, proof that these gender roles are impossible to emulate. As Finkelstein notes, all four characters are afraid of Virginia Wolf, because she is, in 1962, the only icon of female equality society had. (Finkelstein 64) Works Cited Albee, Edward. Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? New York: Atheneum House, 1962. Finkelstein, Bonnie Blumenthal. â€Å"Albee’s Martha: Someone’s Daughter, Someone’s Wife, No One’s Mother.†American Drama (5) no. 1, Fall 1995. pg. 51-70. Friedan, Betty. The Feminine Mystique. New York: WW. Norton & Company, 1963. Julier, Laura. â€Å"Faces to the Dawn: Female Characters in Albee’s Plays.†Edward Albee: Planned Wilderness. Interviews, Essays and Bibliography. ed. Patricia De La Fuente. Edinburg, Texas: Pan American University Print Shop, 1980. Vogel, Paula. How I Learned to Drive. New York: Dramatists Play Service, 1998. Gender Roles in Edward Albee’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Essay Though usually viewed as a violent play about turbulent marriages, Edward Albee’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? should be regarded as an early feminist text. Bonnie Finkelstein writes that the 1962 play portrays and analyzes the damaging effects of traditional, stereotypical gender roles, particularly for women; the play serves to point out how unrealistic, useless and extraordinarily damning they ultimately are. Finkelstein notes that the 1963 publication of Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique unofficially began a re-evaluation of gender roles in the United States (Finkelstein 55). Friedan explores the idea that women need more fulfillment in their lives than can be provided by the drudgery of childrearing and housekeeping. The book also carefully lays out what society has determined to be the ideal gender role requirements for women: â€Å"They could desire no greater destiny than to glory in their own femininity. Experts told them how to catch a man and keep him, how to breastfeed children and handle their toilet training†¦how to dress, look, and act more feminine and make marriage more exciting†¦They learned that truly feminine women do not want careers, higher education, political rights†¦All they had to do was devote their lives from earliest girlhood to finding a husband and bearing children.†(Friedan 15-16) And, more specifically: The suburban housewife†¦she was healthy, beautiful, educated, concerned only about her husband, her children, her home. She had found true feminine fulfillment.†(Friedan 18) Albee echoes this, noting by contrast what the ideal men and women in 1962 should be. In other words, his characters have failed at living up to gender roles and the play shows us how this quest has destroyed th... ...s flawed, proof that these gender roles are impossible to emulate. As Finkelstein notes, all four characters are afraid of Virginia Wolf, because she is, in 1962, the only icon of female equality society had. (Finkelstein 64) Works Cited Albee, Edward. Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? New York: Atheneum House, 1962. Finkelstein, Bonnie Blumenthal. â€Å"Albee’s Martha: Someone’s Daughter, Someone’s Wife, No One’s Mother.†American Drama (5) no. 1, Fall 1995. pg. 51-70. Friedan, Betty. The Feminine Mystique. New York: WW. Norton & Company, 1963. Julier, Laura. â€Å"Faces to the Dawn: Female Characters in Albee’s Plays.†Edward Albee: Planned Wilderness. Interviews, Essays and Bibliography. ed. Patricia De La Fuente. Edinburg, Texas: Pan American University Print Shop, 1980. Vogel, Paula. How I Learned to Drive. New York: Dramatists Play Service, 1998.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Women in the Workforce Essay -- Women in the Workplace 2015
The sight of a working woman today is not something that causes one to look twice. However, this was not always the case. It was a long struggle for women to get to where they are today, and there is still a long way to go. There were a few momentous occasions throughout history that caused a shift in the way women were viewed as workers, such as the need for workers during World War II, the Equal Pay Act, and the appointment of Sandra Day O’Connor to the Supreme Court. Women have made great strides in integrating themselves into the workforce alongside men and continue to do so today. Throughout much of history, women have been viewed as inferior to men. In the 1800s and early 1900s, women were not allowed to hold the same jobs or positions as men. In 1890, women made up only 5% of all doctors in the United States (â€Å"Women’s History in America†). The reason that women were not accepted into many professions was that traditionally they were supposed to marry young and start bearing children. This expectation kept them from going to school and studying to become doctors or lawyers. It also kept women at home doing domestic work and caring for children rather than working outside the home. There was a large increase of working women in 1917 when the U.S. entered World War I (â€Å"Women of the Century†). Unfortunately, once the war ended in 1918 many women left their jobs and returned to domestic work, where they stayed for years after. The jobs that women did occupy at this time were often in terrible factory conditions with meager wages. This reflects the image of women as inferior and undeserving of the same rights and status as men. Eventually women began to tire of being subservient to men and started to yearn for their rights.... The New York Times. 