Saturday, September 14, 2019
Cyp 3.7
CYP 3. 7:Understand how to support positive outcomes for children and young people 1. 1 Describe the social, economic and cultural factors that will impact on the lives of children and young people. There are many factors that can have an impact on young people’s lives but the three main factors that I’ve chosen to consider in this assignment are social, cultural and economic. Social Factors One of the major social factors, which can impact on the outcomes and life chances of young people is neglect.Without proper guidance in life children cannot learn what society regards as acceptable behaviour and if a child is being neglected they won’t understand that what they are experiencing is not normal behaviour. They may react to situations in a way that is acceptable within their home environment but which is certainly not acceptable in wider society. This behaviour can in turn have an adverse effect on the child’s education as they overstep boundaries, are di sruptive and disobedient and may end up getting suspended from school.Neglect in the child’s home environment can mean that they find it hard to make friendships in life as they are not used to other company and are naturally distrustful. If a child suffers from a disability or illness they may have to miss a lot of school, which can have a major impact on their education and they may fall behind. The child may struggle to make friendships, as they are not on the same level as their peers. This can lead the child to feeling very isolated and cause feelings of anger and resentment, which can then lead to behavioural problems.Economic Factors Poverty is a factor, which can have a major impact on children’s lives, as their parents may not be able to afford proper food and this can lead the child to suffer from malnutrition. If a child is not getting the nutrition that they require, they’ll suffer from a lack of concentration and their schoolwork will likely deterio rate. A side effect of poverty is not being able to afford adequate housing. People on low incomes cannot usually afford mortgages and so often live in poorer social housing, this can have several disadvantages for their children.Social housing can often be small and crowded and make it difficult for children to find sufficient space to complete homework, causing them to fall behind in their education. People who rely on social housing don’t often get to chose the area in which they live in so they may end up staying in an area where it is not safe for the children to go out or indeed anywhere for them to play, therefore the children will not be able to form friendships and may feel isolated.In some cases the child’s living conditions may be very poor and dampness and a lack of affordable heating may cause health problems such as asthma, resulting in them having to take time off school and missing out on their education. Cultural Factors One of the main cultural factor s is that of religious beliefs. Children with different religious beliefs follow specific customs and often attend particular schools where they only meet children who are being brought up with the same beliefs.This enforced isolation may mean that children may struggle to understand other people’s lifestyle when they interact with them and they may therefore find it hard to make relationships with other people. Children can often be discriminated against because of their different beliefs leading to feelings of isolation and victimisation. Although each of the previously mentioned individual factors may have the same outcomes, without support and intervention their effects can continue over the years and lead families into a vicious cycle of mistrust and despair.As care workers we must work closely with the families to assist and help as best as we can. 1. 2 Explain the importance and impact of poverty on outcomes and life chances for children and young people In my role as a classroom assistant I feel that the factor, which has the most severe impact is poverty. Poverty is becoming one of the biggest concerns within the UK with a recent survey showing that the government spends at least ? 25billion a year trying to alleviate child poverty.The limitations placed on children who grow up in poverty often results in poorer academic qualifications, lower job prospects and reduced expectations. 1. 3 Explain the role of children and young people’s personal choices and experiences on their outcomes and life chances As individuals we all have the right to make our own choices, unfortunately some of the choices we make can have a negative impact on our life. Children who come from low-income families often live in rural areas where there is a higher crime rate.These children subsequently end up hanging around with people who have a negative influence on them and getting involved in criminal activities, drugs and alcohol. Children are making personal choi ces from an early age, when they go to nursery they decide which toys to play with or who they make their friends. Some children can be louder and more boisterous than others and may display unwanted behaviour; other children will copy this behaviour thinking that it is acceptable and become disruptive in turn.As a care worker it is my responsibility to teach the children which behaviours are acceptable and which are not, if the child is being naughty they will be put in â€Å"time out†to teach them that the behaviour they were displaying is unacceptable. 2. 1Identify the positive outcomes for children and young people that practitioners should be striving to achieve As a care practitioner I place the needs of the children at the top of my work. Children respect care workers who can relate to them, communicate well with them and who enjoy working with them.I and the other classroom assistants in my school are committed to ensuring that all children have the chance to enjoy a nd achieve, to be healthy, to stay safe and to make a positive contribution and experience economic well-being. Within school we encourage children to eat healthily, we provide healthy meals and snacks for break and lunch and children are encouraged to drink water rather than fizzy drinks. Within the school setting we ensure that the child is kept safe and we continuously promote children’s welfare and ensure that we take all ecessary steps to reduce the spread of infection. It is necessary to ensure that the children are kept safe so we need to ensure that the level of staffing is appropriate. The environment in which I work, and the equipment provided for the children, must be appropriate for their age level in order to ensure development at the proper rate. 2. 2 Explain the importance of designing services around the needs of children and young people Children are unique and as a care practitioner it is my responsibility to ensure that every child’s needs are catere d for individually.It is essential to establish what their needs are, so that they can be met correctly and this can be done by liasing with parents, carers, and professionals such as GPs, speech therapists and occupational therapists in observing the child’s progress. 2. 