8 October 2011. Web. 24 October 2012. New York Teacher. â€Å"Women’s Labor History Timeline: 1765- Present Day†. NYSUT: A Union of Professionals. 3 March 2009. Web. 24 October 2012. Sorenson, Aja. â€Å"The Image and Reality of Women who Worked During World War II†. National Park Service. Web. 1 November 2012. â€Å"Statistical Overview of Women in the Workplace†. Catalyst. 19 June 2012. Web. 1 November 2012. United States Census Bureau. â€Å"Women in the Workforce†. United States Census Bureau. Web. 24 October 2012. â€Å"Women and Work After World War II†. PBS. Web. 31 October 2012. â€Å"Women of the Century†. Discovery Education. Web. 31 October 2012. â€Å"Women’s History in America†. Women’s International Center. Web. 1 November 2012.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
A Guide to Health
The choices I voluntarily make are ones that impact how I feel in my awareness of being robust, and how those factors define my outlook of what health is. Every second of simply being alive in a way is almost a tribute to one's health. How we feel physically throughout the day, mentally from stress, and even emotionally from social interaction are all aspects of our health. One way these ideals came to prominence is from a quote the World Health Organization (WHO) used to define health in 1948, which follows as â€Å"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or Infirmity'.I find myself agreeing very strongly with the WHO because we experience health solely on these three major Influences of physical, mental and social. The outermost part of the human body comprises of the nervous system and how we react to different stimulus. To many people physical attributes are considered an inferior part of health in comparison to mental; however the sensations experienced from it are how we feel major determinants such as pain that influence our overall mood and perception of life.Any activity simply done by using our bodies is physical, and as such we affect this form of health by our choices of whether to exercise or not, maintain balance or even by putting strain on the body. We also experience health from a mental perspective which many people arguably say is the most Important component of all. The mind is what naturally makes a person him or herself, and any alteration or absence of It could greatly change a life. All humans experience mental health more than any other health because every conscious second we have makes use of It and how It corresponds to the other aspects of health.Lastly we experience health as well through a social or emotional proportion. Social health can be a double edged sword because statistically speaking people that interact and have support from others are more likely to be resistant to illness and overall more healthy from the influences peers. However, the choices we make as to who we choose to surround ourselves with can have negative effects, as well as leads to high stress and emotional outbursts which in some cases can allow some diseases to develop.Due to this, we experience health based upon our actions and decisions in everyday life that will mount overtime to our current state of health and how It will continue to grow in the future to come. Health Is greatly affected by the choices we all make in how we all wish to live our lives In a way that provides satisfaction and pleasure. However, what Is It that determines how we make these choices? Well because health Is such a diverse and Immense topic, there really Is not an answer or rather a correct one because health is entirely personal.Everyone has their own interpretations and how much and what they eat, hygiene, maintain required sleep and other activities ND so on. There are many different reasons why people do the things they do, and one of the most notably characteristics is one an individual has no control over; genetics. The genes a person inherits is from their family's history and dominant traits that persist. Whether good or bad, genetics to a degree play a major role in how a person thinks and how they are susceptible to not only certain diseases and illnesses but also personality types and attitudes.For instance, in many scientific studies there are experiments that support the fact of alcoholism being dominant in n offspring if the parent is shown to have a history with it, and results have shown a positive correlation so far. However as health is a very complex topic, there are also other factors to consider such as one's environment. The places we all grew up, the people we meet, and so on also play a role in who we become as people and how we think the way we do. Childhood is often considered the most crucial time of development for humans, and as such w e can be greatly affected by it.Our housing environments and surroundings raise the question of are our physical, mental, social ND security needs met as a child? We receive influence from how we are brought up from our families and our peers as well as the media as everyone offers different ideals and perspectives on any issue in life. Depending on the reality and influences we experience in our life time affect how we process information and decide how to interpret it. The people we become from our development and experiences as a child are how we evaluate and have our beliefs on matters such as health.Just as anyone else I am no exception to this principle and have my own background in health throughout my life. In my own personal opinion I agree strongly agree with many people that the most important aspect of health is mental. I feel that it is what drives us to have motivation and compassion to pursue what one desires whether it is good health or something else. With a strong and clear mind even people that are physically disabled inspire so many others by their determination to overcome their weakness and inability.Even without being physically healthy, as long as one has their mind they can still be happy and satisfied in their life which to some people is considered healthy since everyone has their own definition. Because of this I also think health cannot be measured on a scale or specifically to determine what is essentially â€Å"healthy'. Many reliable institutions such as the government put forth their ideals in what being healthy is, such as the Canadian food guide. However not every person eats the required amounts of servings listed in the Canadian food guide. And does that make them unhealthy?I do not believe so because as I have stated earlier health is a personal and very complex topic as there is no correct answer entirely. However I think that with regards to guides on health as the Canadian good guide and Body Mass Index (IBM) should ra ther be used as references or scales for one to model their life after. No one needs to follow these guides exactly, but should incorporate the knowledge they give into their lifestyle as way to improve health and keep it within a reasonable standard of being healthy as long as some of the criteria to a degree is met.I myself use this as my own interpretation of these public forms of information to better my health, however it is up to me use my own Judgment and exactly aligned with these paradigms, and that is perfectly alright. At times we usually want to be like everyone else or follow the standard, but occasionally you need to stick your head out the clouds and form your own opinions with the information given.Health is no exception as a concept we design and personalize ourselves to fit our own perceptions of what a healthy lifestyle involves. The components of physical, mental and social as well as the factors that influence are all tools we use to create our own definition of health and we apply it to our everyday lives. Being healthy to some may simply include Just being and feeling happy with one's self by having pride and inspiration to continue or change their options to improve and encourage health habits.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Isaac Asimov Essay
Isaac Asimov, the pre-eminent popular-science writer of the day and for more than 40 years one of the best and best-known writers of science fiction, died yesterday at New York University Hospital. He was 72 years old and lived in Manhattan. He died of heart and kidney failure, said his brother, Stanley. Mr. Asimov was amazingly prolific, writing nearly 500 books on a wide range of subjects, from works for preschoolers to college textbooks. He was perhaps best known for his science fiction and was a pioneer in elevating the genre from pulp-magazine adventure to a more intellectual level that dealt with sociology, history, mathematics and science. But he also wrote mysteries, as well as critically acclaimed books about the Bible, physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, limericks, humor, Shakespeare, Gilbert and Sullivan, ancient and modern history, and many other subjects. Mr. Asimov’s first book, â€Å"Pebble in the Sky†(Ballantine), a science-fiction novel, was published in 1950. His first 100 books took him 237 months, or almost 20 years, until October 1969, to write. His second 100, a milestone he reached in March 1979, took 113 months, or about 9 1/2 years  a rate of more than 10 books a year. His third 100 took only 69 months, until December 1984, or less than 6 years. â€Å"Writing is more fun than ever,†he said in a 1984 interview. â€Å"The longer I write, the easier it gets.†He once explained how he came to write â€Å"Asimov’s Guide to Shakespeare†(Crown). It began, he said, with a book called â€Å"Words of Science.††‘Science’ led to ‘Words on the Map,’ †he remarked, â€Å"which took me to ‘The Greeks,’ which led me to ‘The Roman Republic,’ ‘The Roman Empire,’ ‘The Egyptians,’ ‘The Near East,’ ‘The Dark Ages,’ ‘The Shaping of England’ and then ‘Words From History.’ It was an easy jump to ‘Words in Genesis,’ which brought on ‘Words From the Exodus.’ That led me to ‘Asimov’s Guide to the Old Testament,’ and then ‘The New Testament.’ So what was left except Shakespeare?†His usual routine was to awake at 6 A.M., sit down at the typewriter by 7:30 and work until 10 P.M. In â€Å"In Memory Yet Green,†the first volume of his autobiography, published in 1979, he explained how he became a compulsive writer. His Russian-born father owned a succession of candy stores in Brooklyn that were open from 6 A.M. to 1 A.M. seven days a week. Young Isaac got up at 6 o’clock every morning to deliver papers and rushed home from school to help out in the store every afternoon. If he was even a few minutes late, his father yelled at him for being a folyack, Yiddish for sluggard. Even more than 50 years later, he wrote: â€Å"It is a point of pride with me that though I have an alarm cloc k, I never set it, but get up at 6 A.M. anyway. I am still showing my father I’m not a folyack.