3 Explain the importance of active participation of children and young people in decisions affecting their lives It is important that children have a say in what is happening throughout their lives, no matter what age. We must value the child’s views, thoughts and opinions in order to give the child a sense of belonging and control of their life and well-being.It is important that children learn the process of decision-making and what consequences can come from the decisions they have made and how to deal with them. As a care worker I work with children to try and help them to make the right decisions; if however they choose to make a decision that is not acceptable, for example to hit another child o r throw something, they will be asked to â€Å"take time out†and think about what they have done, only when they are ready to say sorry for their actions are they allowed to come back and join their friends.This process is to help children at an early age learn what is right from wrong. 2. 4 Explain how to support children and young people according to their age, needs and ability to make personal choices and experiences that have a positive impact on their lives Every child is different and as they grow up their needs change. When working with children it is important that we allow them to express their thoughts, views and opinions and most importantly that we listen to them.We may not always agree with their views or opinions but as a classroom assistant I work closely with the children’s parents and the child to try and come to a compromise and explain a different path to the child, always stressing that we are only trying to do what is best for them. 3. 1 Explain the potential impact of disability on the outcomes and life chances of children and young people Children who suffer from a physical impairment or require special requirements are no different than other children, they are just more dependent on their carers.Children may have an impairment which gives rise to disability. A child can have a sensory impairment, which can involve either a loss of hearing or restricted vision. A physical impairment or learning difficulty may occur due to a result of genetic inheritance, an accident or disease or due to complications before or during birth. Some children may have difficulty with emotional or social development, lack of communication and interaction and behaviour problems. Children who experience any of these difficulties often suffer from autism.There are both positive and negative outcomes for children with a disability. Children with physical impairments don’t have a strong immune system therefore their health won’t be as healthy and they may have to miss a lot of school which obviously will have a detrimental effect on their education and future career aspects. Children with a disability can have poor self-esteem as they feel they’re not as capable as other children; they can find it hard to communicate with their peers and may feel isolated and unwanted.As a classroom assistant it is important that my co-workers and I focus on what the children can do rather on what they can’t achieve. By adjusting the environment in which the child learns in and making it suitable for the child’s needs and providing appropriate facilities and resources it allows the child to feel confident and learn new skills. Don’t think of children with a disability or as special needs think of them as children with specific or additional requirements. Within my setting we aim to give all children the same opportunities and ensure that no one feels isolated.For example within my school we have child ren who require 1:1 assistance so instead of removing them from group situations we let them sit at the table with their peers but give them the extra support they need this way they don’t feel left out. 3. 2 Explain the importance of positive attitudes towards disability and specific requirements It is important to display positive attitudes towards children with disabilities and special requirements, so that the child feels valued and respected and doesn’t feel isolated within the class setting.As a care practitioner it is important that I show a positive attitude towards the child and set a good example for the other children. 3. 3 Explain the social and medical models of disability and the impact of each on practice Children with disabilities are often left feeling outcast and discriminated against. The medical model holds the traditional view that a child can be cured through medical intervention, whereas in fact in most cases of physical impairment there is no cu re. They expect disabled people to change to fit into society.Alternatively, the social model of disability looks at ways to address issues which will enable children to achieve their potential by adapting the environment the child is learning and living in so that the child can feel more included. By adapting the child’s environment and removing any barriers you are allowing them the chance to learn and achieve new things, which improves their confidence and self-esteem. 3. 4 Explain the different types of support that are available for disabled children and yond people and those with specific requirements.There are many services available for children with disabilities. Speech and language therapists can work with children to improve the child’s communication skills. Occupational therapists can also be involved in the child’s development by providing walking frames for children with physical impairments. As a classroom assistant we liase with many professional and the children’s parents to ensure they are getting all the appropriate care and assistance available to enhance their development. 4. Explain the meaning of equality, diversity and inclusion in the context of positive outcomes for children and young people It is essential within my school that each child is treated fairly and with respect. Equality is about making sure that each child is given the same chance as each other, it is not about treating everyone the same way, but rather by recognising that each individual has different needs. Children must not be discriminated against because of their race, gender, disability, religious beliefs or age. Diversity is about treating students as individuals.Teachers need to ensure that their methods cover every child’s learning abilities since children come from different religious and cultural backgrounds. It is imperative that we treat students with respect at all times and always give consideration to each individualâ₠¬â„¢s specific needs. Inclusion means ensuring that everyone is included in tasks. As a classroom assistant I make sure that the tasks are divided out equally and that children take turns. We have charts within our class that set out the children’s tasks for that day and we rotate these every day to ensure that no one is left out.Every child has different needs and requirements and it is important as a classroom assistant that I learn and understand each child’s individual needs so that they can be catered for. 4. 2 Compare, giving examples ways in which services for children, young people and their carers take account of and promote equality, diversity and inclusion to promote positive outcomes One of the things that we do within my school is that we teach the children about different cultures. We recently held our annual French Day where both staff and pupils dressed in French clothes and ate French foods such as croissants and crepes.One of the most inspiring moment s that day, was watching a wheelchair bound pupil in my class who loves playing with sand, sitting contentedly in the sand pit (having been helped out of his wheelchair and being supervised so that he didn’t fall) wearing a beret and neckerchief and putting small French flags on top of the sandcastles he made. This was an example of inclusion in practice and just one of the many opportunities my school gives to children to help them gain independence and confidence.
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