†He Learns to Read, Then Teaches Sister Isaac Asimov was born Jan. 2, 1920, in the Soviet Union, near Smolensk, the son of Judah and Anna Rachel Berman Asimov. He was brought to the United States in 1923 and was naturalized in 1928. He taught himself to read before he was 5 years old, using the signs on his Brooklyn street. A couple of years later, with a little help from his father, he taught himself to read Yiddish. When he was 7, he taught his younger sister to read. He skipped several grades and received a high-school diploma when he was 15. After discovering science fiction on the magazine rack in his father’s store  and overcoming his father’s objections to fanciful subject matter  he tried writing science fiction himself and sold his first story when he was 18. The story, â€Å"Marooned Off Vesta,†ran in the October 1938 issue of Amazing Stories. Three years later, in 1941, he sold a story called â€Å"Nightfall†to Astounding Science Fiction, then the top magazine in the field. It was edited by John W. Campbell Jr., whose ability to find talented writers was largely responsible for what is considered the Golden Age of science fiction in the 1930’s and 40’s. Almost 30 years after â€Å"Nightfall†was published, the Science Fiction Writers of America voted it the best science-fiction short story ever written. Astounding Science paid a cent a word, Mr. Asimov once recalled. â€Å"So for a 12,000-word story I expected $120. I got a check for $150 and thought Mr. Campbell had made a mistake.†But when Mr. Asimov called to tell him, â€Å"he said the story had seemed so good to him he gave me a bonus of one-quarter cent a word.†Mr. Asimov graduated from Columbia University in 1939 with a bachelor of science degree, and earned an M.A. in 1941 and a Ph.D. in chemistry there in 1948. The next year, he accepted an offer from Boston University’s School of Medicine to teach biochemistry. â€Å"I didn’t feel impelled to tell them that I’d never had any biochemistry,†he recalled in a 1969 interview. â€Å"By 1951 I was writing a textbook on biochemistry, and I finally realized the only thing I really wanted to be was a writer.†He was made an associate professor of biochemistry in 1955 and a professor in 1979, although he stopped teaching in 1958 and only occasionally went back to the university to lecture. A Science Fiction Of Verve and Clarity Mr. Asimov’s science-fiction novels and stories won many awards: five Hugos, given by the fans, and three Nebula Awards, given by his fellow writers. His â€Å"Foundation Trilogy†(all published by Doubleday)  which takes place in a future galactic empire and consists of â€Å"Foundation†(1951), â€Å"Foundation and Empire†(1952) and â€Å"Second Founda tion†(1953)  was given a Hugo in 1966 as Best All-Time Science-Fiction Series. Among his nonfiction works, â€Å"Asimov’s New Guide to Science†is considered one of the best books about science for the layman. Reviewing â€Å"Foundation’s Edge†(Doubleday), a sequel to the trilogy and the first of Mr. Asimov’s books to make the New York Times best-seller list, the critic Gerald Jonas said in The New York Times Book Review in 1982: â€Å"He writes much better than he did 33 years ago  yet he has lost none of the verve he brought to this series when he and the galaxy were much younger. What more could one ask?†â€Å"Foundation’s Edge†won a Hugo in 1983 as the best science-fiction novel of the year. In recent years, Mr. Asimov wrote â€Å"Foundation and Earth†(1986) and â€Å"Prelude to Foundation†(1988). A final novel, â€Å"Forward the Foundation,†is to be published by Bantam Books later this year. Mr. Asimov himself made no great claims for his work. â€Å"I make no effor t to write poetically or in a high literary style,†he said in 1984. â€Å"I try only to write clearly and I have the very good fortune to think clearly so that the writing comes out as I think, in satisfactory shape.†â€Å"I never read Hemingway or Fitzgerald or Joyce or Kafka,†he once wrote. â€Å"To this day I am a stranger to 20th-century fiction and poetry, and I have no doubt that it shows in my writing.†No Typist or Agent, And No Airplanes He wrote his first drafts on his typewriter, and short articles and final drafts on a word processor, and he rewrote everything only once. â€Å"It’s not out of conceit,†he said. â€Å"But I have lots of stuff I’m committed to write and if I linger lovingly I won’t be able to write at all.†Not everything, however, fell into place easily. He once did a children’s book in a day, but the Shakespeare book took two years. The book he considered his favorite, â€Å"Murder at the A.B.A.†(1976), a mystery novel in which he himself was a character, took seven weeks; â€Å"The Gods Themselves†(1972), a science-fiction novel that won both the Hugo and the Nebula awards, took seven months. â€Å"I do all my own typing, my own research, answer my own mail,†Mr. Asimov once said. â€Å"I don’t even have a literary agent. This way there are no arguments, no instructions, no misunderstandings. I work every day. Sunday is my best day: no mail, no telephones. Writing is my only interest. Even speaking is an interruption.†Although he wrote about space travel through countless universes and light years, Mr. Asimov himself refused to fly. â€Å"Isaac says that he loves to fly into space and span the galaxies,†the editor Ben Bova once remarked. â€Å"But only in his imagination.†Among Mr. Asimov’s other well-known science-fiction works were â€Å"I, Robot†(1950), in which he invented his famous Three Laws of Robotics, which govern the relation of robots to their human masters: robots may not injure a human or, by inaction, allow a human to be harmed; robots must obey humans’ orders unless doing so conflicts with the fir st law; robots must protect their own existence unless doing so conflicts with the first two laws. Robot and galactic-empire themes eventually expanded and intertwined in 14 novels. Secret of Success: It’s All in the Genes He also wrote many nonfiction works and magazine articles on a wide range of subjects and was the editorial director of a magazine named after him  Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine  for which he wrote the editorials in each issue. He received the James T. Grady Award of the American Chemical Society in 1965 and the American Association for the Advancement of Science-Westinghouse Science Writing Award in 1967. Recently Mr. Asimov said he had had a prostate operation and was cutting back on his writing. He suspended his monthly column in Fantasy and Science Fiction magazine, to which he had contributed some 400 columns and articles over 33 years. Writing 10 or more books a year was standard procedure for Mr. Asimov, and he continued his busy pace after a heart attack in 1977 and triple bypass surgery in 1983. â€Å"I have been fortunate to be born with a restless and efficient brain, with a capacity for clear thought and an ability to put that thought into words,†he once remarked. â€Å"None of this is to my credit. I am the beneficiary of a lucky break in the genetic sweepstakes.†Mr. Asimov once told an interviewer about sadly contemplating death and the end of conscious thought. But, he said, he cheered himself with the thought that â€Å"I don’t have to worry about that, because there isn’t an idea I’ve ever had that I haven’t put down on paper.â€
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Swastika–a Symbol of Good and Evil
SOCS350-ON November 7, 2008 THE SWASTIKA-A SYMBOL OF GOOD AND EVIL The hackenkreuz, gamma cross, gammadion, St. Brigit’s cross, fylfot cross and swastika are all references to one symbol, the oldest cross in the world. This symbol is represented several thousand years B. C. in multiple cultures. It is not until the 1900’s that the term â€Å"swastika†elicits such a fervor of emotions. It is interesting to contrast the viewpoints of the Chinese community versus the enormity of human passion that ensues in a Jewish community when the symbol is displayed. As cited in Chinese Symbols – Common Five Asian Attributes,http:symbolic-meanings. com/2007/11/01chinese-symbols-commonAncient Chinese symbols and their meanings are a product of a very savvy people who understood the human need to progress in their conjunction with their propensity to link positive change with visual/allegorical concepts. The Chinese believe that crises in one’s life bring the opportunity for change. Symbolism is incorporated in the kanji, more commonly referred to as Chinese characters. Kanji, itself means both crises and opportunity. As many people of China embrace the Buddhist religion, it is an opportunity to discuss the swastika from this point of view. As cited in ReligionFacts; â€Å" The Swastika Symbol in Buddhism†htt//symbolic-meanings. com/2007/11/01chinese-symbols-common Page 2 Swastika In Buddhism, the swastika signifies auspiciousness and good fortune as well as the Buddha’s footprints and the Buddha’s heart. The swastika is said to contain the whole mind of the Buddha and can often be found imprinted on the chest, feet or palms of Buddha images. It is also the first of the 65 auspicious symbols on the footprint of the Buddha. The swastika will also be found in homes, on the doorways to temples, at the beginning of books, in decorative borders and in clothing as well as being carved into Chinese coins. The swastika is seen as a symbol of luck and life. As cited in NewsFinder. org/site/more/swastika â€Å"The Oldest Known Symbol†In Nazi Germany, the swastika became the national symbol. In 1910, a poet and nationalist, Guido von List suggested that the swastika be a symbol for all anti Semitic organizations. On August 7, 1920, at the Salzburg Congress, this flag became the official emblem of the Nazi Party. The actual drawing of the thousands of year old swastika remained the same with one exception after the adoption by the Nazi’sâ€â€the exclusive use of the colors black, red and white. The swastika holds a vivid, powerful vision for those of the Jewish community. The impact though now changes from positive and serene as seen with the Chinese community to that of conjuring up memories of the holocaust, a time of horror and hate. The brief appropriation by the Nazi’s of the swastika has forever destroyed the positive a Page 3 Swastika and serene interpretation of this symbol for much of the world but especially for those of Hebrew belief. So deeply imbedded in the minds of those with an ancestry to Judaism that to merely see the swastika is to re-live the stories of the holocaust, the inhumanity and despair. So powerful a symbol is that the swastika can create havoc on one’s limbic system. Though fewer victims are left now from this reign of terror, the legacy lives on to this day and assuredly shall for many generations to come. Two cultures, two moments in time, two opposing interpretations as related to a simple drawing have been discussed. The power is of course not in the drawing, but in the meaning perceived by the drawing. In one culture we see the swastika as life, in the other we see the swastika as a vile destruction of life.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Cyp 3.7
CYP 3. 7:Understand how to support positive outcomes for children and young people 1. 1 Describe the social, economic and cultural factors that will impact on the lives of children and young people. There are many factors that can have an impact on young people’s lives but the three main factors that I’ve chosen to consider in this assignment are social, cultural and economic. Social Factors One of the major social factors, which can impact on the outcomes and life chances of young people is neglect.Without proper guidance in life children cannot learn what society regards as acceptable behaviour and if a child is being neglected they won’t understand that what they are experiencing is not normal behaviour. They may react to situations in a way that is acceptable within their home environment but which is certainly not acceptable in wider society. This behaviour can in turn have an adverse effect on the child’s education as they overstep boundaries, are di sruptive and disobedient and may end up getting suspended from school.Neglect in the child’s home environment can mean that they find it hard to make friendships in life as they are not used to other company and are naturally distrustful. If a child suffers from a disability or illness they may have to miss a lot of school, which can have a major impact on their education and they may fall behind. The child may struggle to make friendships, as they are not on the same level as their peers. This can lead the child to feeling very isolated and cause feelings of anger and resentment, which can then lead to behavioural problems.Economic Factors Poverty is a factor, which can have a major impact on children’s lives, as their parents may not be able to afford proper food and this can lead the child to suffer from malnutrition. If a child is not getting the nutrition that they require, they’ll suffer from a lack of concentration and their schoolwork will likely deterio rate. A side effect of poverty is not being able to afford adequate housing. People on low incomes cannot usually afford mortgages and so often live in poorer social housing, this can have several disadvantages for their children.Social housing can often be small and crowded and make it difficult for children to find sufficient space to complete homework, causing them to fall behind in their education. People who rely on social housing don’t often get to chose the area in which they live in so they may end up staying in an area where it is not safe for the children to go out or indeed anywhere for them to play, therefore the children will not be able to form friendships and may feel isolated.In some cases the child’s living conditions may be very poor and dampness and a lack of affordable heating may cause health problems such as asthma, resulting in them having to take time off school and missing out on their education. Cultural Factors One of the main cultural factor s is that of religious beliefs. Children with different religious beliefs follow specific customs and often attend particular schools where they only meet children who are being brought up with the same beliefs.This enforced isolation may mean that children may struggle to understand other people’s lifestyle when they interact with them and they may therefore find it hard to make relationships with other people. Children can often be discriminated against because of their different beliefs leading to feelings of isolation and victimisation. Although each of the previously mentioned individual factors may have the same outcomes, without support and intervention their effects can continue over the years and lead families into a vicious cycle of mistrust and despair.As care workers we must work closely with the families to assist and help as best as we can. 1. 2 Explain the importance and impact of poverty on outcomes and life chances for children and young people In my role as a classroom assistant I feel that the factor, which has the most severe impact is poverty. Poverty is becoming one of the biggest concerns within the UK with a recent survey showing that the government spends at least ? 25billion a year trying to alleviate child poverty.The limitations placed on children who grow up in poverty often results in poorer academic qualifications, lower job prospects and reduced expectations. 1. 3 Explain the role of children and young people’s personal choices and experiences on their outcomes and life chances As individuals we all have the right to make our own choices, unfortunately some of the choices we make can have a negative impact on our life. Children who come from low-income families often live in rural areas where there is a higher crime rate.These children subsequently end up hanging around with people who have a negative influence on them and getting involved in criminal activities, drugs and alcohol. Children are making personal choi ces from an early age, when they go to nursery they decide which toys to play with or who they make their friends. Some children can be louder and more boisterous than others and may display unwanted behaviour; other children will copy this behaviour thinking that it is acceptable and become disruptive in turn.As a care worker it is my responsibility to teach the children which behaviours are acceptable and which are not, if the child is being naughty they will be put in â€Å"time out†to teach them that the behaviour they were displaying is unacceptable. 2. 1Identify the positive outcomes for children and young people that practitioners should be striving to achieve As a care practitioner I place the needs of the children at the top of my work. Children respect care workers who can relate to them, communicate well with them and who enjoy working with them.I and the other classroom assistants in my school are committed to ensuring that all children have the chance to enjoy a nd achieve, to be healthy, to stay safe and to make a positive contribution and experience economic well-being. Within school we encourage children to eat healthily, we provide healthy meals and snacks for break and lunch and children are encouraged to drink water rather than fizzy drinks. Within the school setting we ensure that the child is kept safe and we continuously promote children’s welfare and ensure that we take all ecessary steps to reduce the spread of infection. It is necessary to ensure that the children are kept safe so we need to ensure that the level of staffing is appropriate. The environment in which I work, and the equipment provided for the children, must be appropriate for their age level in order to ensure development at the proper rate. 2. 2 Explain the importance of designing services around the needs of children and young people Children are unique and as a care practitioner it is my responsibility to ensure that every child’s needs are catere d for individually.It is essential to establish what their needs are, so that they can be met correctly and this can be done by liasing with parents, carers, and professionals such as GPs, speech therapists and occupational therapists in observing the child’s progress. 2. 3 Explain the importance of active participation of children and young people in decisions affecting their lives It is important that children have a say in what is happening throughout their lives, no matter what age. We must value the child’s views, thoughts and opinions in order to give the child a sense of belonging and control of their life and well-being.It is important that children learn the process of decision-making and what consequences can come from the decisions they have made and how to deal with them. As a care worker I work with children to try and help them to make the right decisions; if however they choose to make a decision that is not acceptable, for example to hit another child o r throw something, they will be asked to â€Å"take time out†and think about what they have done, only when they are ready to say sorry for their actions are they allowed to come back and join their friends.This process is to help children at an early age learn what is right from wrong. 2. 4 Explain how to support children and young people according to their age, needs and ability to make personal choices and experiences that have a positive impact on their lives Every child is different and as they grow up their needs change. When working with children it is important that we allow them to express their thoughts, views and opinions and most importantly that we listen to them.We may not always agree with their views or opinions but as a classroom assistant I work closely with the children’s parents and the child to try and come to a compromise and explain a different path to the child, always stressing that we are only trying to do what is best for them. 3. 1 Explain the potential impact of disability on the outcomes and life chances of children and young people Children who suffer from a physical impairment or require special requirements are no different than other children, they are just more dependent on their carers.Children may have an impairment which gives rise to disability. A child can have a sensory impairment, which can involve either a loss of hearing or restricted vision. A physical impairment or learning difficulty may occur due to a result of genetic inheritance, an accident or disease or due to complications before or during birth. Some children may have difficulty with emotional or social development, lack of communication and interaction and behaviour problems. Children who experience any of these difficulties often suffer from autism.There are both positive and negative outcomes for children with a disability. Children with physical impairments don’t have a strong immune system therefore their health won’t be as healthy and they may have to miss a lot of school which obviously will have a detrimental effect on their education and future career aspects. Children with a disability can have poor self-esteem as they feel they’re not as capable as other children; they can find it hard to communicate with their peers and may feel isolated and unwanted.As a classroom assistant it is important that my co-workers and I focus on what the children can do rather on what they can’t achieve. By adjusting the environment in which the child learns in and making it suitable for the child’s needs and providing appropriate facilities and resources it allows the child to feel confident and learn new skills. Don’t think of children with a disability or as special needs think of them as children with specific or additional requirements. Within my setting we aim to give all children the same opportunities and ensure that no one feels isolated.For example within my school we have child ren who require 1:1 assistance so instead of removing them from group situations we let them sit at the table with their peers but give them the extra support they need this way they don’t feel left out. 3. 2 Explain the importance of positive attitudes towards disability and specific requirements It is important to display positive attitudes towards children with disabilities and special requirements, so that the child feels valued and respected and doesn’t feel isolated within the class setting.As a care practitioner it is important that I show a positive attitude towards the child and set a good example for the other children. 3. 3 Explain the social and medical models of disability and the impact of each on practice Children with disabilities are often left feeling outcast and discriminated against. The medical model holds the traditional view that a child can be cured through medical intervention, whereas in fact in most cases of physical impairment there is no cu re. They expect disabled people to change to fit into society.Alternatively, the social model of disability looks at ways to address issues which will enable children to achieve their potential by adapting the environment the child is learning and living in so that the child can feel more included. By adapting the child’s environment and removing any barriers you are allowing them the chance to learn and achieve new things, which improves their confidence and self-esteem. 3. 4 Explain the different types of support that are available for disabled children and yond people and those with specific requirements.There are many services available for children with disabilities. Speech and language therapists can work with children to improve the child’s communication skills. Occupational therapists can also be involved in the child’s development by providing walking frames for children with physical impairments. As a classroom assistant we liase with many professional and the children’s parents to ensure they are getting all the appropriate care and assistance available to enhance their development. 4. Explain the meaning of equality, diversity and inclusion in the context of positive outcomes for children and young people It is essential within my school that each child is treated fairly and with respect. Equality is about making sure that each child is given the same chance as each other, it is not about treating everyone the same way, but rather by recognising that each individual has different needs. Children must not be discriminated against because of their race, gender, disability, religious beliefs or age. Diversity is about treating students as individuals.Teachers need to ensure that their methods cover every child’s learning abilities since children come from different religious and cultural backgrounds. It is imperative that we treat students with respect at all times and always give consideration to each individualâ₠¬â„¢s specific needs. Inclusion means ensuring that everyone is included in tasks. As a classroom assistant I make sure that the tasks are divided out equally and that children take turns. We have charts within our class that set out the children’s tasks for that day and we rotate these every day to ensure that no one is left out.Every child has different needs and requirements and it is important as a classroom assistant that I learn and understand each child’s individual needs so that they can be catered for. 4. 2 Compare, giving examples ways in which services for children, young people and their carers take account of and promote equality, diversity and inclusion to promote positive outcomes One of the things that we do within my school is that we teach the children about different cultures. We recently held our annual French Day where both staff and pupils dressed in French clothes and ate French foods such as croissants and crepes.One of the most inspiring moment s that day, was watching a wheelchair bound pupil in my class who loves playing with sand, sitting contentedly in the sand pit (having been helped out of his wheelchair and being supervised so that he didn’t fall) wearing a beret and neckerchief and putting small French flags on top of the sandcastles he made. This was an example of inclusion in practice and just one of the many opportunities my school gives to children to help them gain independence and confidence.
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